Chapter Thirteen

(Warning! Blood, Gore, and signs of abuse are in this chapter!)

[P.O.V. Zyston Woods]

It took us two hours to find this cabin. When we did the same rogues, we fought at the packhouse circled it. Couldn't tell the dead ones from the live ones. Now I know why those rogues attacked my pack. It was a distraction for Robert to take Adriana. Also, understand who that male bitten werewolf smell belonged to. It belonged to Lang.

Hiding in the bushes and trees that surrounded this cabin. My Warrior's, Beta, Delta, and I were coming up with a new plan. We didn't expect rogues to be here dead or alive.

"We attack the rogue's, wipe them all out no mercy, I don't want any survivors. I want them to suffer for taking my Mate. Delta Joseph will stay outside with the Warrior's once Beta Tyler and I are inside to find Luna Adriana." Giving orders with my alpha tone. Chorus of "Yes, Alpha" agreeing to the plan.

"What are we going to do about Lang?" Joseph asks.

"Lang is mine! Nobody touches him!" A growl rumbling through my chest. "Let's get moving."

Restlessness is what I'm feeling Stryker and Travis both want out. I swear to the Moon Goddess whatever he has done to her. I will make him suffer very greatly. By the time I'm done, he will wish he was dead.

Running out of the tree line with my Warriors behind me. Rogues attack us protecting what's inside the cabin.

"Don't sink your teeth into their flesh!" Warning my pack threw mind-link.

Pack clashing into Rogue, Rogue clashing into Pack, just tearing at each other flesh.

Blood and poison dripping from wolves' bodies. Smell lingering in the air of a fight going on. Getting closer to the front door.

"Joseph! You're in charge, Tyler lets go in!" Tyler's dark brown wolf running along next to mine. Jumping together, we break down the front door. Rogues attacking us from different directions. Killing everyone of them and moving onto the next room and hall.

Following the smell of vanilla and lavender, the more I follow it, the stronger it got. Different smell mixed in her heavenly scent; it smelt metallic. Just smelling that familiar smell of metallic, I knew she was badly hurt.

Which just made Travis, Stryker, and I livid. Pushing my paws harder, the smell of my Mate was leading me down deep into the basement. Guard's stood in front of a door protecting something inside.

"I will take care of them. You get to Adriana out!" Tyler mind-linking me. His wolf passed me to take the guards out.

Jumping into the door a few times, it broke. Rolling down the stairs, quickly standing up into a defense position. It stunk down here in this basement like death. Roaming my eyes around for danger, my eyes got stuck on an object in the middle of the room. It hung like a piece of meat looking like it was ready to be butcher; this object was my Mate. Adriana was hanging from the ceiling naked. Felt like my heart stopped completely seeing her like this.

Turning back into my human form, approaching her, the smell of death got stronger. Using my strength breaking the cuffs off her wrists. Holding her in my arms, the sparks where our skin touched was very faint. Kneeling on the ground with Adriana on my lap. Examining her body, she had bruises and cuts all over; some cuts were even infected. The bruises that really caught my attention were on her ribs, shoulder, and face; these bruises were massive.

There is old blood sticking with a new layer on top of the old down between her legs. Her left thigh has a huge canine teeth mark. Dry blood and a small infection were in the bite mark. Feeling her pulse, it was barely there. Her beautiful tan skin was pale like a ghost. Her skin burned from a high fever indicating her transformation is starting. Bags underneath her eyes, making her look sickly. Her long hair has been cut off just below her ears. Her beautiful and plump pink lips were now chapped and split.

Just looking at her body made me feel nothing but rage towards Lang. He touched what is mine! Beat her and raped her till there was barely any life left! It even took my right as a mate to change her! And her right to choose the change! My beasts and I wanted blood; we wanted to torture him to give him a slow and painful death. At the same time, I'm also worried about her and scared. Afraid that I won't get the chance to get to know her better. Terrified that she was not going to make it. My heart feels like it is squeezed, and my lungs feel like there no air to breathe. Knowing there was no time to fall apart right now. She needs me, and I'm going to be there every step of the way.

"Zyston Woods, the man that stole the heart of my woman." Turning my head towards the stairs, a scrawny man stood on the last step.

"Let me guess, Robert Lang? The piece filth that put the woman of my heart down here." Disgust and anger filled my voice.

"We're going to change that." Amusement and confidence in his voice.

"Which part you being a piece of filth? Or you taking my Mate away from me? Either way, I got to break it to you. Neither one of those is going to happen. Because you will always be a piece of filth. As for Adriana, I would enjoy seeing you try to take her from me. I let that mistake happen once it is not going to happen again, not while I'm alive." My word must have made him angry.

Changing into his wolf, he attacked me. Knocking me onto the ground hard, and Adriana's body was fling off my lap. His jaws snapping at me while I hold his head back. Using my strength kicking him over my head. Getting up quickly, shifting back into my wolf. Showing my teeth growling and snarling. At the same time, standing in front of Adriana protecting her. Lang getting off the ground, getting into an attack position.

After a few seconds, Lang finally made his move. He and I both crashing into each other. Biting and clawing at each other, rolling around in the dirt. After a few minutes of rolling around. My teeth clamping down hard on his back, throwing him into the cement wall. While throwing him, he nicked me with his claws across my right cheek.

"Kill him! Make an example and warning to others that dare to touch our mate!!" Travis growling.

"Let's make it painful and suffering!" Stryker growling along with Travis. Lang shifted back to his human form, laughing like a mad man.

"He was right.. she will be your downfall in this war! Seeing you now, the way you protect her proves this!" He continued to laugh.

I knew exactly who he was talking about. This piece of filth is working with Alexander Parr. 'What his connection with Alexander Parr?' New questions ran through my head before I could even consider to question him.

Travis's wolf body started growing a little bigger. Claws and teeth getting larger. Stryker's dragon horns appearing on top of Travis's head. Icy cold blue dragon eyes taking over Travis's bright blazing golden wolf ones. Stryker took control of Travis's wolf body, pushing me back into the passenger seat of my mind next to Travis.

Lang scooted towards the wall in fear. Smelling the fear coming off his body. Encouraged Stryker to attack him. Grabbing onto his ankle, dragging him in the dirt. Robert started to yell in pain, trying to swat at us to let go.

Dropping his ankle, Robert tries to crawl away, using our teeth clamping down on his left ribs. Braking them like how he broke Adriana's. Using our front paws to shred his back apart. Using our teeth to peel some of his flesh off his back. His screams filled the room, echoing off the wall.

Using our teeth for grip and our paws for support, dislocating his shoulder as he did with Adriana's. Rolling him over onto his back, shredding his chest apart, peeling more of his flesh off. To make him feel the pain, my Mate felt when he beat her. Blood coming out of his mouth, his breathing starting to shallow from the blood loss.

It no longer Travis and I in the passenger seat. Travis has joined Stryker in his sick torturing game. This is how my dragon likes it his the deepest dark part of our soul.

Before Lang could die using our claws, tearing his manhood off completely. For raping and touching our Mate's body. Watching him slowly choke on his own blood and screams. Looking into his eyes as his life fades away.

The sound of wooden steps creaking pulls our attention towards the stairs. Tyler, in his human form, stepping down from the last step. Getting too close to Adriana's body for Stryker's and Travis's liking. Growling two sounds coming together, representing both beasts are showing themselves. Tyler holding his hands up and kneeling on the ground showing submission. Once both beasts realize there was no threat, they give me back control.

My wolf form changing back to normal. Hurrying to Adriana, she was starting to sweat bullets. Her transformation for her wolf is about to happen. Tyler picks her up and places her on my back. With her on my back and Tyler following behind me in his wolf. Quickly as my paws would let me, I take her home.