Chapter Seven

[P.O.V. Zyston Woods]

Sitting down at my desk in the packhouse. Tyler and I started on some paperwork. It took a few hours before we were done. After getting done, we went around the territory, making sure there was no danger around.

"We have been best friends for years, just curious, why did you come back? We always communicated through phone, email, and even video call if there was a matter to be handle." Tyler asks with curiosity.

" Vincent got a letter from the Witch Hunter's leader. He seeking revenge for his people that we slaughter centuries ago as well to finish this war."

"The war we had in Raven City? We didn't slaughter them all just enough to keep the number down low. If I recall, he attacked the supernatural world first. He attacks Vincent Mate and child to get our attention".

"I'm fully aware of what he did." My voice coming out cold and calm. Witch Hunters is like the bounty hunters for the supernatural.

They track down evil supernatural being's also those who break the laws, that was until Alexander Parr took over. Ever since Alexander Parr took over, he took matters into his own hands. His hate for creatures like us consumed him. He decided he would kill every breed of the Supernatural to be rid of them. Tension started to build between us. This subject always ruins my mood. I was the main man for any torture back then, for not only did I kill, but I slaughter my enemy. My muscles tense every time I think about my dark past.

"Well, to lighten this mood up, you said you finally met your Mate. Please do tell, for I am curious what our future Luna is like." Tyler breaking the tense atmosphere. Just thinking about her makes all my demons run away.

"She absolutely stunningly gorgeous. It took me by surprise when I met her. For two hundred and forty-five years, I have been looking for her all around the world. Come to find out she has been here all this time in Dark Wood". A small smirk crept on my face, just thinking about her.

"Holy shit! you're actually almost smiling. I haven't seen you happy sense before the huge war centuries ago". Rolling my eyes at him and losing my small smirk. "When can the pack and I meet her?"

"She is human. It will take some time before I can bring her here as the Luna. Since we are doing the Fall Celebration in our fields, you can meet her then". Tyler and I walked through the territory until we reached the training grounds. Watching and impressed how well my pack has been doing without me all these years.

"Xander, don't do it!!" A young woman from my pack yelled. Pulling my attention away from the Warrior's, a small light brown wolf jump on me. Knocking me to the ground, snapping at face. Using my hands to hold it back.

"You are not my Alpha! I will be damn if I submit to you!" The wolf says through mind-link. He belongs to my pack!? Taking an opportunity to punch the wolf on the snout. Young wolf Yelp and got off me trying to breathe.

"Who in the fuck!! Does this young wolf think he is!? Disrespecting his Alpha like that!!" Travis yelling furiously. The young wolf starts charging towards me before he can even touch me. Moving out of his way and tripping him. The young wolf just tripped, rolling on the ground.

Everyone here on the training ground was circling us, watching the young pup attack their Alpha. 'What did that young woman call him again? Xander?' Thinking to myself.

"Xander, right? Please do tell me what I did wrong as an Alpha of this pack? To have you challenge me?" Using my Alpha tone. Trying my hardest to hold back Travis from coming out.

"What Alpha leaves for hundreds of years and come back like he owns this place? I bet you didn't even win your title like a true Alpha." Xander's voice coming out like venom. His wolf snarling and barking.

"I'm done with this young pup! How dare he insult us like that!" Travis booming voice ringing in my ear. Taking control of my body, bones start to break, shifting into my wolf.

My body is covered with midnight black fur and twice Xander size. Looking into his fearful brown eyes, Bright gold eyes reflect at me. The young pup shrank down, trying not to submit to the powerful Alpha aura radiating off Travis.

As a passenger in the back seat, Travis took control. The Young pup and Travis both pounce at one another, rolling and biting at each other. Snarls and growls being made for I don't even know how long. The young wolf bit down hard on Travis, and I left shoulder. Making Travis growl biting down on the young wolf back, tossing him into a couple of trees. Xander let out a big cry, whimpering, trying to get back up. Travis pounced on the young wolf biting into his neck.

"Submit!" Travis's voice said with anger through mind-link. Young wolf just refused biting down more into his flesh. He whimpers, trying to get Travis off.

"I Alpha of the Silver Moon Pack Command you to submit!!" Hearing bones start to break, Travis let's go of his neck, giving me back control over our body.

Shifting back into my human form, Tyler brings two pairs of gym shorts. Putting a pair on and threw the other pair at a young kid about 19 years old.

"What is your name?" My voice coming out cold and brutal.

"Xander Mills," The young wolf replied weakly.

"Next time you have a problem with me. I suggest you talk to me like a real man. Not like some kid throwing a tizzy tantrum from not getting his way." Xander just looked down in shame. He couldn't even say a word. The whole pack surrounded Xander and me, moving away from the kid looking at my pack.

"From letting something like this happen again, I want to clarify something!! Not only are you my pack, and I am your Alpha, but we are also family!! I know that I left for a long time, and some don't know why I left? I Apologize for putting any doubt in our pack. To clear this matter, let me tell you why I left. You're my family, and I owe you the truth. Not only did I leave to find my mate and make new alliances for those who know that I am also part dragon shifter. After the war, my dragon Stryker became very bloodthirsty. Became so serious that I was scared for my pack and those who knew me as well for me!" Yelling while using my Alpha voice. Some in the crowd gasp, small whispers, while others stayed silent.

"I was gone for so long for a special kind of training for my dragon. Took time, but I completed that training to be able to come back home!... I tell you this not for sympathy or pity. I'm telling you as your friend and a member of this pack!... I'm going to give you a choice! Before I give you that choice to keep me as your Alpha or not. Know whatever you choose, nobody will be chased off my land or even jobless, you are my family, and I protect my family! Choose me as your Alpha because I'm worthy, not because you fear me as unworthy!" No longer using my Alpha aura waiting to see what my pack answer is. Whisper's and silent that all I hear, my heart racing waiting and anxious. Tyler, my Beta, stepped forward.

"I Beta Tyler Michaels second in command of the Silver Moon Pack still accept Alpha Zyston Woods as my Alpha." Kneeling in front of me, moving his neck to the side for submission. Katrina, my twin, stood by Tyler.

"I Katrina Michaels, Woods Beta Female second in command of Silver Moon Pack still accept Alpha Zyston Woods as my Alpha." She was kneeling and submitting.

Next, my Delta Joseph Blaire, third in command, and his mate Jolene accept and kneel before me. Little by little, everyone in the pack saying their name, position and submitting to me. With every acceptance, the bond between the pack members and I became stronger. Also, making me stronger as an Alpha, after everyone was done, they stood up.

"I, Alpha Zyston Woods of Silver Moon Pack and first in command to the Moon Goddess, Selene. Renew my Alpha Vow to protect and to serve every member in this pack fairly. I, as Alpha, accept you all as my pack." A huge wave of power makes every bond of every member's strong and connected to me.

Everyone changing into their wolves, running with each other to renew the bond as a pack. After running, I went back home to work out for all the new power coursing threw me. After calming myself down, my Mate, Adriana, called for a ride home. My once calm heart raced back up again.