Chapter Ten

[P.O.V. Zyston Woods]

"Alpha!! We're being attacked!!" The young kid said breathlessly. "Rogues! Are attacking at the East border!"

Letting a powerful and frustrating roar rumble through my chest. Everyone in the room whimpered, moving their necks for submission. My alpha aura coming off me in powerful waves. Mind linking the Warrior's and my Beta. To meet at the eastern border of the territory. Shredding my clothes and my bones braking shifting into my black wolf.

"Joseph" Mind-linking my Delta.

"Yes, Alpha?" Joseph replies.

"Go check on Adriana's house immediately!"

"Yes, Alpha!"

"Kat and Joel! Get the elderly, women, and children to safety!"

Getting to the eastern border, werewolves were fighting each other. Joining in the fight with my Warrior's and Beta. Sinking my teeth into flesh, my claws tearing skin and fur apart. Blood dripping from my wolf mouth and claws. I don't know how long we there, for it seemed like more just kept coming. This next wave seemed different from the others.

"Alpha, some Warrior's are down!!" One of warrior's mind-linking me.

"What happened!?" Asking in my Alpha tone.

"They were fighting the rogues when some bit the rogue some weird green stuff came out instead of blood! Killing the rogue and poisoning the Warrior's!"

"Get them to the pack, doctor! I will meet you there! As for everyone else, don't sink your teeth into their flesh!"

"Yes, Alpha!" Chorus of voices ringed in my head.

The fight continues for what seemed like hours. Getting tackled from the side by another wolf. He shifted backed to human form. A scrawny male with shaggy brown hair stood there.

"Alpha Zyston, we don't know each other, but I got a message from my Alpha for you." Standing my ground, growling and snarling at him. "Be nice, Alpha, or you won't see your sweet Luna again."

"Is he fucking threatening our mate!?" Travis snarling furiously. A growl escaped my chest, but it was nothing like a wolf. It was something darker and deeper and whole new level of power.

It belonged to Stryker; he was ready to break through, knowing Adriana was in danger. The man backs upholding his ground weakly.

"He said tick-tock time is running out if you want to see your Luna before the change. Then you will find her at where her demons first started a change." He started to laugh like a mad man that was until dark brown wolf. Jump on him and tore his head off his body.

"I couldn't stand the guy any longer," Tyler says, irritated. The rogues retreating, we got the injured back to the packhouse to the infirmary.

"Vincent, do you need me in the infirmary?" Asking threw mind-link.

"Not right now! Let me take care of everyone first. Then I will have you come to inspect the poison members." Vincent says, frustrated.

"Alpha, get over to Luna's house right away!!" Delta Joseph says very seriously. Running fast as I can to get to her house. Shifting back into my human form going into the house.

[P.O.V. Adriana Braxton ]

(Warning! physical and sexual abuse in this scene.)

Dizziness is all I could feel, blinking my eyes open. Along with my stomach feeling nauseous. 'Where am I?' All I could see was darkness and a small window giving off a little light. It looked like I was in some basement. Dirt floor and cement walls an old wooden staircase leading upstairs. Sitting up, holding my head from throbbing, the sounds of chains snapped me completely awake.

Looking at my wrists and ankles, steel cuffs cover them with a chain that leads to the cement wall. 'What the fuck?' Lights turned on, blinding me. Squinting my eyes looking up the stairs, a man with shaggy reddish-blonde hair, slender, white, pale skin, and about 5,9 walked down the stairs. His dark black eyes looking at me, filling me with disgust.

Anxiety and panic ran through my body, for this man are the ones to make my demons real in the first place. It is the man I ran away from for five years. My mouth went parched, and my eyes ready to pop out of their sockets from the shock.

"Hello, baby girl, did you miss me? Because I have to say I indeed missed you." Robert says with a sinister tone and smile. "It has been too long."

"H-how? d-d-did.." Trying to stutter out the words.

"Find you? Funny story, actually my friends and I went out for a drink in a bar. That was when I saw you working as the bartender. For a week, I followed you everywhere. At first, I thought it wasn't real, but then I soon realized it was." The sound of his voice sends cold shivers down my spine that makes me sick. "That when I decided to make a plan to get you back. The night I was going to put my plan into action, a man picked you up." He says, upset and annoyed. 'Is he talking about Zyston? The first night I called him to pick me up?' asking myself.

"Who? A-are y-you talking about?"

"Let me finish my story!!" He yelled, hitting me across my face. Holding my throbbing cheek, he continues to talk. "You know exactly who I'm talking about! Zyston Woods, your Mate." 'Mate? What a mate?' "After watching you too closely, I couldn't get the information I was looking for. A man appeared to me, but this man wasn't even a man. No, he was more like God that possesses dark magic. He gave me a gift to help me get you back." He smiled so darkly my heart was beating hard from fear. "This gift that he gave me will give us centuries of being together. A gift that I can wipe out your Mate! And rule his pack!!" He has this crazy-mad-man look.

"You're crazy!! I don't know what or even talking about!!" Boost of courage running threw me. He looked confused for a minute, then that look faded away with amusement.

"He didn't even tell you? Well, you're really in for a mind blow, aren't you?.. but first, before you make your new transformation, I want you just the way you are one last time for your punishment for leaving!" My blood just ran cold, hearing these words, cowardly back towards the wall.

Robert yanked my hair up and starting to slap me. Then those slaps turned into punches. After the punches, he started to kick me hard on the stomach and sides. The sounds of bones cracking a scream leaving my mouth. All I could hear was his horrifying laugh. I don't know how long he beat me for. All I know is my ribs are broken, my left shoulder out of place, parts of my body feel numb, and blood runs down my body.

The next thing that happened, he started to rip my clothes off me, leaving me completely naked. This is how he likes it though he beats me till I'm fragile. So I can't protect myself from him, forcing himself on me. No matter how weak, I never stopped trying to fight him off. Braking the chain that held the pendant, Zyston bought me. Holding up to my face aggressively.

"You belong to me bitch!!! Not that no good excuse of a Mate!!" Using one of his hands to pull my head back and the other holding the pendant. He throws the pendant on the ground like it was nothing. Something inside of me just snapped. I head-butted him.

He looked at me in shock. He had the right to, for even I was shocked. I've always been the girl to coward away when it comes to Robert, to be his submissive. But when he threw that pendant, something inside just snapped.

Striking me across my face making me land on the cold ground. Rolling me over, my vision blurry, ringing in my ears, and I can feel him crawling on top of me.

"I broke your spirit once I will do it again! Let me remind you who owns you bitch!!" Spreading my legs harshly and forcing his member inside of me, pushing inside harshly.

After his beating and raping, all I could do was lay there on the dirty and cold ground. Feeling lifeless as tears fell down my face. The pendant that Zyston bought me was thrown down in the dirt just out of my reach. All I could do was look at it and pray that he would find me. Closing my eyes from exhaustion, the darkness consumed me.

The next few days were like this, but instead, I was chained to the ceiling. Arms went numb from how long they have hung up. My naked body was freezing in the cold basement. The smell of blood, vomit, piss, and shit filled the air. Every now, then Robert would throw a cold bucket of water on me to clean me up right before he would rape me. I never gave up fighting to keep my new fierce spirit alive with how weak my body was.

Thinking of things that helped me throw all of this was looking at the pendant still lying on the dirt. Giving me the courage to keep fighting. Another thing that kept me going was remembering Scarlet and Jacob. Also my new friends Katrina and Jolene. But most of all, Zyston, the man that I have fallen in love with such a short time.

Moving my head back, looking at the small window, the moonlight shining brightly upon me. Making me feel comfortable in my darkest time. The same way Zyston is my light to my darkness, bringing comfort, love, protection, and so much more. Knowing this comfort and feelings, I knew deep down that he was looking for me, and that gave me hope.