02: Wang Clan




This is how Wang Qiang felt as he greeted his fellow clan members. He is surprised by the fluency and performance when talking to the family members who knew him.

With his perfect performance, they would never think that he was not the same Qiang as before. It was not difficult for him to behave as normal as the deceased young man.

Thanks to the last 4 days he had integrated all the memories and manners that the past Qiang had.

That time helped him to accept his new environment, although his surprise was infinite when he saw the world with the young man's eyes. It is amazing what spiritual energy could do.

"Is incredible!" Wang Qiang thought as he gazed with fascination at his surroundings. Even if he had memories of Wang Qiang's past, seeing it with his eyes surprised him a lot. It's like watching a documentary from a very nice place and then visiting it.

It was a surprising experience.

And to think that he will be able to enjoy this view every day.

The Wang Clan is in the northwestern part of the Green Dragon Village, in a location slightly far from the town's center and commerce. The places closest to the center is where trade is conducted are occupied by the four great clans.

As he said before, the Wang Clan is a small and relatively new clan with only 200 years since its creation by a group of brothers.

The Clan was built at the base of the mountain and was surrounded by different trees that Qiang would have a difficult time naming, even with the new memories.

The houses were built of stone and wood, in an ancient Chinese style but without the typical old age that is usually appreciated in his world.

Freshly made but with a unique style.

Wang Qiang tried not to show a shocked face while looking around him.

"Little Master Wang!!"

"Walk carefully little Qiang."

"Master Qiang is very attentive to his training, look! Although it is so early, Little Master Qiang is ready for his training. "

He listens to the greetings and comments from the servants who worked for the Wang Clan as he walked on the streets.

He just nodded his head and smiled at everyone who greeted him.

"I have to hide my curiosity as much as I can." Qiang thought. He can't show that much interest in every new thing he sees.

Wang Qiang was famous because of being his father's only son.

His father, Wang Huang, is the nephew of the clan chief and is the clan's second elder. With a Condensation Qi rank 6 cultivation. He was the fourth-strongest in the clan after the patriarch, the first elder, and Master Wang Shen — son of the patriarch.

Thanks to that Wang Qiang enjoyed better care than many of the clan members of his generation, after all his father contributed a lot to the clan.

Wang Huang was in charge of managing the spirit plants that are collected from the mountain behind the clan buildings.

Wang Qiang always helped his father, who taught him to analyze plants, distinguishing their quality.

His father was not an alchemist but knew a lot of spiritual plants.

Being an alchemist is a very difficult profession and those who practice it can enjoy a future full of luxury, it is a pity that their clan does not possess anyone with the necessary talent to be an alchemist or with the money necessary to hire one, and possibly with the luck that he takes one of the clan members under his teaching.

For that reason, the clan can only collect the plants they grow and sell them to the four clans.

Not only that, but his clan also owns a small shop in the black shadow city. Something that many of the clans do not possess, even among the four great green dragon clans, only the Liu clan, and the Yang clan have stores in the city.

The Liu Clan who have a first rank alchemist; they have a store where they sell low-level and sometimes medium-level top-tier spirit pills. Something that will change when the Young Master of that clan gets a lucky encounter.

And The Yang Clan who possess a low-ranking blacksmith; they sell low-level spirit weapons in their little store.

They are small stores but even in the city, where there are hundreds of stores; businesses like this can sell a lot because there is too much demand.

The Wang Clan store doesn't sell that much but is still considered one of the families with the most money in town. The only thing that does not allow it to live up to the four clans is that the talents of its members are limited.

Yes, there are ways to raise people's talent but they are very difficult to obtain; like high-level pills, mystical plants, and encounters from some heavenly encounter.

Soon Wang Qiang arrived at the destination he had set this morning when he woke up.

The Clan Library.

It was important to him to educate himself well about this new world. He had read the novel but logically it did not cover everything about this world.

The Library was not as large as those described in the book. Since Wang's were a small family compared to the others; It was just a two-level yellow building with few glass windows.

At the entrance hung a sign with the name "Library" and next to it, large, the clan seal.

Upon arrival, there were several wide steps and on the second of them was a standing middle-aged man. He wearing a black robe and had long hair, not unlike his own, typical in Chinese novels. His dark eyes reflected immense wisdom. You could tell that he was in younger years a good looking man.

"Hoo! Little Qiang. What are you doing here so early? " Asked that middle-age man, while looking gently at Wang Qiang.

"Greetings, Seventh Elder." Greet Wang Qiang with a bow of his head and wielding both his hands together. " This disciple is only here to investigate some small doubts that this little one has." He answers.

The Seventh Elder nodded. "Alright! Alright!" He exclaim twice showing a happy face. "Very good Qiang! Oh! If only everyone were like you, our clan would not be as far below the four great clans. "

Wang Qiang forced an embarrassed face. "Please elder. Don't say things like that. I only do what my father tells me to do. " He said.

The seventh elder shook his head. "As always so modest. Just like your father. "Said the elder while he rubbed the beard in his chin.

"Being like my father is this little boy's dream." Wang Qiang said, and it was not a lie. Wang Qiang's dream was to be like his father, it is a pity that he is already dead.

Now the dream of the new Qiang is to go as far as possible in the cultivation world. And thanks to the combination of souls he will see to it that his father and mother also accompany him on his way.

"Just remember that everyone has their own way." The seventh elder warned. "You just have to find yours."

Wang Qiang seriously nodded. " Hu! Thank you, honorable old man. This disciple will not forget his teachings. "

'You have nothing to worry about it old man. I know what I have to do. The future will witness my achievements. 'Wang Qiang thought as he walked into the library.

And again he had to suppress his fascination. The interior was not much different from an old library on earth. In the sense that they were just chairs, tables, and shelves full of books.

But remember that this world was not normal. That was the world where everything was blessed by spiritual energy, from land and seas to air and plants.

Everything had a little spiritual energy!

In the library, the chairs and tables shone with their own light. He didn't know who the carpenter was who made them but he did a great job. The chairs were natural red; he knew the name of the tree from which they were created.

Its Name was--Great tree of fire; a tree of enormous size. Easily reaching the height of the largest buildings on earth. In the world, there were few great trees of fire, but cutting only one of those trees was enough to create several villages, that are how big they were.

Instead, the tables were created from Bing Qing spiritual crystal, a crystal naturally created in places with a great concentration of spiritual energy.

Shelves were also created of this crystal.

On the walls were lamps that were glowing with beautiful blue fire. This fire was called blue fire, found in the volcanoes of the distant lands of 7 Colors Fire Kingdom.

All this creating a beautiful and wonderful illusion. Just like some fantastic picture that he had seen on the web on earth.

"It seems like I'm the only one here," Qiang observed. He looks everywhere and saw no one.

"Much better for me. This gives me the peace that I need to search for the information I want without being disturbed by anyone. " Wang Qiang said with a smile.

"Ok, let's begin!" He exclaims as he walks to the first shelf full of books.