Chapter Three

[P.O.V Adriana Braxton]

"P.. pl..please... St.. stop.." My words coming out in sobs, they all laugh at me. Closing my eyes, waiting for the torture to end.

Listening, I can hear something shattering, making my heartbeat even louder. The five men holding me down were pulled off me. 'What happening?' I can hear them yelling at someone opening my eyes. Two men figures were standing in front of me with their backs turned. The truck headlights were all busted, nothing but darkness. The only lighting there was, was the dim moon and stars.

"Now that not a nice way to treat a lady. What do you think, brother?" A deep dark voice said.

"Not a nice way at all." A similar voice said.

Watching the two figures, they started to brawl with the other men. Hearing something shattering again and hearing some weird animal-like growl. The anxiety takes over my body, sending me into hyperventilating. One of the men figures kneels before me. He had the most beautiful light blue eyes with a silver hint and a little brown around the pupil. It was like there were almost glowing.

"I need you to take a deep breath. Can you do that?" A similar voice asked, nodding my head yes. "Good now, breath in." Taking a deep breath in and holding it. "Breath out." Letting my breath out. I don't know how long we did that, but being near him made me feel a little safe and calmer. 'Why do I feel like this? Safe? Calm? He's a stranger. I shouldn't feel like this.' asking myself.

The drunk men were knocked out cold. The other man figure looked at me with glowing, gorgeous green eyes with a hint of gold, which made my heart beat fast again, not in fear or anxiety. The kind of butterflies you get when having a huge crush on someone kind of way. He mumbles something making blue eyes look at him, all surprised and shocked.

"Is she alright?" Green eyes asked with a hot, sexy, dark, and deep voice sending delicious shivers down my spine.

"She fine just need to get her home and plenty of rest." Blue eyes say.

"I will take her home while you call the police to come to get these douche bags."

"Of course." Blue eyes got up, headed towards a car. While Green eyes looked at me, I could feel the anger radiating off him but also a concern. Taking off his hoodie, he hands it to me.

"You're going to need this." Looking down, realizing I have only my cut strapped bra on and unbuttoned shorts. Taking the hoodie from him, he looks away while I slip it on, buttoning my shorts back up.

"I'm decent.." Mumbling quietly, thinking he didn't hear me, but he did. His green eyes looking at me, he kneels in front of me.

"I'm going to pick you up and take you home, alright?" Nodding my head yes, he puts his arms underneath my legs. Picking me up in bridal style and when are skin touched. Little electric shocks were running all over my skin. It felt so good I gasped. He continues to carry me like he didn't even feel it. We got to the car where blue eyes were at. Blue eyes opened the front passenger door as green eyes sat me down. Closing the door, they talked for a minute, then green eyes got in and drove off.

Don't know how he knew where I lived? But yet again, it is a small town. Everyone knows where everyone lives. Stopping at the end of the driveway, he got out and opened my door. Couldn't help but look at him curiously. 'Why did he park here?'

"I didn't want to wake anyone up in the house." Answering like he knew what I was asking and thinking.

Just nodding mine to his reply. Getting out of the car, he walked me to the end of the driveway. It wasn't an awkward walk but a quiet and peaceful walk. He stopped and looked at me with those green eyes. With a hint of gold and looking deeper into them, I realized he a slight blue around his pupil. I also notice he was very tall, about 6,5. He was very muscular.

"This is where I stop.. You are going to be fine? Just get some sleep and something to eat, alright?" Nodding my head 'yes' because I was breathless with those eyes staring back at mine. He nodded and started to walk down the driveway. Just like my mouth has its own mind, the words slipped out.

"Who are you?" My voice coming out breathless.

"Someone who just saved you." His deep voice sending delicious shivers down my spine. Making my heart rate spike up. He wouldn't even look at me; just his back turned to me, walking away. 'Who is he?' Wondering and having a good feeling that it's not the last time I will be seeing him.

Going into the house, Scarlet was asleep, thank goodness. I really didn't want her to see me like this. Entering my room, taking a deep breath, and letting it all out. 'How can a stranger make me feel so breathless?' Deciding to take a shower to wash the night away. Before taking off his hoodie, taking a deep breath in smelling it. His scent is intoxicating, making me want to smell it all night. Placing the hoodie on the bathroom sink counter. Stripping my cut bra off, throwing it in the garbage can. Taking the rest of my clothes off just enjoying the hot water running down my body.

After getting clean up, putting the green eyes hoodie back on and a pair of underwear. Pulling the covers back, getting into bed, falling into a heavy sleep. Didn't have any nightmare, just dreams of green eyes.

Downstairs in the kitchen helping Scarlet make goodies for Dark Wood Annual Fall Celebration. It is in three days; they do it every year the week right before Halloween. The whole town celebrates, bringing different goodies for the town to buy at their booth. Hay bail maze, kid games, and even a small concert. It all super fun and great.

"You came home really late last night," Scarlet says with concern and curiosity. At the same time, frosting a cupcake in her hand.

"I walked home." Trying to sound like last night didn't happen. 'And I also almost got raped.' Thinking to myself, but she doesn't need to know that, not yet anyway.

"I see... Then who was in the driveway with you last night?" Looking up at her, she was staring at me with her investigating look.

"I thought you were asleep?" Manage to say without choking on my spit.

"My window was open. Heard you outside talking to someone." All I could manage was an "oh" look on my face.

"Who was he?" Scarlet had a huge smile on her face.

"I don't know... Didn't catch his name." Do remember how being near him made me feel more alive than I have felt in a while—his deep and dark voice sending delicious shivers down my spine. How my heart would beat fast, and my stomach filled with butterflies. Those eyes made me feel like it's where I belong to be with him. His touches make my body want him in so many ways. Scarlet starts waving her hand in front of my face.

"Adri? Are you okay? I have been trying to get you the attention you zoned off with that huge smile on your face". 'Just thinking about him put a huge smile on my face?' I didn't even realize that it did, which just made me blush.

"Wow... I haven't seen you like this since before... you know who." Before coming here with Scarlet and Jacob, I was with a man that abused me. Scarlet doesn't like mentioning his name, and either does I. We talked and laughed for the next few hours until I had to get dressed and get ready for work. Someone knocking on my door, telling them to enter. Scarlet walks in all serious and looking very angry.

"Hey, Scar, what up?" Trying to figure out why she looks like that. 'What wrong with her?'

"Sheriff Miles was just here to talk to you about some sexual harassment charges. That happened last night... Did you forget to tell me something?" Using her mother's tone.

"I was going to tell you when I was ready," Sighing deeply, I really didn't want her to know yet. "Is the Sheriff still here?"

"No, I told him you would be down at the station before work. Now please tell me what happened?" Knowing Scar, she is not going to stop digging until I do. Telling her what happened last night, she cried, knowing her best friend was in danger. I Even cried with her, and after we both calmed down, she took my hand in hers.

"Are you alright?" She asks, concerned.

"I was fine, thanks to those two men last night. The rest of it, I am dealing with it little at a time."

"Glad they were there." Curiosity got to me. Maybe the sheriff said who they were.

"Scar? Did the sheriff say who the men were who saved me?" Waiting for my answer to know who blue and green eyes are making my heart rate pick up a little.

"Yes, he said it was the Woods boy siblings."

"Woods boy siblings?"

"Vincent and Zyston Woods." 'Katrina Woods brothers?' No wonder one voice sounded familiar. It was Vincent; after all, he is the town doctor. 'Maybe that why I felt safe and calm?' That is who blue eyes are Vincent Woods that mean green eyes is Zyston Woods? Just thinking his name puts butterflies in my stomach. Scarlet left after hugging me and making sure I was okay. After getting dressed in some jeans and a tight purple shirt, pulling Zyston Woods hoodie on, Scarlet and I head to the Sheriff station.