07: A faithful son 1


Very addictive.

That was the thought of Wang Qiang who recently advanced to rank 4 of the Body Transformation realm. It had been 5 days since his last breakthrough and all he had done was cultivate and eat the food that he had indicated to the servants to bring three times a day.

He felt great, despite not having slept in the last 5 days he felt rejuvenated and energized.

His cultivation speed was impressive, something that is only sought in highly talented people or members of very powerful families.

It was to be said that in the great continents its rapid advance was not a great thing; the Body Transformation Realm was the easiest and fastest realm to advance, even in the future you could find children of the same age as him in the Foundation Establishment realm, And some large families, you could even find some in the Core Formation realm, and those blessed by the world in a higher Realm!

Wang Qiang got out of bed and look where the other spirit stones were. "It has been 5 days since I started this closed cultivation time. My parents will not be coming soon. He thought as he stuffed the others into his space bag.

Bang! Bang!

Qiang heard sounds in the house. He hid his bag in his chest and walked to the door, in the entire clan there were only 3 people with key for this house; his mom, dad and him.

A smile emerges on his face although he was scared inside, he was still being affected by the soul of the past Wang Qiang who loved his parents very much.

He quickly opened the door and ran into the living room.

In it were two people sitting with serious faces; a tall man of about 6 feet 2 or 3 inches. He had long black hair. Under thick eyebrows were strict gray eyes, the man wearing a black robe and have the clan logo on his left chest. This man emitted an impressive aura even stronger than Master Kun, a majestic aura.

Next to him, there was a beautiful woman with brown hair. This woman was very beautiful, with a beautiful body and with curves in the right places. Her beauty could be considered as that of a model on earth or even more. She had green eyes that glowed with their own light; her eyebrows were long and thin as well as her eyelashes. She wore a dark green gown that ended at the knees, showing off long legs for those lucky enough to witness. Her skin was white and very beautiful without any imperfection.

Together they were a couple formed in the heavens.

These people were the father and mother of Wang Qiang; Wang Huang and Yin Li.

Wang Qiang was the perfect combination between them, with black hair and green eyes that previously shown with innocence, but if you looked closely you would notice a maturity that is strange, something very rare to find in other children of the same age.

Being affected by their emotions, Wang Qiang couldn't help but run towards them. "Mother!! Father!!" He exclaimed as he throws himself to them.

For their part, Wang Huang and Yin Li were focused on their conversation, unaware of Qiang's arrival until his cry. They watched in surprise as he launched himself towards them, showing a bit of concern his mother quickly opened her arms and grabbed her dear son tightly.

"Qiang !!" The mother exclaimed while checking her son for any injuries. "What happens? Are you well?" She asks frantically.

His father, on the other hand, scanned his son with his Qi, putting his hand on the boy's head, but he did not discover anything out of place. "His body is in perfect condition." Wang Huang said looking curiously at his son. "{In fact, it's more than perfect. I feel like his body has gotten stronger as if his level had increased.} The father thought suspiciously.

Qiang on his side mentally beat himself for how silly he was. "{How impulsive I was! Shit! These are my parents, someone who knows me too well, I cannot act very suspicious. They will ask me questions! Questions I can't answer!} "Honestly, He was embarrassed by his way of acting. He was an older man but he couldn't help it.

He looked at his mother and shook his head. "Nothing's wrong, mother." He said a little flushed. "[What a beautiful woman!!}" He thought.

His mother looked at him angrily. "Don't scare me like that!! Wang Qiang, do you want your old mother to die of fright? " His mother exclaimed angrily as she slapped Wang Qiang's head lightly but immediately hugged him again putting the boy's head on her breasts and moved him from side to side. Enjoying the warmth of her baby, who long ago had taken on the attitude of a little man and no longer allowed her mother to hug him anymore.

Wang Huang watched the act with a slight smile. He knew his wife's thoughts, unfortunately, all the people in the Clan are taught from an early age to be independent. The same when he was a child he was removed from the house and moved to another in the clan so that he can learn to become a responsible member.

Something always was seen in the cultivation world, everyone has to learn to fend for themselves, well at least in the case of men.

Wang Qiang, although he was at that age, still lived with his parents at the insistence of his mother. But honestly, Huang was not bothered because he knew the capability of his Son who was praised by many, he was sure that his son will be someone important in the future.

"Wang Qiang," Huang called out to Qiang who turned away from his mother, who made a sad face, to look into his father's strict but affectionate eyes. "I have been informed that you have been cultivated for several days." He informs his son.

Qiang nodded his head. "Yes father, I have been cultivating all these days. I have obtained very good results. " He seriously declares.

Yin Li smiled. "That's my son. My little genius fills me with pride. " She said stroking Qiang's head affectionately.

His father shot him a satisfying look. "Well! Very good! It is good that you are training seriously but you must be careful not to rush and cause a Qi deviation. So you have to slow it down. " He strictly advises Wang Huang.

Qiang looked at him seriously. "Don't worry father, I know what to do." He affirmed. He knew of the great danger that cultivating without care was, if he didn't cultivate carefully then he could risk creating a deviation from Qi and breaking his cultivation level completely! Becoming a hopeless cripple for life and never cultivate spiritual energy again.

Yin Li by his side rolled her eyes in exasperation. "You are always so serious. Calm down a bit and you! " She said pointing a finger at her husband. "You must stop pressuring Wang Qiang. He is training very hard; I think he should take some time off. Ay! My little one is already a man; strong and handsome. " She exclaims making a fuss over Qiang.

Wang Huang just closed his eyes and sighed. "Hai! Hai! " He said as he sat down in a chair.

Wang Qiang could see the weariness on his parents' faces. It pained him to see them like this but he knew that they had a great responsibility in the clan. So he would do everything possible to make them as safe as possible.

He put a serious look on his face something that caught his parents' attention quickly, after all, they knew their son very well.

"Father, mother, I have something to tell you," Qiang stated while looking at his parents' face closely.

Yin Li looked at him with concern. "Qiang'er, what's going on? Tell mommy everything. " She said as she grabbed her son's hand.

"Speak boy, what happens. As long as I, Wang Huang, have life nobody will bully my son. " He declares with fierce eyes. "[Apparently many have forgotten who I am. I think I need to remind you that I, Wang Huang, am a dangerous man.} He thought, and his eyes shone sharply.

Wang Qiang sweat droop but inside he was glad. This was what he was talking about! How is it possible not to take care of his parents when they love him?

"Not! No, it's what you think. " He rushes to dissolve the misunderstanding. "But first of all, father. I need you to check our perimeter, what I'm going to show you should be kept secret. " He said seriously.

His parents become serious and they look at each other. They had total confidence in their son, they had raised him and until now he has never been one of the children who lie.

They quickly pleased Qiang. They closed their eyes and concentrated their Qi to detect if anyone was watching them. After a while, they nodded at Wang Qiang.

Qiang sighed and had a bit of hesitation but determinedly took out his space bag and took out 4 spirit stones and showed them to his parents.