08: A Faithful son 2

For a moment they looked at the stones in confusion but then Wang Huang's eyes widened in shock.

Huang stood up quickly. "Th-this !! Cannot be!!" He screams without believing what his eyes were seeing. "Spirit Stones!"

Yin Li who was confused, put her hand to her mouth stifling a gasp of surprise. "Impossible!" She exclaims in surprise and quickly looks at her son. "Where did you get them from?" She asks worriedly.

Huang calmed down a bit and looked at Qiang seriously. "Who else knows about this?" He asks strictly knowing very well the danger they were in. He quickly went back to using his Qi to see if anyone was nearby, he felt that was not enough and ran to the windows that were open and quickly closed them.

Wang Qiang shook his head. "No one else, just me." He said calmly as he places them on the table. "Originally they were inside a stone. Do you know that I read a lot?"

Her parents nodded, not taking their eyes off the spirit stones, captivated by their fascinating colors Spirit Stones! There they were in front of them!

Wang Qiang laughed lightly. "An old man was selling it in the market not knowing what they were. Poor sir sold them to me for just a gold coin. I think I have spent all my luck. "

Yin Li shook her head out of her shock. "Do not say that!" She scolds her son. "But I still can't believe it. Only one stone of this… not all the combined gold of the black shadow city can buy one of them. " She reaches out one of her hands and took one of them.

"Is beautiful." She mumbles.

Wang Huang sighed. "Very good! This is a great secret. No wonder I notice that your body is stronger than before. You have a Breakthrough, right? " He asked looking at Qiang.

"Yes, at the 4th level," He confirms.

"It doesn't surprise me, these stones are very special and possess an incredible amount of pure spiritual energy." He said but unlike his wife, he did not raise his hand to grab one of them. "Tell me about your plans."

Wang Qiang looked at him a little surprised. "Father ..." He started to say but was interrupted by his father.

Huang shook his head. "No, son. You found them, they are yours. You decide what to do with it. "

Yin Li only looked with a smile. She knew her husband too well, she knew how honorable he was, he would never take away her son's belongings no matter how precious they were.

Sure, she wouldn't say the same to someone else belongs, after all this was the cold cultivation world.

Qiang smiled happily. "Uh-Hu! There are 4 stones, I will give you and a mother one. " He declares. His parents looked at him proudly, as they had done a great job raising him. They knew that not all the boys would do the same as Qiang, they would keep the secret and would not share the stones with anyone. "I'll take one for myself." He continuous.

Yin Li looked at the last one curiously and asked pointing to the last one. "And this one?" She asks.

Wang Qiang touched the last one with a finger. "I will donate the latter to the clan." He announced, Wang Huang nodded satisfactorily but did not like what Hehear next. "But only after you have finished using yours or advanced to the next realm." He declares seriously.

"What?" Wang Huang exclaimed a little angry. "No, this ..." He started to say but Yin Li cut him off.

"Yes, I agree." She said determinedly.

Huang looked at her with wide-eyes. "Wife, we can't ..."

"Huang! You are a smart person, don't play dumb. " Yin Li exclaimed surprising Wang Qiang who had never seen this side of his mother. "I know that this Clan is not like the others, but we still cannot take risks. This is very big, bigger than anything else. We must be protected and being weaker than others that will never happen. "

Huang opened his mouth but his wife's harsh gaze and his son's serious gaze stopped him. "I get it." He said admitting his defeat.

"They are right, this is bigger than anything else and can make even the most loyal person a greedy person." Yin Li hugged him.

Logically Wang Huang knew that they were right. The spirit stones were too valuable and one had to have extreme caution.

"Don't worry, father. I know it won't be long before you advance to the next Realm. I estimate that with your talent it will no take more than a year to reach the next level. " Wang Qiang said. "And your mom with your level 5 of the Condensation of the Qi will not take more than a year and a few months to advance towards the Other Realm." His mother nodded happily, her eyes shining very clearly saw she looked with eyes full of love to his Qiang, who felt ashamed but happy.

"Thank the gods for giving me such a good and considerate son like you!" She exclaims cheerfully.

Wang Huang just looked at his wife with amusement and squeezed her hand. He looks extremely proud. "{Sure, he's my son after all.}" He thought. "In the future, our clan will not be far from the big 4 of the village. They will give us the respect we deserve. "

Wang Qiang frowned. "That's father what I wanted to talk to you about." He said suddenly.

His father looked at him strangely. "Don't tell me you have other plans." His mother also looked at him curiously.

Qiang nodded regretfully. "This is why I want you to advance the next Realm and become the strongest of the clan. With your higher cultivation level superior to them, your opinion will be taken more into account. "

"This way you can prevent the patriarch and the others from announcing to the Clans our cultivation level. It is not in our interest that they know of our sudden increase in rank, after all even if we have three or four in the Foundation Establishment Realm we will still be weaker than they. " Qiang explained.

Wang Huang and Yin Li looked at him a little surprised and proud. "I see you've thought a lot about this but you're right." Wang Huang said. "But you know this won't be kept a secret for long." Wang Huang warned.

Qiang shrugged. "It doesn't have to be for long, just long enough." He said mysteriously.

Wang Huang sighed. "Ah! I see that you are already a little man. However, even a madman gives good advice, how can I not follow my own son's advice? "

Yin Li smiled happily. And She brought her stone to her mouth, biting it lightly. "If my husband just gave me gifts like this ..." She joke.

Huang rolled his eyes. "I already gave you the greatest gift anyone can ask for." He said pointing at Wang Qiang.

The three laughed cheerfully.

Wang Qiang was happy, although he was angry and bitter about what had happened to him, but he was a man, well now a boy, and he was a practical man. There was no reason to live in the past. He felt that it would be impossible for him to return to his world, in any of the stories he had read before the protagonists never returned to their planet. Unfortunately, they forgot about their past lives, not only that; also manners, morals, and intelligence in certain cases.

So Qiang, although he has only been for a few days in this world, did not neglect his way, trying not to change the core of his being. However, he knew that he could not avoid acquiring certain behaviors.

To avoid this, he must increase his Cultivation level before he begins to acquire certain behaviors.

Wang Qiang looked at his parents who were joking. "Father." He said drawing their attention. "I need experience, my cultivation has grown too fast. I don't know the capacity of my strength. " He explains.

Wang Huang looked at him for a moment. "Wha do you want to do?" He asks, even though he had an idea in mind.

"I need to go to the mountain." Wang Qiang said seriously. His father just closed his eyes.

Yin Li nodded her head. "Uh-Hu! ... No!" She said as if everything had been said.

"Mother! ..." Wang Qiang started to say but again Yin Li stopped him with a severe look on her face.

"Not. You are crazy if you think I'll let you go. It is too dangerous for a child your age. It is too dangerous. " She firmly said. Yin Li knew of the dangers that existed on the mountain; not only the dangerous spirit beasts, there were also bandits without any morals. She felt a pain in her chest just thinking about what they could do to her beautiful son.

Wang Qiang looked at her with a pleading look.

Wang Qiang understands what his mother was saying but this was something he needed. In this world, cultivators needed to go through dangerous situations to progress not only in cultivation levels but also in character. If your character is weak then your heart will not be firm in dangerous situations in the future and could cause Qi deviation. Therefore he had to fight various opponents no matter what, creating in the process a personal aura.

It sounds stupid but it was extremely important. Wang Qiang did not know if he wanted to put his life at risk, but he who had read several novels over the years in his passes life. He knew exactly that to become stronger he had to take various dangers.

Even if He didn't want to.

Wang Qiang tried to convince his mother but nothing worked, he looked at his father who kept his eyes closed.

Yin Li crossed her arms with a frown and said. "NO! No! And no!" She denied.

Wang Qiang opened his mouth to speak but was interrupted by his father who until now has remained silent with his eyes closed.

"He is right." Announced Wang Huang who opened his eyes. Yin Li quickly turned to see him and opened her mouth to yell at him but quickly Wang Huang raised his hand. "Wait! Li'er. You know I love my son but this is an important step for him. It is time for you to stop taking care of him so much. You went through this, I went through this and many people did it too. It's time for our Wang Qiang to open his wings, open the way, don't you want the best for our son? Don't you have confidence in your son? " He explains quickly.

Yin Li opened and closed her beautiful lips several times to say something but remained silent. At last, She sighed and nodded. "It's okay!" She angrily said. "But you must promise me that you will be careful and that you will not hesitate to run if the situation is too dangerous."

Wang Qiang seriously nodded. "I promise mother. I'm not stupid. My life is very valuable to risk for nothing. " Qiang promised and looked gratefully at his father.

"Here you have." Wang Huang said as he took out several coins from his space bag. "With these 5 gold coins, buy everything you need. Prepare carefully, the mountain is very big and dangerous. "

Wang Qiang took the coins gratefully. "Thanks, Dad." He thanked his father. "[With these coins I can buy many things to make my trip safer.]" Qiang thought surprised after all 5 gold coins was a lot of money. Qiang in his entire life has only had one gold coin that was his lifelong savings.

Her mother seeing this quickly took out something from her bag and handed it to Wang Qiang.

Qiang looked at him curiously and when he grabbed it he saw that it was a piece of gold paper, his eyes widened. "A talisman," He exclaimed surprised. The talismans were expensive and Qiang could see that this one was not simple - perhaps even of high rank!

The 5 gold coins compared to this talisman were nothing.

He quickly looked at his mother with a complicated look. "Mother…"

Yin Li looked at him gently. "Yes, this is a rank 3 talisman capable of stopping an attack by a Foundation Establishment realm cultivator. This was a gift from my father… "She said a little sad.

Wang Qiang said nothing, he knew that his mother did not like to talk about her family. He did not know a lot about them. He just knew they were from a distant place.

"[I just hope that they are not the super-powerful family type that will later come to look for my mother for something or another, separating my father from her.}" Qiang thought a little worried but realized that he was thinking a lot and that It won't happen to him.


"How long will you be on the mountain." His father's question brought him out of his thoughts.

"I don't think more than a month. Possibly a month and a half. " He said but backed away a little after seeing his mother's gaze. "I meant less than a month. Anyway thanks! I will not fail you. " He said quickly and hugged his mother kissing her on the cheek and hugged his father tightly and ran towards the door.

Completely forgetting the customs of that new world.

Wang Huang and Yin Li were surprised and look at each other.

"Why aren't you just like your son?" Yin Li said a little flushed.

Wang Huang just gave a dry smile.