03: Library

"As I imagined." Wang Qiang said as he closed another book. "The world is much bigger than what is written in the story."

He was not stupid. He knew that it was impossible to write all the information in a book and more impossible in a web novel. But to think about the amount of information that was ignored.

Well, he now knows why the protagonists of many stories seem ignorant and is always a minor character who answers the questions. Of course, the stories are mostly told from the main character's point of view, and for some reason, they are always in a hurry.

Several hours had passed since he entered the library. He was surprised by the number of books he has been able to read in such little time, on earth, he needed days to finish a single book, but here, thanks to his new speed, it only takes a few minutes to finish a single book.

"On earth, it is impossible to find a person who can read and understand a book in a few minutes." He said ironically. "After all, in this world is where supernatural exist."

Of course, it wasn't just the speed, but the increase in his understanding had reached surprising levels as well. He suspected that his talent had been enormously increased. According to his memory, he possessed a rank 2 Body Transformation level at just 12 years old and possessed a rank 3 mortal talent.

"I'm sure my talent has increased by two whole levels, possibly even 3 whole levels." Qiang thought as he navigated through the previous memories of that body.

He was clear how dangerous it was to live in the cultivator world. The deceptions, the deaths, and the conflicts, it was all part of the cake that it was this new world. Where that strength determines how you will be treated by those around you, even your own family if they are not satisfied with your progress it is very likely that they will abandon you to your fate. According to the memories, he does not believe that it is in the case of his parents, but you never know.

Despite his low-level talent, he was talented enough to be considered a valuable member of the clan. Compared to the others where the most talented of his generation was the patriarch's grandson, who possesses a rank 4 mortal level talent; he was one notch higher level than many. His talent could be considered medium in one of the 4 great clans.

This without counting that transformation he had after the fusion of the two souls.

He was still missing what else had changed; he still hasn't found his golden finger. Last night he tries to see what was his cheat but he has not been lucky, he tries to see if he had any system that would help him in his cultivation but nothing had worked.

In fact, he didn't want any system. He did not want to be a slave to any system, no matter how immense the benefits were. He was not the protagonist of this story; in fact, he did not believe that there was a protagonist in this story.

The original story follows the point of view of Liu Chen who, like every character in a Chinese novel, has a mysterious past and gets into many conflicts.

But that has nothing to do with him, Wang Qiang is his own person and his clan, as far as he knows, has no conflict with another clan. Well, nothing out of the ordinary after all is a very competitive world and everyone is fighting for their interests.

Wang Qiang nodded his head. "The best I can do is getting away from the Liu Clan and Liu Chen, that crazy bastard!" He thought. "Of course if one day our interests intersect, unfortunately, I will not show any mercy."

He is confident that with his knowledge of the locations of the different treasures and his knowledge of the history, he could take advantage of the opportunities and will manage to increase his cultivation much faster than Liu Chen and his enemies.

"Brother Qiang! Brother Qiang" A voice shouted.

Wang Qiang turned his head to see who it was. And he saw a young man about his age running towards him with a smile on his face. The young man wore a white robe with black designs. The young boy had long brown hair and black eyes.

Memories of this young man quickly came to mind.

"Stop yelling Wang Bo" Wang Qiang said as he looked annoyed at the young man. "Do you want the seventh elder to punish you again?" He asks looking at the young man with narrowed eyes.

"Hahaha! Please brother Qiang, only you care about what my grandfather says. " Rio Wang Bo stood next to the table where Qiang was sitting. "Also, I didn't see him at the entrance. Maybe he went off to do something more productive than guarding the library entrance. " He said jokingly.

Wang Qiang sighed. "You should respect your grandfather. The seventh elder is a respectable member of this clan. " He reminded Wang Bo.

"Yes, Yes, Yes. That's what everyone says but I still don't see why. " The young man said pinching his nose."I tell you Wang Qiang that when I grow up I will be like my dad; I will be the head of the clan guards. No one can do wrong in my sight!" The young man exclaimed with bright eyes.

Wang Qiang shook his head. "The only one who does wrong is you." He thought. "Tell me, Wang Bo. What do you need? Shouldn't you be cultivating? You know that if Uncle Feng finds you playing he will punish you. " Qiang said remembering that Wang Bo's father was very strict.

Wang Bo looked at Qiang with a proud look. "Aah! Brother Qiang. You don't know that my father is busy. That is why I always tell you that you should let go out a bit more. If you keep cultivating locked up in your room you will never know what is happening in the clan. "

"Oh!" Wang Qiang looked curiously at Bo. "What's going on? Tell me, Brother Bo. " He curiously asks. And to be honest he was a little worried. Perhaps he was not a fanatical reader of novels like many of his friends on earth, but he still knew that when a person is transported to another world, problems always follow them.

"Shit! I hope that the clan does not have any business with the Liu clan. That clan only brings trouble. " Wang Qiang anxiously thought. In the novel, two of the great clans wanted to destroy the Liu clan for many years and they tried their best to give then as many problems as possible.

"It's just rumors I heard from some guards," said Wang Bo, giggling nervously. "Anyway, they were talking about the visit of Gang Gen, the young master of the Gang clan of the black shadow city, to the mountain," Bo explained.

Wang Qiang let out a sigh of relief." Oh! And what does the young master of the Gang clan want? " Wang Qiang asked although he already had an idea in mind about what they were looking for.

After all, there is only one thing important enough to call the intention of such a prestigious clan member.

"The Green Dragons treasure." Wang Qiang thought

"The great fool thinks he will find the treasure of the green dragon. Something that nobody has been able to find in the last 500 years. " Wang Bo scoffed. "Although I have heard that the Gang Clan has hired a Formation Master of the 3 rank. Perhaps with his help, they can find the treasure. Can you imagine brother Qiang! The great treasure! " Wang Bo exclaimed.

Wang Qiang rolled his eyes and said. "Yes, I wish him luck in his adventure." He knew that the Gang clan would not find the green dragon's treasure. As he recalled, a few years in the future, a member of a small clan would find the great treasure by chance and with it, he could greatly increase his and his family's talents.

It was a pity that Wang Qiang was planning to seize that treasure, it was fundamental to his plans. Not only because it would increase his cultivation talent, but also because he could increase the talent of his closest ones from 3 to 4 levels without problems depending on the number of people.

Wang Bo frowned. "My father has always said that the competition between the clans of the city is even greater than that of the 4 great clans of the people." He said.

Wang Qiang closed his eyes and said. "That's right. I doubt the other clans will stand idly by. If the Gang clan finds the Green Dragon treasure, it would not only create a war between Clans that are in the Black Shadow city but also affect the Green Dragon town clans including our clan Wang. " Qiang said seriously, however, he knew that nothing was going to happen.

Fortunately for everyone.

"Brother Qiang! Do not say that!" Wang Bo yelled scared. "Do you think that happens?" He anxiously asks.

Wang Qiang laughed. "Don't worry, Brother Bo. Do you think that if the treasure really existed they would not have found it before? " He asked.

Wang Bo looked doubtful. "Yes but ..."

"But nothing!" Wang Bo and Wang Qiang jumped in surprise upon hearing a voice scream. The two turned and saw that he was Wang Bo's grandfather.

" Elder!"


The old man slaps his grandson's head. "Grandpa nothing! Why don't you start cultivating instead of gossiping like a girl! " The seventh elder angrily shouted.

"Oh! Oh! Oh!" Wang Bo yelled rubbing his head. "Grandpa, why are you hitting me? I was just talking to Brother Qiang about our cultivation techniques. Right, Brother Qiang? " He said with watery eyes.

Wang Qiang gave a helpless smile.

"Hu! That was not what I heard. " The seventh elder narrowed his eyes. "You should be like Wang Qiang, perhaps if you trained more you would increase your cultivation to rank 2 of the Body transformation."

Wang Bo rolled his eyes. "Va! Grandfather, you know that my talent is inferior to Brother Bo. "

"To be a good cultivator it takes more than talent. Having a good grade of talent is only 50%… "The old man began to say but was interrupted by his grandson.

"Yes Yes. And hard work is the other 50%. " Wang Bo said grumbling under his breath.

"What did you say?" The seventh old man shouted as he moved his fist in the direction of his grandson.

Wang Bo made a scared face and quickly walked away from his grandfather. "Nothing! Nothing, Grandpa!" He screamed as he ran to the door. "Goodbye, brother Qiang!"

The seventh sighed wearily. "Ah! I don't know what I'm going to do with that boy. "

Wang Qiang on the other side only smiled at the comic behavior between grandson and grandfather.

"Elder, is it true about the Young Master of the Gang Clan?" Qiang asked.

The seventh looked at him calmly. "It is nothing to worry about. Concentrate on your training and leave these problems in the hands of the adults. "

Wang Qiang nodded. He knew that he could not extract any kind of information from the old man, not that he cared.

Then his eyes lit up. "Seventh Elder. Do you know when my parents will be back from the mission? " Qiang asked curiously.

"Ah! Your parents, if I remember correctly, will be back in a few days. "

Wang Qiang mentally rolled his eyes. "I already know that old but I want to know exactly when." He thought.

The Seventh smiled at him as if he knew what he was thinking. "Don't worry young Qiang; your parents will be back in a few days. I calculate from four, maximum of six days. For now, you better go to the training yard, Master Kun's classes are about to begin. "

Wang Qiang got up from the chair. "Thank you, seventh elder. I will leave immediately. " He said as he bowed his head and headed towards the door, leaving the books on the table knowing that the servants would put them in their places.