Chapter Nine

[P.O.V. Unknown]

Watching her with him at this Fall Celebration makes me angry. There little information about him that I have found.

His name is Zyston Kale Woods. CEO of Silver Moon products. He has two siblings, an elder brother Vincent Theodore Woods and his twin is Katrina Izabelle Woods. He owns his own house further out of town. That's the only information that I could dig up, can't find any more.

"I will find out more about him." Mumbling under my breath with frustration.

"Maybe I can help you with that?" A male voice says, turning my head around. A man over 6ft tall, very well built, dark brown hair in a small ponytail, and reddish-brown eyes redder than brown stood there.

"How can you help me?" Venom coming out of my words. He just chuckled while standing next to me. Looking forward, following his gaze, he was looking at Adriana and that so-called Zyston.

"I am an ancient enemy of the Woods family. I can give you all the information about them."

"Why would you want to help me?"

"Doesn't matter why? All that does matter, you will have your girl back. Also, I can give you a gift that can help you with that."

"Still want to know what you get out of it?"

"My revenge," Thinking about what he said.

"Who exactly am I working for?" He smiled a sinister smile.

"Alexander Parr." Holding out his hand to shake. Shaking his hand, his smile left. "Meet me outside of town tonight at midnight, and I will give you that gift to help you out." With that, he gave me a card with his information on it. The man left, leaving my hair stand up. I'm fully aware I'm not a good person, but you can feel the evil radiated off him with Mr. Parr.

Here I am at Midnight waiting for Alexander Parr outside of town. Hate being out here with nothing but a two-lane road—a bunch of trees with wolves howling in every direction.

Something shaking the bushes got my curiosity. Standing in front of the bushes, a huge wolf jumped on top of me, biting into my shoulder. Yell left my mouth as it chopped down harder. Blood running down my shoulder and back. The giant wolf got of me as a man behind him laughed.

"You might not understand now, but soon you will be reborn into something stronger," Alexander says while I blacked out from the pain.

[P.O.V Adriana Braxton]

It a lovely October day just a few more days before Halloween! I'm super excited! Katrina, Scarlet, Jolene, and I have become excellent friends in the short time we all know each other.

Jolene is Zyston other best friend, Joseph's wife. She beautiful, long red curly hair, dark brown eyes, and white skin. We all decided we wanted to go out for Halloween night. Here we are getting costumes at the mall in Raven City a few miles out of Dark Wood.

We have been here for hours. The girls have already picked out their outfits. Katrina is going to be a sexy pirate. Scarlet will dress up as a sexy nurse, Jolene will dress up as a sexy schoolgirl I have no idea what to be. I have been trying different ones, but nothing has sparked my interest. Katrina giving me one more outfit to try on.

"This has to be it! I can feel it in my bones!" Katrina says excitedly. The other two agreed, taking the outfit from her, going into the dressing room to try it on.

Looking at the woman reflecting at me, I had a hard time believing it was me. Dressed as a sexy cop, the blue really made my eyes pop. Short blue shorts, blue cop shirt with long sleeves that also showed off my stomach a little. Enough to show off my belly button ring. Fishnet stocking with black heeled boots. Pair of handcuffs hanging on my hip. Blue cop hat on top of my head. Walking out of the dressing room, the girls squealed with delight.

"You look so fucking hot!" Jolene says.

"Damn, I barely recognized you!" Scarlet says

"My brother is going to go fucking crazy! He is going to want to tear those clothes off!" Katrina says, making me blush super hard. She has been helping me try to get Zyston attention sexually. I was always forced to have sex with my previous boyfriend. After healing five years from all the trauma, I decided I was finally ready to do it on my own terms. To have it with someone that cares about me. "We need to buy some sexy underwear for underneath." That made me redder than a tomato.

After hours of shopping, we all sat and ate. While eating, Scarlet got a phone call.

"Hello?.. yes, this is she... What?.. what happened?.." That got my attention. She had tears brimming in her eyes." Yes, I will be there right away." Hanging up the phone, she started to grab her stuff. Tears falling down her face; she was even shaking. "I have to go, Jacob, been in a terrible car accident. I will tell you what happened later for now. Can someone please take me to Dark Wood hospital?" We all gathered our stuff, trying to comfort her on the way there. The police officer said it looks like something flipped him over down a hill.

Getting at our small-town hospital, the emergency room was vivacious. After Scarlet yelled at the receptionist, a female doctor walked towards us.

"Mrs. Rosston? Right?" The doctor asked.

"Yes, I am Mrs. Rosston! Is he okay? Can I see him?" Scarlet says all but in sobs.

"I'm Doctor Flinner; your husband is in bad condition. It is so serious that we have to fly him to Raven City. As a small-town hospital, we don't have the right equipment for his surgery". Scarlet broke down in sobs kneeling on the floor. Kat and Joel kneel to comfort her.

"What exactly is wrong with him?" Asking for my best friend that is sobbing like a baby.

"He got some internal bleeding that needs immediate attention. I can only send one in the helicopter. Mrs. Rosston, do you wish to go with him?" Scarlet stood up, shakily nodding her yes. Telling us bye, she followed the doctor down the emergency room.

After leaving the hospital, I went straight home. The house felt empty without Scarlet and Jake. My heart is just broken for my two best friends. One is heartbroken while the other is in a bed trying to stay alive. Closing my bedroom door, I just flopped on my bed, crying.

Afraid I was going to lose a man that is like a brother to me. I am a single child. My parents gave me up for adoption. I never got to know if I had siblings or not. Jake and Scarlet are the closes thing to having any real siblings. My cell phone started to ring, looking at it the I'd number it said Zyston, hurrying and picking it up.

"Hello?.." My voice expressing my feelings.

"Adriana, are you okay, babe? Kat and Joel told me what happened."

"I'm... alright.."

"Do you need me to come and get you? Or stay the night there?" Something downstairs crashed. Making my heart race and anxiety sweep in.


"Yes, babe?"

"I think there someone in the house.."

"What? Hide, I will be there in a minute."

"Just stay on the phone with me."

"No! Dammit, Adriana, stay in your room or somewhere safe!" Creeping down the stairs, the living room light was on.

Getting closer, my heart was beating so hard I can hear it pounding in my ears. Looking around, nobody was here, taking in a deep breath. Two arms grabbed me from behind, making me drop the phone and screaming a high pitch scream. Next, a cloth-covered my mouth making me very sleepy, my vision blurs, and then darkness surrounded me.

[P.O.V. Zyston Woods]

Katrina and Joel came back to the packhouse very unhappy. After asking what was wrong, they told me what happened to their new friend Scarlet. Just hearing what happened made me worry about Adriana. I knew how close she was to them after comforting my twin. Mind-linking my Delta to come to get his Mate. Taking my phone out, calling my beautiful Mate.

"Hello?.." Her voice sounding like she been crying.

"Adriana, are you okay, babe? Kat and Joel told me what happened." My voice coming out very concerned and worried.

"I'm... alright.."

"Do you need me to come and get you? Or stay the night there?" I really didn't want her to be alone tonight. I wanted to comfort my mate. Hearing her heart broken is tearing me apart.


"Yes, babe?"

"I think there someone in the house.." She says, unsure.

"What? Hide, I will be there in a minute," My wolf Travis and my dragon Stryker on high alert.

"Just stay on the phone with me."

"No! Dammit, Adriana, stay in your room or somewhere safe!" Dammit, why does she have to be so damn stubborn? Pacing back and forth in my office. My emotions are going haywire. "Adriana?" The phone went really quiet. "Adriana?!" Panic feeling my very being. High pitch scream coming from the other end filled my body with rage. Throwing the phone at the wall racing down the packhouse stairs to Adriana's house. A young boy running through the front doors of the packhouse was panting.

"Alpha!! We're being attacked!!" He said out of breath.