B2: Story 4 * St. Elmo's Fire escapades*

Do you beleive in St. Elmo's fire? for me, I do! because I had seen it personally and I assure you they exist. There are several individual who had seen it specially after the rain you will see it jumping up and down in a ball of fire and when you see it nearby it looks like a skull surrounded by fire.

Let me start my story in how it began,

Eugene and Pete are friends, actually they are bestfriends. They are of the same age, nine years old, classmates in school as well as neighbours. After classes they use to spend their times in different kinds of play sometimes ballgames such as baseball , volleyball, basketball or hide and seek or swimming in the river without any clothes. Sometimes they asked us to play with them being their neighbours we usually give in being a child who is fond of playing.

One saturday afternoon, me and my older sister Cez play with them my older sister being the same age with them and I was six years old, there are other kids such as Leona and Little the older sister and younger brother of Eugene and Jake and Loren brother and sister of Pete we are all eight in the group and we decided to play in Eugene's house because both of their parents go to the market no one will restrict us from being noisy.

" Why don't we try other games to play?", Pete suggested.

" But we enjoy playing hide and seek", I complain.

" It's boring!", the boys said in unison.

" Let's try anothet game", Eugene agreed.

" I had heard from the radio drama why don't we try this", Little suggested, we enjoy hide and seek game but the boys got bored and they want something more exciting. A drama they had heard in radio, about a kidnapping incident. the plot is me and Leona will be the kidnap victim, Pete , Jake and my older sister Cez are the kidnappers and Eugene and Little are the policemen that will rescue the kidnap victims. At first they used toy guns, because of course it was a rescue mission so there are encounters between the kidnappers and the policemen. Because of the intense exchange of gunfires , unexpectedly Eugene pick up the 45 caliber from the altar, service firearm of his father who is a policeman .

" I'll kill you all!", we heard Eugene said and he point the real gun at Pete.

" I'll kill you too!", Peter replied readying his toygun to fight..

" Bang!", we heard the gunshot and Pete falldown the floor and his blood begins to spread in the floor.

" Idiot! why you shoot him with a real gun?", Leona ask her younger brother angrily.

" I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to" Eugene dropped the gun in the floor he was so shock as he ran to Pete trying to wake up the unconscious boy.

" You killed him", Leona accused him.

" I'm sorry, I didn't mean to kill you, Pete please get up ! please!", Eugene lamented as he hug his friend's dead body.

Everybody are shock of what just happened we run in different direction, Loren and Jake run home to report to their parents what happened, we had seen the arrival of Eugene's mom ,but me and my sister run home, we are scared to see so many blood that scattered in Eugene's house floor ,after a few hours Pete's parents talk to our mom.

" Cez, have you seen where they place Pete body?"', our mom ask my sister while Pete parents are waiting for the answer.

" Just lying in the floor when we run away", my sister said.

" She's a devil, she said they brought him to the hospital but she can't tell where", Pete's father is very angry.

" They will not let Eugene talk to us ", Pete's mother said crying.

" If you think they didn't bring him to the hospital then they might jjust put him somewhere near here", my mom said.

" I think so, but they will not tell us where they put his body", Pete's father said.

" She's really a devil for hiding the child's body", my mom is disappointed by the look of her.

" She has no consideration for the agony we feel right now", Pete's mom said.

After a few minutes more and the policemen whom informed by Pete's uncle arrived and they search the area and recovered his body from the well. They found out that the mom of Eugene thrown Pete's body and blood in the well, they tried to hide the truth, but Eugene direct them to the well and tell the police what's the truth. The incident cause a big chaos, Eugene's father had been given sanction for being careless with his gun, he had been ordered to pay Pete's family for a damage and compensation and his future retirement was at stake because of what happened.

After a few years a st. elmo's fire was seen coming out from the well where the blood and body of Pete was thrown.

" Look at that, a ball of fire coming our way", my sister said upon seeing the ball of fire coming in our direction.

"What are we going to do?", I ask her.

" Run! as fast as you can ", my sister said then she run fast.

" Please wait for me," but my sister is no longer beside me it was too late when I realized I wasn't moving away I was still running in the same spot, I was even surprised to see it near me, it looks like a skull surrounded by fire nearby jumpimg up and down. Then my sister hold my hand and say to the ball of fire.

." I'm so sorry for what happened to you, but please don't scare us",I heard her say.

." You know that thing?", I innocently ask my sister.

" Yes! we know him, he is Pete", she said as she nodded .

" Really? why he became a ball of fire", I ask unbeleiving.

" I have no idea, but I told you to run fast", she said and pulled me running in the direction of our house. There are some who had seen the ball of fire but we know he mean no harm to anybody. As I get older I understand that he was just a child playing at the time of his death..