Chapter Eight

[P.O.V. Adriana Braxton]

This weekend and the beginning of the week have been the best! Zyston would pick me up from work every night. We would talk and joke like we knew each other for years. Don't understand it but being around him feels right and complete. Everything I feel for him is getting stronger. Scarlet says that I'm falling for him too fast and should take it slow. While Jake, on the other hand, thinks I should go with what I'm comfortable with.

All weekend long as well the beginning of this week. I feel like someone has been watching me, giving me bad vibes and a horrible gut feeling. The moment that I'm with Zyston, all that unsafe feeling vanishes.

Today is Wednesday, the day of the Fall Celebration! The day for Zyston and my official first date. Filled with excitement, I have already showered. I decided to wear a tight white t-shirt, long brown sweater, dark blue skinny jeans, and matching brown boots that go up to my knees. Putting my hair up in a bun with few pieces hanging down by my face.

Looking up at the time, it is 2:55 p.m. Scarlet and Jake already left while I sit at home waiting for Zyston to pick me up. Just five more minutes, he will be here. My blood is just racing, sitting out on the porch swing with my head laying back. Listening to a vehicle coming up the driveway. Looking towards the sound, Zyston black truck pulls up. Sound of the truck door opening, Zyston walks towards me.

Damn! did he look sexy wearing ripped blue jeans, a red t-shirt showing off some of his muscles, black cowboy boots, and a blue jean jacket. He looked like a complete bad boy. My breath was stuck in my throat, making it hard to swallow. The closer he got, the better I could smell his manly scent. Standing on the porch steps, Zyston leans on one of the posts.

"Penny for your thoughts?" Zyston asks.

"Um... You are.. um.." 'Dammit, why am I stuttering? ' He just smiled and chuckled softly.

"You look stunningly gorgeous." He just took the words right out of my mouth and made me blush super hard. Which just made him chuckle even more.

Helping me into his truck, we drive towards the Celebration. Driving underneath an arch with the word Silver Moon Ranch with beautiful design around it.

"What are we doing here? I thought it was at the old Henderson Ranch like it normally is."

"Mrs. Henderson got really sick, Mr. Henderson asks my elder brother, Vincent, if we could do it here." Zyston reply.

Making the "oh" face and just looked out the window. It was beautiful here nice wooden fencing, tall trees behind the fields, and some fields had some cattle.

Pulling up to a huge mansion painted a creme color with brown shutters—flower beds filled with flowers. Zyston parks the truck excitement is just overwhelming me. Opening my door for me, I manage not to trip out his truck this time.

Walking into the field where everything and everyone was. There were a lot of people here more than last year. Booths all lined up across from each other. There was a huge hay bail maze, kids games, and even a wine tasting contest with a country band playing on a built stage.

Pleasurable sparks touch my right hand, looking down—Zyston ruff big hand-held my small hand. We walk around the booths, for I don't know how long. Whenever I wanted to buy something, Zyston would buy it. He refused to let me use my own money.

Stopping at a jewelry booth, something caught my attention. Silver chain with a gorgeous pendant on it. In the middle of the pendant was a white, circle, glowy, and beautiful stone that looked like a full moon. Around the stone at the top was a dragon holding on protectively to it. While at the bottom was a wolf howling. Looking at the price of seven hundred and fifty dollars for it. Making my heart sink, for I don't have the money to pay for it.

"It called a Moon Stone given by the Moon Mother herself to protect and heal her daughter's. The dragon and werewolf represent two of her children that protect her." Zyston says with pride and amazement. He takes it out of my hand, putting on my neck. With a smile on my face looking in the small mirror and it looks amazing on me.

"Well, take it," Zyston pulls his wallet out from his back pocket and hands the money to the woman running the booth.

"What?! I can't accept this is too expensive!" Anxiety running threw me. The moment he smiled, all that anxiety went away. He places his hand on my face, the other on my back. Rolling my eyes back with enjoyment as small sparks spread across where he touches.

"You can accept it for not only do you really like it and look beautiful. Because I want to spoil you and give everything I can." Our lips so close I can feel and smell his minty breath fan across my face.

Heart racing like crazy, the feel of our skin, making me want him to touch me in other ways. My womanhood is just pulsing and getting wet for him. Moving his face away from mine, his smile went ear to ear. His eyes look hungry, not for food, but what's between my legs.

"Come on, people staring at us." My cheeks are so flushed there probably redder than tomato. Also, my head felt like I was in a pleasant daze. Taking my hand, we continue to look around.

We played games and even did the wine testing contest. Must say even though I suck at testing wine, Zyston very good at it. Placing everything we bought in his truck, we danced at the concert. After that, we went for a walk, threw the maze. Holding each other hands and enjoying each other company feels like we have been doing this for years. The moon and stars are even starting to show along with the sunset.

"Earlier you said, Mother Moon. Who are you talking about?" Asking while playing with my necklace.

"The Moon Goddess, Selene." Zyston replies, making the "oh" face. 'Must do some research.'

"You seem like you know quite a bit about her." He made a small chuckle.

"You can stay that." Rolling my eyes, looking in front of us, a couple was making out. Zyston making grunting sound the couple looks at us. 'Holy shit!! One looks exactly like Zyston! ' While the other has blonde hair, brown eyes, and just about as big as Zyston.

"Hey, bro! Is this her? She absolutely gorgeous!" The woman that looks like Zyston says.

"Adriana, this is my Twin, Katrina, and her husband and my best friend, Tyler Michaels," Zyston introduces.

"This is the woman who stole my best friend's heart? Got to say his words to describe you don't do you justice. Your even prettier than what he said." Making me blush with embarrassment, Katrina smacked his chest while scolding him while he just laughed.

'Stole Zyston heart? Does he talk about me? ' Knowing this makes me giggly and happy inside.

"Are you guys going to tonight bonfire?" Katrina asks very excitedly. At the same time, Zyston and Tyler get lost in a conversation.

"Bonfire? Won't that light the field on fire?" She starts to laugh. 'Was it something I said?'

"We're not doing it in the field, silly woman, especially how dry it is. Are you crazy? We are doing the bonfire in the back yard of the mansion". Just making the "oh" face, she put her arm around my shoulder. "No matter what my twin says, you guys are going." Looking back at Zyston, he rolls his eyes at her. Our eyes catching green to grey make butterflies in my stomach.

"Would you like to go?" Zyston asks. Looking back at Katrina, she gave me the puppy dog look. Rolling my eyes playfully and nodding my head 'yes.' Katrina squealed, walking with her arm around me and talking the whole way. Well, mostly her talking the whole way while I listen.

Katrina is different from Zyston that for sure. She is bubbly, funny, and loud. When Zyston is intimidating, powerful, and quiet, I could tell that Katrina and I would be great friends.

After the bonfire, Zyston took me home. Helping me put everything on the kitchen counter, standing in front of each other.

"I had a lot of fun tonight." Biting my bottom lip a little.

"Same here," Zyston says with lustful attention between us.

"I'm not very good at this dating thing... so are we officially together now?" He smiles and chuckles. Stepping closer to me with our faces close together. Making my heart skip a beat and hard to swallow my own spit.

"Is that what you want, Adriana?" 'Fuck!! I love the way he says my name!!' Getting closer wrapping his arms around my waist, our lips almost touching.

"Yes.." My voice coming out breathless. Moving his hand in my hair, pulling me in for a kiss.

Holy shit!! It was fucking amazing everything I was feeling 10x itself. Our lips moving perfectly together. Him biting my bottom lip, making me moan. Opening my mouth for his tongue to enter. Lifting me onto the kitchen counter with him standing between my legs, making me feel like nothing exist only him and I. Him pulling away, leaving us both breathing hard.

"Adriana, we got to stop.. or I won't be able to." Zyston trying to catch his breath.

"Maybe I don't want to stop." He just chuckled, helping me down off the counter.

"Impatient, are we? Don't worry; we have time." Right as he said that, Scarlet yelled that they were home. Zyston kissing me one more time. We walked out hand in hand.