Chapter Four

[P.O.V. Zyston Woods]

After Vincent got back from his run, we decided to go to this bar. That Kat was talking about in town just thinking about it. Got my wolf Travis and my dragon Stryker super excited.

"What in the hell has got into you guys?" I couldn't help but ask them—both of them talking in my head.

"I have felt something exciting about to happen," Travis replied.

"Have to agree with the stupid mutt." Stryker agreeing.

"Who you calling mutt? You stupid overgrown lizard!"

"Guys..". Trying to get their attention, they just kept arguing. These last few days before coming here and now being here, their arguing has been going on. Rubbing my temples from the headache forming in my head.

"Will you both shut up!!" Both of them finally went quiet. "Damn! I don't know what gotten into the two of you lately? But knock it the hell off!! Your constant arguing has been giving me a splitting headache these past few days!" Both of them staying quiet, pushing them back in my head so I can't hear them. Finishing getting dressed for tonight. Putting on Black T-shirt, Dark blue jeans, And my favorite black hoodie.

Heading downstairs, a man was waiting at the bottom. Short dirty blonde hair, muscular body, 6'4 in height, and light blue eyes with a silver hint and a little brown around his pupil.

"Where's Kat?" Asking Vincent. He just looked up at me like I just pulled him out of some deep thought.

"What did you say?" Vincent asked, a little dazed.

"I asked where Kat?"

"Oh.. she said she had to do something to her outfit before we left. You know how girls are." After giving each other a bro hug, we sat in the living room.

"While I have your attention, we need to talk about the Witch Hunters." Vincent starts the conversation. Sitting on opposite couches facing each other. Vincent sat back while I leaned on my arms and knees.

"In all honesty, I thought we finished off their kind."

"So did I until I received a letter that was sent to us. Saying something about his army almost raised and his coming for us for what we did."

He is referring to Alexander Parr, the leader of the Witch Hunters. When I was only a hundred and fifty years old, Alexander attacked our family. Killing Vincent mate and child right in front of him. Vincent declaring war on the hunters. We looked for an army, and it was just in our luck that the hunters. I have been threatening others as well. Enough to make different alliances. On the day of battle Kat, Vince, Myself, Our pack, and other supernatural species slaughter them.

"You know that he started this war." Hatred coming out of my voice.

" I'm fully aware that he did." The atmosphere just got really tense.

"Are you boys ready?" Kat enters, all excited. Both looking at what she is wearing a short, tight, red, and a lot of skin showing dress.

"Go change!!" Vincent and I say at the same time disapprovingly. Kat rolls her eyes at us, going back upstairs to change. 'It going to be along night.'

Getting to the bar around 10:50 pm, it was almost packed full of people. Loud music and lights filled the room. Stryker and Travis are very on edge to the point it drives me crazy. Sitting in a corner booth, a blonde waitress eyeing me like I was something to eat. Walks up to the table, making Stryker and Travis growl in disgust.

"Hey, guys, what can get you tonight?" The waitress asked.

"Hey, Tanner, the usual and a whiskey for my twin here," Kat said with a huge grin on her face. The waitress just nodded and left. Looking around, waiting for something to happen, Kat starts waving her hand in my face.

"Earth to Zyston? Come in, Zyston?" Sarcasm coming out of Kat's mouth.

"What?!!" My word coming out a little harsh and rude.

"You are never this distracted. What's eating you?" Both of them are looking at me with concern.

"Stryker and Travis are on edge, don't ask me why because I don't know." Now my voice is sounding all irritated. 'Great, what is with my bad mood tonight?' The waitress brings back are drinks placing it on the table.

"Is that it for you guys?" The waitress asked, bashing her eyelashes at me.

"That is thanks, Tanner," Kat says.

"Well, if you ever need anything, call me." She passes me her number while winking at me and leaves. Crinkling the paper up, Kat raises her glass.

"A toast for my twin being back, for I have really missed you. Also, for us about to kick some more Witch Hunters ass!" We all take a drink, the cold liquid burning my throat. Helping take the edge off a little as well as untying some of the knots in my stomach. Vincent clears his throat, sitting up more in his seat.

"I also have an announcement to make. My second chance mate Emily is pregnant with a baby boy." After taking another drink, Kat couldn't help but giggle and squeal. Which just made the night seem even longer. 'I'm going to need another whiskey.'

Being at the bar for an hour just talking and drinking with Vince, Kat called a cab to go home earlier. Then Vince and I drove home half an hour later. One of the many great things being supernatural. You don't get drunk very easily or even at all.

Driving home, though, made the knots in my stomach tighter, making it hard to breathe. Also making my two beast more on edge and rambunctious. Looking out the window, there were two trucks and five men harassing a woman.

Coming to a complete stop Vincent and I ran to help the woman. The closer we got, the stronger smell of Vanilla mixed with Lavender hit my nostrils. Making my beasts and I go crazy. Braking the truck headlights while we tore them off the woman. Once we pulled them off, we faced them, listening to they yell about how we disturb their party and how we're going to regret it.

"Now, that not a nice way to treat a lady. What do you think, brother?" Asking Vincent with Travis and Stryker about to break free.

"Not a nice way at all," Vincent said, a little calmer than me. They start to attack Vincent and me, and we fought them back. Accidentally letting a growl escape and braking more headlights. The woman started to hyperventilate.

"Vince, I got these guys to go help her!" Communicating through mind-link. Vince leaving me alone with these guy's taking them all down after few minutes. Wondering if the girl was okay, I looked at her. She was absolutely gorgeous and stunning. Long black raven, Perfect curvy body, Height of 5.7, Light brown skin, and all gray stormy eyes with long lashes framing them. Considering the bad circumstances, she still looks like a goddess to me—no control over the words coming out of my mouth.

"Mate." Vincent just looked at me, all surprised. "Is she alright?"

My voice coming out a little deeper than normal. Travis, Stryker, and I are ecstatic to meet her. But furious that she was being attacked and almost raped.

"She fine just needs to get her home and plenty of rest." Vincent in his doctor mode.

"I will take her home while you call the police to come to get these douche bags."

"Don't let them go!! Let us kill them!! For even looking at her!!" Travis and Stryker both agreeing.

"Of course." Vincent got up, headed towards his car. All I could feel was anger and concern. Seeing that she was all but naked and shivering.

"You're going to need this." Taking off my hoodie and handing it to her. She looks hesitant at first but took it from me. Turning away to give her a little more privacy.

"I'm decent.," she mumbles. Hearing her voice sounded like heaven sending sweet shivers down my spine. Look back at her, and I could tell she was feeling more comfortable. Kneeling before her telling her what about to do. So I don't scare her any more than she was.

"I'm going to pick you up and take you home, alright?" She just nodded her head, yes.

Picking her up in bridal-style electric shock ran through where our skin touched, making her gasp. 'Well, at least I know it, not just me feeling it. She affected by the mate bond as well.' thinking to myself. Placing her in the car, Vincent smirks at me.

"Well, you finally met your Mate." Excitement and happiness filled his voice.

"Was hoping we meet in better circumstances."

"Funny how the moon goddess has us meet them." He says with sarcasm, also trying to be serious.

"Do you know where she lives?"

"Yeah, she lives with Jacob and Scarlet Rosston. Up at the old Rosston house." Handing me the car keys. "Don't do anything that I wouldn't do." Rolling my eyes, getting into the car, taking her home.

After driving her home and making sure she got inside safely. Taking the car home, walking in the door. Vincent was sitting in the front room, drinking scotch with a fire lit in the fireplace. Giving him his keys and pouring me a glass of whiskey, sitting down next to him. Talking about and remembering stormy grey eyes looking back at me.