Chapter Fifteen

[P.O.V. Adriana Braxton]

My body feels like it has bricks weighing me down, my head pounding hard like being hit by a hammer. Prying my eyes open, a white ceiling was above me. Looking around, there were light grey walls with different pictures and posters on them. Turning my head right, there were couches with the coffee table in the middle. In front of a balcony door, turning my head left two doors leading somewhere. I was lying on a bed with grey and black silk bedding. The room is luxurious; it also has a familiar intoxicating smell. 'What time is it? What day is it? Where am I?' The last thing I remember was being in that dark, awful basement. Being attacked by a huge wolf that was Robert. Then I passed out and was stuck in that dream. Also, remember the worst pain I have ever felt as I shifted into a wolf. 'Into a wolf?'

Like being smack by a train, everything that has happened hit me hard. It wasn't a dream; it really happened. Robert changing into a huge wolf and biting me, that strange place I was stuck in my own head, and my body actually turned into a wolf. Now I'm in some stranger's house?

Jolting out of the stranger bed, realizing what I was wearing. Nothing but a pair of male boxers and a male white T-shirt. 'What the fuck?'

"Calm down were not any danger." A female voice says in my head. Took me by surprise, jumping back, letting a squeak out. Knocking the lamp off the bedside table.

"Who said that?" Confusion in my voice.

"Remember that place in your mind where you met a light grey wolf? Then you shifted into that wolf?"


"I'm that wolf. My name is Raina our souls connected this very early morning."

"Early morning?... Connected?.."

"Yes, early this morning around 1:00 a.m. and you know making us a werewolf. My body is yours, and yours is mine."

"Holy shit balls.. because our souls connected, we can talk through my mind?"

"Yes, it's how we communicate with each other and other werewolves. So you really don't need to speak out loud. Just think what you want to say."

"Like this?" Thinking the words in my head.

"That perfect darling when you think it, it much better. The reason being if our life is ever in danger, then the enemy can't hear us."

"Got it."

"You're handling this very well. Most humans would be freaking out."

"All honesty, I don't know why I'm not freaking out."

"It because you trust me in everything I'm telling you. It one of the many reasons why our souls are connected. You trust me, and I trust you."

"Oh... Hey Raina? Where are we anyway? What day is it?" I could feel her excitement.

"Today is October thirty first, and we are in our mate's bedroom in his house."

"Mate?.." There that same word Robert used.

"It is what a wolf calls their soul mate. When the wolf other half finds each other, their mate bond pulls them to each other so they can complete the bond. Once their bond is complete, their souls can be as one." Getting comfortable on the bed, Raina explained to me about werewolves. From soul mates and how to complete the bond. To highest rank to lowest.

After hours of talking with Raina and connecting with her, I felt drained still from not sleeping when I was in that basement. Because of that very reason, I fell back asleep.

Nightmares of what happened in that basement filled my head. Couldn't seem to get rid of them in the middle of one. I could feel strong sparks on my cheek. The same smell of this room but only stronger filled my nostrils: a Deep, Dark, and familiar voice speaking soothing words. The nightmare vanished, no longer feeling scared, instead of feeling comfort and contentment. Peeking my eyes, open Zyston was above me.

"Shh.. go back to sleep Little Light." Sighing in contentment and closing my eyes again. 'It was just Zyston touching my cheek.' Thinking to myself. Soon as the sparks, we're gone that when I realized.

"Mate," The word leaving my mouth, springing my eyes wide open and excitement feeling my body.

Looking around in the darkroom. When I couldn't see him anywhere, one of the doors to the left opened with the light turned on. Crawling out of bed, entering a walk-in closet. Zyston was stripping out of a black suit. 'When did he start to wear fancy clothing?'

His peeling of his white dress shirt showing his bareback. His perfect muscular back had a tattoo going down his spine. Starting at the top of his spine was a Sun, going down his spine was some lettering; it looks ancient. Stopping at the bottom of his spine was a moon. The tattoo designs are stunning and ancient-looking.

Like a deer getting stuck looking at headlights. His front body was now facing me. Holy Moon Goddess! His back was only a teaser, for his front was even more mouth drooling. His perfect chest muscles, perfect stomach muscles showing an 8 pack, and a sexy V line where his pants meet. What made this even hotter was a scar. From the front of his right side of his chest. Going straight down to his hip. It looked like something clawed him. 'Why are tattoos and scars so hot?'

My cheeks were no longer lightly pink but crimson red. From blushing so hard, my mouth starts to feel dry, trying to moisten my mouth, swallowing hard, and looking up my eyes meet lustful green ones.

Could feel the lust aura building between us. It was so tense it was making me wet between my legs. Following his gaze, he was looking at my bare legs. Then his eyes would trail back up to my chest then back down to my legs.

"Why am I feeling like this? After what just happened to me, I shouldn't feel like this." Asking myself, unsure what to feel.

"Because he is our mate. Now that you're no longer human, you can feel the mate bond even better. The bond is our souls screaming to be one. To complete the bond and be whole with each other. There is no reason to be ashamed, Adriana; we belong to him, and he belongs to us." Raina explains with lust in her voice.

"I suggest you stop having a conversation with your wolf and put some pants on my Little Light. For if you don't, I will strip you and take you right now." Zyston says with a deep, lustful, and dominant voice.

"Wolf? You know about me changing?" With a huge smile on his face and giving me a pair of sweat pants.

My heart raced with anxiety. 'Will he still want me?' I already have doubts he won't, especially after what Robert did to me. Now adding that I'm no longer just human, can or will he accept me? Just even thinking he doesn't want me makes my heartache. The idea of him not being able to accept me. For what I am now only making the ache worst.

"I know you're a werewolf, not only because I watch you changed. Because I am a werewolf and dragon shiftier making me a hybrid." Releasing a breath I didn't know I was holding. Some of my doubt was gone. Knowing he was like me made me feel even better. His smile was gone, and his expression turned serious.

"So if you're worried about me not accepting you, then your wrong. I have been looking for my mate for a very long time. Now that I have found her, I plan on not losing her. Your light is the other half of my dark soul. I accept all of you; never forget that, Adriana." Those words making a promise chased all the rest of the doubt away. Using his thumbs to wipe the silent tears off my face and placing kisses on my cheeks.

"How long?" His face scrunching up in confusion then soon replaced with understanding.

"Two hundred and forty-five years, I have been searching for you."

"Exactly how old are you?"

"Three hundred and forty-five..."

"I didn't know I was with such an old man." Teasing in my voice.

"And I didn't think my mate would be so young. What are you 16?" Him teasing me back, smacking his chest, making him laugh.

"I am not that young!! For your information, I am twenty-five years old. In my time era, I consider as an adult as for you. You are considered as a freaking dinosaur!"

"Dinosaur, huh? Well, this dinosaur is going to teach you a lesson on using that word." Dropping the sweat pants out of my hand. Him picking me up over his shoulder, going into the bedroom. Tossing me onto his bed, tickling me until I took the dinosaur comment back.

Later that night, Katrina threw a Halloween party at Zyston house. She even insists I wear my costume. It took a little begging. Where Robert bit my leg, it left a scar leaving me a little self cautious, not to mention what happened. After all her begging and telling me my scar made me look hot, I put my costume on. Agreeing to switch my fishnets for some black leggings.

At the party, my best friend Scarlet came with Jake; we were able to catch up. While Katrina, Jolene, Scarlet, and I were talking on one side of the room. Tyler, Joseph, Jake, and Zyston were talking on the other side of the room. Zyston and I would catch each other, looking at one another. Feeling for once, maybe my luck was starting to change.