05: Market

"Damn it!" Sighed Wang Qiang as he walked away from the training ground. Not long ago Master Kun had finished the lesson, but not before warning everyone about keeping quiet about what was said and staying away from problems in the next following days.

"I am sure that soon the patriarch will give an official statement. After all, it is not in anyone's interest to leave Clan members ignorant of such an important issue. " He thought as he calmly walked the streets of the Clan.

Soon, following the memories in his mind, he reached the clan entrance.

"Young Master Qiang !!" The guards quickly bowed in respect and Qiang nodded his head with a smile on his face and kept walking leaving the clan behind, although the clan is not near the trade area for him it was not a problem since for a cultivator running or walking long distances was not a problem.

If the Wang Clan were like those powerful families, members like him; sons of clan leaders, or highly talented members, the clan would assign bodyguards to then. Unfortunately, the Wang family was only a second-class clan and although they had a lot of money, it was a luxury that they could not afford.

It was no secret that the Clan was accumulating money to buy high-level pills to increase the level of talent for his grandson and other valuable members such as Wang Qiang.

However, despite having a lot of money, it was almost impossible to buy these pills due to the different powerful clans that exist. Not only do they have more money, but they also could not be offended.

Soon Wang Qiang arrived at the village marketplace. The sides of the market were full of vendors who had tables and on the different types of products.

"I sell this Hundred year Thousand Sun Flower!!!"

"I have the best prices in the entire market!! Come!"

"This deadly low-level sword is in good condition, for only 100 silver coins!"

"Hey! Come and buy this wonderful medicine! It will make your little friend last for hours! You hear right! Hours!"

Wang Qiang compares it to the markets of a third world country only cleaner. He looked closely at each of the tables, stopping at times to speak to the vendors.

He was respecting the other people who were viewing the products, trying not to attract attention, although several already knew him and greeted him affectionately. Wang Qiang thanked the gods that the past Qiang was an educated person and not like those good-for-nothings of the different stories he read, this saves him a lot of trouble.

He tried not to create problems, he was still very weak and anyone could take his life. Although he knew that if someone wanted to make trouble it wouldn't matter what he did, he would have to fight.

This does not mean that when he is stronger and his realm very high, he would behave like an arrogant oaf.


He was simply not like that; he was raised in the 21st century. In a time when everyone was educated and valued manners, something that many protagonists forget. However, he is not a saint, if someone wants trouble then he expects them to be prepared for the consequences.

"Hu!" Wang Qiang stopped in front of an old man with eyes close, who had a table with white rocks the size of his fist. The old man was dirty and didn't smell good at all. His clothes were black but worn. The old man had no hair on his head but had a long dirty white beard.

Qiang looked at the stones with narrowed eyes and then looked at the old man. He reached out to grab one of the stones but was stopped by the old man's voice.

"Boy, do not touch those stones if you are not going to buy. They are not for playing. " Said the old man who opened surprising sharp blue eyes.

Wang Qiang stopped and said calmly. "I have to touch the product to be able to buy, they are also just stones."

The old man sighed. "It doesn't matter, although I don't know what these stones are but I can feel that they are special." The old man said looking intently at the stones. "Therefore the cost of them is not something that a child like you can pay."

Wang Qiang rolled his eyes. "Do not worry sir. Just tell me the price. "

The old man looked at Wang Qiang for a moment. "I told you the price is too high, boy." Said the man annoyed.

"Are you going to sell or not?" Wang Qiang asked angrily.

The old man sighed. "There are 10 stones, each costs 100 silver coins, it is a total of one gold coin. Once again child, it is impossible that you… "

"Fine, I'll buy them." Wang Qiang stated as he took out a gold coin from his purse.

The old man looked at him with big eyes. "What? Child are you sure? Then I don't want you to cry later. "

"Easy, old man, I know what I'm doing. I want to play with these stones. " Wang Qiang said as he took the stones and placed it in his space bag.

The old man looked at him suspiciously. "Maybe you know what these stones are?" Asked the old man with narrowed eyes.

Wang Qiang rolled his eyes. "Hahaha! It shows that you don't know how we rich people are. After all, you're just a commoner. " He said in a smug tone. "When my cousins ​​know that I buy these stones they will pay a higher price than what I have paid you. Not knowing that they are only stones hahaha! Fools!"

The old man shook his head and sighed. "I'm thinking too much it's just stones." He thought as he took the gold coin. "With this, I can buy the medicine I need. Wretches! They will pay me! " The old man said in his mind as he grabbed the golden coin in his hand tightly.

Wang Qiang saw the old man's act but paid no attention. "Well, see you later, old man." He said as he walked away but the old man was very focused on his thoughts.

The old man never noticed the smile on Wang Qiang's face.

Qiang kept looking at the different tables of the vendors but didn't buy anything after all he had spent all his money on the stones. Besides, he hadn't found anything that caught his attention.

He soon left the market and headed for the Clan. When he arrived, he greeted the guards who again bowed. He quickly made his way to the armory near the training ground.

The armory was not a big deal because the rarest weapons were in the patriarch's mansion. So it was just a simple house with the clan logo and a sign that said 'Armory'.

He reached the door and saw a guard.

"Young Master Qiang!" Respectfully greet the guard. "What do you need, young master?" Asked him looking closely at Qiang.

Wang Qiang nodded his head. "I need a hammer that is very rough." He ordered.

The guard looked at him confused. "A hammer, sir?" I ask.

"Yes, a hammer. The rougher, the better."

The guard nodded slowly and went to look for it. After all, he was just a guard and was in no position to ask questions. Even less to the only son of the Second Elder.

Wang Qiang did not have to wait long and soon received his hammer.

He left quickly after thanking the guard who still wanted to ask but could only contain his curiosity.

In a few minutes, Wang Qiang reached his home and entered without being disturbed. He liked that everyone was doing what they have to do without disturbing each other, perhaps because he was not a good for nothing and had no conflict with anyone; apparently, he was loved by the clan members. And how can the not be if he had everything; a good talent, powerful parents, and was not a jerk looking for trouble.

Life was good.

He locked the door and headed towards his room. Once inside he closed the door and lock it as well, his room was not a big deal, he understood it to be like all the other high clan members room; a medium bed, a wardrobe, a table with its chair and a shelf with books on it, and surprisingly an included bathroom where he could relieve himself and bathe. Nothing close to the modern world but it works.

He took the stones out of his space bag and places them on the table. He took the hammer and started breaking one by one. As he broke the stones one by one, his emotion grew more and more.

A big smile appeared on his face and he couldn't contain a laugh. "Hahahaha! Yes! As I suspected! " He exclaims while looking at the table.

On the table, there was not a whole stone. Wang Qiang had smashed them to pieces, leaving only dust, but if you looked closely you could distinguish small spheres that shone with different colors.

Wang Qiang grabbed one of them. "Spirit stones ..." Qiang muttered.