Chapter Seventeen

[P.O.V. Adriana Braxton ]

(Two months later. [Now January)

Snow covering the ground, the cold wind nips at my cheeks. Looking up at the sky, trying to catch snowflakes with my tongue. These last couple of months have been crazy. Found out, Zyston is the Alpha of his pack. Meaning I'm the future Luna. I didn't know what that meant. Until he freaking explained it to me, at first I was scared, but now I'm not.

I really have enjoyed being the pack, Luna. Zyston introduces me to a few pack members, and ever since that day. Zyston and I spend more time over at the packhouse then at Zyston house. Once Zyston and I mate and mark each other, we can have my Luna ceremony. During this ceremony, I get to become one with the whole pack. Raina and I are excited about our ceremony.

It is the mating part that has been hard for me after what happened to me in that basement. I have been having a hard time in the sex department. Before I was ready, but after what happened. It's like I took a few steps backward. Every day that I spend with Zyston, it helps my healing process. What else helps is my pendant that he bought me. Kat and Tyler got it back for me two days after Zyston, and the pack rescued me. Now that silver burns me, the silver got switched for gold.

Zyston has been really patient with me, waiting for when I'm ready to mate with him. 'Wonder how he's so calm about it?' I was told most werewolves and dragons mate and mark their mates right away. Our bond has been so strong trying to get us to mate. That we can't stand being away from each other for too long, because of this, I have moved in with him. That day was crazy. Scarlet was crying, and Jake was cheering on for me. While Zyston and his beast were ecstatic, he helped me get my stuff out fast.

After moving in, Katrina made me go shopping for another whole wardrobe. I didn't really want to, but me being Zyston Mate, she told me I had to get used to the money. Which I don't think I ever will, don't really care about the money. But it is apart of the package being with the billionaire bachelor Zyston Kale Woods, CEO of Silver Moon Products.

By moving in with Zyston, that means I live with his siblings and their Mates. Zyston and I live in the West wing, Katrina and Tyler live in the North wing, and Vincent and his human Mate, Emily, live in the East wing. The mansion is bigger than it looks from the outside.

Zyston says it safer to live this way by living out of the packhouse and being three miles away from it. Vincent, Tyler, and Zyston have been really stressed out lately. Trying to figure out what to do about this war that coming, which Zyston has been keeping me in the dark about. One day I will figure out what is going on and when I do. He better be ready for the questions that come with my curiosity.

Until that day, I will be here playing in the snow with the pack pups. Throwing snowballs, making snow angels, and making a snowman. That's what Katrina, Jolene, and I are doing while our Mates talk. In the Alpha office in the packhouse talking about this war and pack business.

Throwing snowballs with Katrina, Jolene, and some pack pups. Suddenly, my body was hit with fever, hot flashes, body aches, and my womanhood just pulsing and aching for sex. It hit me so hard I was got really dizzy, blacking out for a few minutes.

Laying on the cold ground opening my eyes, things were slowly starting to spin. My whole body feels like it on fire, and everything aches. Curling into a ball, hugging myself, trying to make the ache stop. Katrina and Jolene were next to me in a flash, looking at me with concern and worry.

"Adriana, are you okay?" Jolene asks. Telling them what I feel their eyes got wide.

"You're in heat," Kat says.

"Heat? What's heat?" Asking with pain laced in my voice.

"You know how human's have periods?... Well, we werewolves have a thing called heat. It happens three months after the female meets her Mate. It tenser than a human period instead of every month. We get it every two months if you're unmated. Once you are mated, you get it once a year." Kat starts to explain.

"Unmated female's heat is tenser than a mated female's. Only because your body wants to be mated, so it works harder." Jolene continues to explain.

"Only your Mate can touch you anyone else touches. Your body burns with unbearable pain. Unmated male's wolves go crazy when an unmated female is in the heat..." Kat says the last part quietly as her face goes pale. Looking at both of them, they looked like they have seen a ghost. Kat's eyes go glossy, meaning she was mind-linked. Howls could be heard in the distances.

"What going on?.." Asking with a little panic. Six unmated wolves started circling us like we were prey.

"Kat, we need to get her out of here," Jolene says, panicky.

All six wolves were growling at each other, playing the pissing contest, trying to see who gets me. Damn heat! Why did it have to come now? All eyes looking at me with lust and desire. A light brown wolf makes a move coming towards me. Before he could reach me, a big black wolf jumped in front of me. Knocking the light brown wolf down to the ground. Raina was barking with happiness seeing our mate coming to our rescue. All unmated wolves started to fight with Zyston, like fighting over a piece of meat.

Tyler picking me up, running into the packhouse. Kat and Joel followed behind us, where his body touched mine. Unbearable scorching pain ran through my body. Making a whimper leave my mouth.

"I'm sorry, Adri, I had to get you out of their unmated male wolves are dangerous. When it comes to an unmated female wolf in heat." Tyler apologizes.

"It fine... Zyston must trust you... If you're always getting.. in this kind of situation with me.." Saying through gritted teeth as pain ran through my body. Sweat was starting to run down my face and my clothes soaking it up.

"Were pretty tight with each other. I trust him with my mate. I'm glad he trusts me with his." Giving me a small smile.

"Yes, but your mate is his twin sister.."

"Even if she wasn't his twin sister, I still trust him with her.

Going into an unfamiliar room that smells like Zyston. Tyler sits me down on the bathroom counter then leaves. Kat and Joel helping me out of my winter clothing, leaving me in my underwear. Running me a cold bath to get my temperature down. Laying in the cold water with a little time, the heat died down a little.

"How long does this last?" Asking Katrina.

"If you don't mate, then it lasts about a week," Katrina replies.

"How do I make it stop hurting?" Her lips making a huge mischievous smile. Getting ready to speak, a deep a dark voice spoke instead.

"If we mate, the pain will die down. If we get intimate, the pain will die down for a little while. Till it comes back, and we have to get intimate again. Don't do either of those; the pain stays as it is or gets worst." Looking at the bathroom doorway, Zyston was standing there. With only wearing basketball shorts that hung off his hips. There were few scratches on his chest that have already begun to heal.

Katrina and Jolene leave the bathroom with smiles on their face. Zyston never losing eye contact with me. He walks into the bathroom and kneels by the bathtub. Running his thumb against my cheek. Since I'm in heat, the sparks from our mate bond were even more pleasurable. The ache died down where he was touching my cheek. Rolling my eyes back in my head from the pleasurable sparks.

"What do you want to do, Adriana? Get intimate? Or Mate? Those are your only options, for I am not letting my mate suffer miserably through this." Dominance was in voice, also lust turning me on even more.

"Just make the pain stop.." My voice coming out raspy. A small smile showed on his lips, knowing the affection he has for me.

"Choose, Little Light." Moving his hand down my neck. I couldn't believe the words that came out of my mouth.

"Mate... I want to mate." His smile grew bigger, and his eyes grew darker with desire.

"Are you sure?" 'Am I? Yes, I know this is what I want.'

"Yes.. please, Zyston" Him letting a small growl out. Standing up, picking me up out of the tub, placing me on the bed. My heart was beating with the adrenaline.