04: Master Kun

Wang Qiang quickly ran towards the training yard. Just in time to see Master Kun arrive.

Master Kun was a tall man with gray eyes. He had brown hair tied in a ponytail. He wore a white robe with blue decorations and white pants in the same way. From afar Wang Qiang could feel his presence, an invisible powerful energy that demanded respect and obedience.

It was not a secret that Master Kun had a rank 5 Qi Condensation cultivation, and unlike the clan elders, he did not bother to hide it.

Wang Qiang knew that it was a tactic to intimidate students and for them to pay attention. Simple but effective and Qiang applauded him for that.

He soon got behind the other students but not so far as to attract attention.

Master Kun jumped onto a small platform that was in front of the students. He placed his arms behind his back and looked at the number of students that were present, quickly naming each one in his mind.

And then he nodded his head. "Alright! today we will train the 7 ways of the 7 soft fists technique again." The Master said as he relaxed his body. He looks at his students with narrowed eyes. "I hope to see better results than last time. Let's get started!" He yells while demonstrating the 7 soft fists technique.

Wang Qiang observed in detail the poses that the master did and was totally surprised by what he was seeing; it was simply impressive, the elegance and strength of his movements. Each movement released a flurry of air that caused his clothes and hair to move no matter how far apart he was from him.

He didn't doubt for a second that each one of those blows had the strength to knock down walls.

And he was sure that Master Kun was controlling himself.

Wang Qiang soon went into a trance and automatically his body began to copy the master's movements; who repeated over and over again the 7 soft fists.

Soon all the students also began to practice the technique. Each one to the beat of the teacher, as if he were an orchestra. Sure, after a second you could see the difference between the apprentices,

Some were faster and more coordinated than others, showing greater skill in executing the technique.

Wang Qiang, thanks to his increased talent, had quickly memorized and learned the technique. But to avoid attracting attention, he kept his performance at the same level as the best in the group.

For him, it was not difficult since the technique was only one of the low mortal level. Here it was shown the great difference that having a greater talent than the others made.

"Certainly, having a high talent is essential for cultivators." Wang Qiang thought happily. "In the future, I will be able to learn more advanced techniques much faster."

Just as Cultivators have different levels, techniques are also divided into different Ranks; mortal, spiritual, earth, heaven, and immortal. The higher the rank of the technique is, the more difficult it will be to practice it, and if your talent is low, it would be impossible to cultivate that technique.

The 7 soft punching technique is more than throwing punches into the air, each movement was created to train the entire body. Wang Qiang felt it with every blow he threw. He is using his entire body, muscles that he did not know how to name were being used, and this was what cultivating the body all was about.

Simple but very effective.

This was also called Body Refining. Where you take your body to extreme levels of stress, causing the spiritual Qi that was in the air to enter your body making it harder, stronger, more resistant, and faster.

Wang Qiang for the first time felt how his body was cultivated. And he liked it, he felt alive.

Without noticing it, a smile came to his face. "This! This is great!" He thought as he jumped and threw a punch in the air. " Now I know why people train day and night, this is addictive."

He fell to the ground; He took a deep breath and inhales a hot air. His heart was racing fast, without noticing he had trained for more than two hours and he was the last to finish, he looked around and saw that many were sitting resting and others had finished just a few minutes before him.

He felt that he was not as tired as others; apparently, his transformation not only increases his talent.

Wang Qiang flexed his arm and felt great power. "I feel like my breakthrough to the next level is very close, impressive." He knew that Wang Qiang of earlier had leveled up just 2 months ago, according to his calculations, a level 3 talented cultivator would take a minimum of 9 months to advance from rank 2 to rank 3.

Wang Qiang sighed. "Perhaps my talent increased more than I imagine." Still, that made him happy, the faster he leveled up; the more confident he would feel.

He has many plans to accomplish.

"Wang Qiang." A familiar voice said.

Qiang quickly turned his head and saw that it was Master Kun who called him. He quickly stood up. "Master Kun!" He exclaimed and made a small bow showing respect.

Master Kun looked at Wang Qiang in approval. "I note that you have been training." He nodded his head. "That is the attitude, if you continue like this you may surpass your dad in the future."

Wang Qiang smiled wryly, Master Kun had no idea that for the past few days he has been lying on his bed wailing on the border of madness.

"Thank you teacher for your nice words, I only do what my father tells me." He humbly said.

Master Kun narrowed his eyes. "I hope you continue like this, don't be influenced by Wang Bo. We don't know what to do with that boy. " He sighed disappointedly.

"Don't worry master, I'm sure Wang Bo will change soon." Wang Qiang said calmly.

"I hope so." Said the Master. "We need the disciples to train seriously. The waters are very cloudy lately. " Master Kun muttered.

Wang Qiang looked at him curiously. "Is this about the visit of the young master of the Gang Clan?" He ask.

The teacher looked at him in surprise. "Hu! How do you know about that? " The teacher asked suspiciously.

Wang Qiang shrugged his shoulders. Wang Bo told me. "Answered.

Master Kun looked at him for a moment and sighed. "That boy ..." He helplessly shook his head. "This is nothing to worry about." He said seriously.

Wang Qiang rolled his eyes. "You know whatever it is we will find out." He said referring to all the disciples who were eavesdropping on the conversation.

"You! ..." Master Kun sighed. "I shouldn't tell you this ... But you are right." He said.

Wang Qiang and the disciples looked at him closely.

Master Kun closed his eyes. "Listen well! What I am about to say cannot be repeated in front of non-clan people members, it is information that should be secret. But who would think that my clan is full of gossipy people? " He said looking at Wang Qiang.

Qiang on his side looked embarrassed. " Hey! Don't blame me I just listen to what Wang Bo said to me. He is a gossip! " Wang Qiang thought, feeling cheated.

"It is very true that the young master of the Gang clan will come to the village. Not only that but with him also a rank 3 Formation Master. " The teacher admitted causing several gasps of surprise from the disciples.

"Rank 3 Formation Master!"


"The Gang Clan is very powerful!"

The disciples exclaimed. They knew how valuable and powerful Formation Master was. Even finding a rank 2 training master is very difficult and the Gang clan hired a rank 3 master. That costs an incredible amount of money.

The Gang Clan really was very rich!

Master Qiang seriously nodded. "I see that you understand the seriousness of the situation. It is no secret that the Gang Clan is one of the strongest black shadow city families. "

"But Master, what does it have to do with our Clan? what can they do?" A girl asks.

"Yes, Master!"

"We do not understand!"

Wang Qiang sighed at the ignorance of his generation members. "Well, they are only children but I am still surprised that they do not understand how it can affect the clan. At least there were a few who know how fragile we are and that we can be destroyed in one night if we offend the Gang Clan. " He thought after seeing that some the serious face of some disciples.

"Silence!" Shouted the teacher. "Don't be stupid. Don't you realize how dangerous the Gang Clan is? If we do not act with caution, this may mean the end of our life as we know it. If we were a normal second class clan this would not be a problem. But we are, after the 4 great clans of the town, the richest clan of all. Our presence is essential in the meeting to be given to welcome the young master. According to rumors, this young man is very arrogant. " Master Kun said seriously.

Wang Qiang narrowed his eyes. "Shit! This was not in the story. "