Chapter Fourteen

[P.O.V. Adriana Braxton]

Stuck in my own unconscious mind, still in my sanctuary place. I can't seem to leave this place. My body won't allow it. My body is in much pain, but also very sick. Everything my body feels, I can still feel it even though I'm unconscious.

Wonder what is going on in the real world? Been trying hard to get back to the real world. Something going on in the real world, I know there is. How do I know? One moment I'm sitting on the bench relaxing, enjoying being away from the real world. Then the next moment, I can feel my body being used for Roberts pleasures once again. Next, my once gorgeous long hair was now short. In a cut all too familiar the same way, I use to have it before I ran away from Robert. My anxiety was so high the Moon Goddess told me that whatever happens in the real world. Happens to my body here in my mind.

Sliding down a tree trunk onto the ground, pulling my knees up and hugging myself tightly. Taking a rest from trying so hard to get back, crying from frustration. All I want is Zyston to hold me tight and kiss my forehead. I miss him terribly. My heart aches for the man I have fallen so hard for.

Like a small prayer being answered, I could feel very faint sparks across my skin. My stomach has tiny butterflies. It surprised me so much it made me stop crying. Hope swelled in my heart, comfort surrounding my body.

Stick snapping pulled my attention to the source. In the tree's a huge wolf almost big as a bear. Black and grey fur and blue eyes stared at me for a few minutes, and then it starts walking away from me. Couldn't help the feeling but to follow the wolf. Fear from the last time I saw one consumed me holding me back. The wind starting to blow lightly, a small voice telling me to follow.

Getting up following that wolf threw the forest. Hiking up big rocks and ducking under trees and stepping over trees. Leading me into a clearing with a river flowing. Over this river was a beautiful wooden bridge with dragons and wolves carved into the railings. Stepping onto the bridge looking over it, I was above the waterfall I once was below. I Can see above the forest and the sunset that's in the background. This place is absolutely beautiful.

Continuing to follow the wolf to the other side, walking down a forest path. Into a clearing with huge rocks and small caves everywhere. Huge wolves surrounded this place, all relaxed. Some were even playing with little pups. The one wolf that caught my attention was absolutely beautiful. Laying on the highest rock, looking down at her pack. She has light grey fur with white socks on all her four paws, White-tipped ears, white mixed with grey in her tail, she bigger than the other female wolves, and her eyes are a really unique color, bright, beautiful purple. She looked like a queen; she even has an aura of a queen.

Her eyes and mine catching with each other are just staring at each other. Looking at her, I didn't feel afraid I felt unafraid. Something deep down was telling me she wasn't going to hurt me. She got off her rock and walked towards me. Circling me like she was checking out some prey. Why was she? I didn't understand it, but I didn't fear her. Standing in front of me, she started to growl and snarl, showing me her teeth.

Even though she was, I still wasn't scared; instead, I put my trust in her. Moving my legs walking towards her like I didn't have any control over what I was doing. Closing my eyes shut, reaching my hand out towards her.

No more growling or snarling could be heard, but fur being pushed into my hand. Opening my eyes, she was pushing her head into my hand. Petting her, the other wolves howled what sounded like happiness. My heartfelt like it was pounding out of my chest. All of a sudden, a flash of white happened, and I felt the worst pain imaginable.

[P.O.V. Zyston Woods]

Running to my house in wolf form. Adriana was breathing hard and mumbling in her sleep. Getting to the back yard, Vincent pulled her off my back, starting to examine her. When he got to her leg with the teeth mark showing, his face paled a little.

"She been bitten?" Vincent asks, surprised. Shaking my head yes, he took a deep breath and letting it out. "Explains the high fever I can't take her into the house she about turn into her wolf. Look at all her wounds and bruises. Her wolf is already healing them." Looking at her body, it was starting to heal.

Stryker, Travis, and I are ecstatic; she was about to change and get her wolf. Travis is more excited than Stryker and me, which is understandable.

Adriana's eyes shot open, her body starting to shift, making a small yell leave her mouth. Rolling onto her side as her bones start to shift and break. I can hear the breaks echo along with her yells and small screams.

It took a few minutes for her to transform, and once she was, her wolf was beautiful. Her eyes caught my attention; they were bright purple. Her smell was vanilla, lavender, and now fresh rain. Her scent became even more mouth-watering.

Giving Travis control of our wolf form approaching her while she lays on the ground. She was watching us approach her. Standing in front of her bright purple eyes staring into blazing gold.

"What is your name?" Travis asking her through mind-link. With admiration in his voice.

"Raina." Our Mate answered.

"Raina.. it beautiful name, I'm Travis." Raina bashes her eyelashes.

Going back into my own mind giving my wolf some privacy to get to know Adriana wolf, Raina.

[P.O.V. Raina (Adriana Wolf ]

After shifting and connecting my soul with Adriana's body and soul, Adriana passed out from the pain, letting me take control.

The smell of fresh forest rain and fresh-cut hay mixed made my mouth want to drool. It was an intoxicating scent looking for the being that had this smell. A beautifully handsome pure black wolf walked towards me. His massive size shows that he is an Alpha. Power and intimidation roll off him in waves. Blazing golden eyes with a hint of green. Showing that his human was present. Looking closer, he had little blue around his pupils. Indicating that his not the only one that shares a body with his human. 'His a hybrid?' All my instincts yelling at me, telling me that he is my Mate. Standing in front of me, he asks for my name.

"What is your name?" His voice makes my heart skip a beat. I can hear the admiration in his voice.

"Raina" Replying to my Alpha Mate.

"Raina.." His testing my name sounds perfect. "It beautiful name; I'm Travis." Knowing he likes, my name makes my heart flutter. The hint of green vanished along with the blue showing that it was now just Travis present.

"I know Adriana was seriously hurt where you are still healing her, and also with the shift, you must be tired. But would you like to go for a run?" I am tired from the shift, but what tiring me the most is my human, Adriana. Her wounds are great; I'm still trying to heal them.

Most humans wouldn't have survived the shift in the condition my human is in. That is why I choose her. She is strong, brave, loving, caring, friendly, and everything a Luna should be. I choose her because I am a Luna myself. I saw her as worthy of being connected with me. That is why I agreed to go on this run, not only for my Mate. Because Adriana and I are strong and now that our souls are connected. Our bond with each other and with our Mate will only grow.

Travis and I ran through the forest together. The wind felt amazing blowing in my fur—the dirt underneath my paws, old grass scratching against my body. We ran for a long time until I couldn't anymore.

Usually, during the first time, wolves meet each other. The pair of mate wolves shift and run together. By the end of their run, they end up mating. Travis and I couldn't, for I was stilling healing Adriana wounds. Even though I was in my wolf form Adriana and I still shared a body. That meaning her wounds are mine, and mine are hers.

Instead of mating like most wolves, Travis and I laid in a small clearing under a big tree. His body behind mine curled with each other. As the moon shined down on us in the distance, the sun was slowly coming up.

"Hey, Raina?" Travis asks.

"Yes, Travis?" Replying sleepy.

"Happy Halloween."

'Halloween?' This is the day my human and I connected? Bringing me into this world. Travis licks my face and ears showing his affection. Laying his head on my neck, we both fell asleep.