Chapter Twelve

[P.O.V. Adriana Braxton]

Ice cold bucket of water was thrown on me, keeping me from my exhausted sleep. Robert stood in front of me, throwing the bucket to the ground.

"I have a surprise for you, baby girl. It is time for us to start our new lives together," Robert says with amusement. Stripping off his clothes, my heart starts to races in fear.

Whenever Robert has a surprise, it always turns out bad for me. Kneeling on the ground, sounds of breaking bones came from him. Watching his bone crack and shift unnaturally. Blondish red fur starting to cover his body. Hands turning into claws and his face reshaping like a canine.

After a few minutes, red eyes stared at me. At the same time, sharp teeth showed while the beast snarled at me. Once Robert turned into a huge wolf, I couldn't believe my eyes. Everything felt unreal; my eyes grew wide in shock from what I witnessed. I wanted to scream, but I couldn't with how dry and sore my throat is. I wanted to escape but couldn't, with my hands still chained to the ceiling. I wanted to run but couldn't with how weak my body is.

The wolf that was now Robert was done snarling. Using its sharp teeth chopping down hard into my left thigh. That scream I couldn't scream left my mouth. It only encourages the beast to bite down harder—blood running down my leg like a waterfall. Few minutes past feeling dizzy and light-headed, the beast changed back into a man. Robert said something, but I couldn't make it out, for darkness swallowed me, putting me into a deep sleep.

Tree's with beautiful fall leaves on them slowly falling to the ground. Fresh autumn forest air filling my lungs. Walking down a forest path leading me into a beautiful meadow. There a stream and waterfall in the middle of this meadow. Beautiful fall leaves fall in the stream with different vibrant colors. The stone bench sat facing the stream.

"What is this place?" Saying with awe and confusion in my voice.

"Place of your sanctuary." A melodic voice says.

Looking back, a gorgeous woman with long raven black hair high up in a ponytail that goes past her waist, blue sapphire eyes, flawless pale skin, and lips rose red.

A gorgeous white belly shirt with long and loose sleeves hung off her shoulder. White, Long, And loose skirt hung on her hips. The white fabric had white diamonds, and white pearl's decorating it. Her feet wore no shoes; they were bare.

A huge white circle stone hung around her neck. It looks like the same stone on my pendant. It shone bright like a full moon.

"Who are you? Am I dead?" Being in her presence, I had that same comfort feeling when the moon shined on me.

"I have many names Mother Moon, Moon Goddess, Mother Luna, Mother Selene, and it doesn't matter what you call me. Your also not dead, silly girl. Your body is worn out from exhaustion. From everything you're going through." Walking past me, she sat down on the bench, looking at the scenery.

"You are that goddess that Zyston talked about."

"Please sit next to me." Sitting next to her, looking at the scenery with her. "I'm here with you because your life is about to change in ways you never thought possible. You won't understand what I mean for now, but very soon, you will. I don't do this very often, very rarely when I show myself."

"Then, why are you here?" Looking towards her, she looks at me with a small smile.

"I need you to understand that I am not here to warn you but to guide you." Her look and tone got very serious.

"Zyston is one of my many favorite children. What happen scared you but don't let it scare you away from him. There is a war coming, and he's going to need you by his side. They're a reason why I have paired you with him. Everything that has happened in your life they're a reason for all of it. Don't be afraid of letting Zyston getting close to you. Let him be your rock through everything you face. Trust him, for he is one of many you can trust your life with. I know you have many questions; everything will be answered in time." Confusion is what I'm feeling right now. She did say I would feel this way until I understood. It doesn't mean I like it, though.

"I must go; our time here is done for now." She stands up and kisses my forehead motherly like and smiles. "Soon, you will be my daughter when you make the shift. Hold onto the pendant that Zyston bought you very close always. The stone in it has healing abilities that will help you. Won't heal your wounds, but it will heal your emotional and mental state. There will be a living being within you. She will heal your wounds. Trust this being for she will be apart of you."

Walking away from me, she disappeared into the wind. More questions are in my head. What does she mean by war? What change? What being? What's happening?

[P.O.V. Zyston Woods]

In the kitchen cleaning up my mess after my blackout. I tore the kitchen apart, glass everywhere, cupboard doors broke off their hinges, all the furniture torn to pieces, and even broke the back door. Didn't stop there; I also tore the foyer and living room apart.

Katrina was not happy that I tore the place apart; she was livid. She was so livid my twin is making me clean it up. It takes a lot for my twin to get mad; she the complete opposite of me. I'm a hothead, and her cool-headed. I was lucky enough to get Katrina's help. While cleaning, my beasts and I are going crazy for our mate.

"Well, we could be out looking for our mate and wouldn't be here if Stryker could control his temper," Travis says, annoyed.

"Me? I'm not the only one with a bad temper, mutt! If I remember correctly, when we blackout, it comes from both of us!" Stryker says, frustrated.

"True, but most of the time, it comes from you!"

"Sometimes I wonder why Mother Selene put us together. It obvious that Zyston only needs one of us!" They continue to fight for a few minutes until I couldn't take it anymore.

"DAMMIT!! YOU TWO SHUT THE FUCK UP!! ARE MATE IS IN DANGER! AND YOU TWO ARE PLAYING THE FUCKING PISSING CONTEST!?" Yelling at them while snapping the broom in my hand, taking a deep breath to calm myself. "We need to work as a team; she belongs to all of us. There is no reason to fight over her. Also, you two need to get along. Remember when we visited that oracle? She said we needed to become one if we wanted to win this war. If we don't become one, we fail miserably risking are Mates life, our whole pack, and even other supernatural species, and don't forget ourselves." Both of them mumbling a 'sorry,' focusing on what Katrina yelling at me.

"Dammit! Zyston! That was a good broom! I don't know what gotten into both of your beast and you. Whatever it is, get your shit together! Adriana is out there, and all of you are acting like children! Remember what mom use to say? A patient man always gets a better outcome than a.."

"Impatient man." Finishing her sentence while rolling my eyes. Katrina stood in front of me with her hands on her hips.

"Wow! babe, never thought you would raise your voice like that. Especially towards your twin brother and Alpha." Tyler says with amusement. Kat and I look at him standing in the kitchen doorway. With a huge smile on his face, arms crossed his chest with a folder in his hand.

"What's the folder?" Asking curiously. His face turned serious, walking over, and he hands me the folder.

"We found him." Dropping the broken broom taking the folder from Tyler, looking at it.

"Gather the Warriors; we are getting our Luna back!" Now we can have our revenge and tear the bastard apart piece by piece. Tyler and I were hurrying out the door to the packhouse, with Katrina yelling at me about my mess.

When getting to the packhouse Tyler and I tell Joseph and a small group of my top Warrior's. Giving the location and the plan of attack.

"Shift into your wolves! We attack tonight!" My Alpha voice booming in the air. Warrior's shifting into their wolves shredded clothes flying in the air. Wolves howls and growls filled the air, ready to defend their unknown Luna, Tyler, Joseph, and I shifting as well. Letting Travis take over our body to lead the way. He knew the forest better than I do. With the sound of our paws hitting the forest floor, feeling the dirt beneath our feet. Getting one step closer to my beautiful Mate. 'I'm coming to Adriana; hang on just a little longer, our beautiful light. Moon Mother, please let her still be alive.'