Chapter Eighteen

[P.O.V. Adriana Braxton]

Laying me down on the bed, kissing me with passion, with our tongues tangling with one another. Pulling his lips away, kissing me down my neck and collarbone. Moving his hands to unhook my bra, peeling it off, tossing it to the floor. Sucking and kissing on my chest, using his fingers to pinch my nipples. Letting a moan out while arching my back.

Slowly and enjoying every part of my body. Kissing, sucking, and nipping all the way down to my hips. Worshiping every inch of me, sparks on my skin were singing with pleasure. I could feel my pulse from the adrenaline, only making me want more.

Slowly peeling my laced underwear off me. Spreading my legs wide open, nipping, sucking, and kissing on my thighs. Moving his face between my legs, breathing in my arousal. Using his finger to pump inside of my wet women hood. After a few minutes, he adds another finger then another. Three fingers pumping inside of me, making me moan and breathe hard. My body starting to tremble from being so close to my release.

"You are mine, Adriana! Nobody else's!" Zyston says possessively.

"Yes.. yours.." Saying in small moans. Moving his fingers faster, my body found it's release.

"Zyston!" Yelling his name as I cum.

"Fuck!!.." He cusses, pulling his fingers out and dropping his short to the ground. His huge cock springing free, making my eyes widen with how big his length is. Lying between my legs, pressing his cock in between my wet, slick folds. Filling me to the brim with both of us moaning. Holding my hands next to my head, letting me adjust to his size.

"You okay, Little Light?" Whispering in my ear seductively.

"Yes.. please don't stop." Whispering in a small pleasurable whimper.

Moving his hips in rhythm, making us both moan, breathing so hard feeling like I'm not getting enough oxygen. Fully adjusted to his size, he moves even faster and harder.

"When I'm done with you, Adriana, you're not going to be able to walk," Zyston says with promise, only making me hornier.

Seconds turned into minutes, and minutes turned into what seemed like hours. I didn't know how much stamina an Alpha male had until now.

Going from laying down flat on my back to my legs over his shoulders. From my legs being over his shoulders to fucking me while laying on my side. Laying on my side to me being in doggie position. From dogie to me, being on top of him.

Orgasming multiple times, moaning loudly with every orgasm. Zyston cumming twice almost to his third. Laying his head and back against the headboard. Pumping into me hard as I ride on top of him. Holding onto the headboard for support.

"Cum with me, Adriana," His voice in a breathless moan.

"Mark me.." My voice coming out breathless.

"Are you sure?"

"Dammit, Zyston, do it! Please!" Of course, I'm sure I want my soul to be connected to his forever. I don't want to be anyone else but his.

Few more good pumps holding me tight against his body. My body starting to quiver from building my orgasm. Holding my head to the side as his canines mixed with his dragon fangs. Bite down between my neck and shoulder, making me release a tense and pleasurable orgasm.

"ZYSTON!" Screaming his name with my back arching. Gripping onto the headboard tightly as I can. Releasing his warm seed inside of me, letting our orgasms clashing together.

Hugging tightly to each other, removing his teeth licking the wound shut. Out of breath and energy, Zyston holding onto me, flipping us over. Laying me onto my back, leaving kisses all over my face. Pulling out of me, leaving my legs quivering. Leaning on his elbows, looking at me lovingly while playing with my hair.

"Tired Little Light?" Zyston asks with a proud smile on his face. Answering with "mhmm," he chuckled. His chuckles and laugh always make my heart flutter. "Get some sleep, Little Light, for we have the next few hours maybe next couple days for your heat."

"We are not going home?" Disappointment coming out of my voice.

"We can't, Little Light, you still in heat. Even though I marked you, your mark will take a couple of days to show. While your mark is completing, I have pack business to finish up. Then we can go home. In the meanwhile, rest for in a few hours your heat will be back." Placing a kiss on my forehead, getting off me. Pulling the covers down and covering me up. Taking his place behind me, pulling me tight against his body.

With my heart rate calm and heavy eyelids drooping. Mumbling something while falling asleep. Zyston chuckles and says something. Before I could understand what he said, darkness took me.

[P.O.V. Zyston Woods]

Travis, Stryker, and I are perfectly content now that we're mated to our Mate. We were all getting tired of taking a cold shower.

After mating with Adriana and falling asleep next to her, I was mind linked by someone.

"Alpha?... Alpha?. Alpha Zyston, Sir?.." The voice says, then coming to a stop.

"Dammit! Zyston gets the fuck up!! And answer your first command! " Katrina screaming in my head. Letting an annoyed growl out, Adriana started to stir. Holding her tight to me and kissing her on the shoulder, she fell back asleep.

"If you weren't my sister Kat I would have punished you using that tone with your Alpha." Irritation in my voice.

"It the joys of being your twin. Now get up and meet your First in Command in your office." Damn disrespectful twin sister, I'll get her back for this. Getting out of bed quietly, putting a pair of sweats on, heading to my office.

Entering my office, Vincent, Tyler, Joseph, and my First in Command of my Warrior's were already here. Taking my seat at my desk, rubbing my face from sleep. Checking the clock, it 2:00 a.m. Adriana and I have been in our bedroom since 3:00 p.m. since yesterday. Resting back in my chair, looking at them irritated.

"This better be good to call me down here at 2:00 in the morning." My voice was full of annoyance and irritation—a woman with blonde buzzed hair wearing tight men's clothing steps forward.

"Alpha, I called this meeting because one of the Warriors found something on our South borders." Shannon, my First in Command, says.

"Shan, I'm really not in a good mood. Just get to the damn point." She swallows hard, trying not to be intimated by me.

"When the patrol was doing their rounds, the filthy dead rogues that have been attacking us. These last couple of months did something out of the ordinary. Instead of coming to a huge group, they came to a small group of five. The leader of this group placed something on the ground. After placing the object on the ground, they retreated. Picking the object up, the Warrior brought it to me. That when I showed it to Beta Tyler and Delta Joseph."

"After Shan showed it to Joe and me, we contacted Vincent and you," Tyler speaking up; he nods to Shan. She leaves the room, coming back with a long, small, and black box with a white bow.

Placing it on my desk, staring at the box with curiosity and caution. Standing up and opening the box, the stench of death filled my nostrils. Making my nose scrunch up in disgust. Inside was some fresh white roses with real eyes, teeth, and blood all over them. A note in a small zip lock bag was covered in blood. Opening the bag and taking out the note, and reading it.

Tooth for a Tooth, Eye for an eye. Is what the old saying is in these cases a Mate for a Mate. This is what you took from me, Alpha! Now I'm coming for you! When I do you, you won't even know when or how. I promise when it does happen, I'm going to make you watch as you did with mine! Until then, give your precious Luna my gift for her congratulations on her future Ceremony.

Your old enemy,

Alexander Parr

My body was shaking with anger crumbling the note in my hand. Trying to fight a blackout from the rage scorching inside of me.

"He is threatening our mate over some act we did years ago? We didn't even kill his mate. It was all an act!!" Travis yelling furiously.

"How did he even know about us mating with her? The only way he would have known if someone here in the pack was watching or listening." Stryker asks lividly.

"We have a traitor in our pack." Answering with rage laced in my voice.

I didn't know how long I stood there, gripping onto that paper. Talking with my beasts about not losing our Mate. Also, wondering who this traitor is? Not only is he threatening my Pack but now my Mate! Barking out orders to raise the security all around the pack grounds and borders. No one comes in, and no one leaves without letting me know.