10: Hunting

Only the sound of water falling from a waterfall to a river could be heard. A relaxing setting was presented in a hidden place in the forest. The river was surrounded by immense rocks and vegetation, it gave the feeling of being a perfect place to camp. Not far away, on top of huge trees and bushes were different types of small birds singing loudly happily.

It was a paradise for many.

Suddenly the birds fell silent when they saw a huge tiger emerge from some bushes, the great tiger walked menacingly, looking everywhere showing fierce fangs in case any other animal was nearby.

He growls gravely and sniffs the air trying to locate an opponent. He had thought about making such a place his territory, he felt that it was time to get out of the clutches of his pack and begin to fulfill his dream of being head of a territory.

He was the strongest of his pack after his father and although he could challenge the old tiger, and perhaps defeat him, he did not want to because he respected him. Everything he knows he learned from him. So he decided better to get away and make his life somewhere else. However, soon in the future, he would return to subdue the old tiger and everyone in the nearby areas, until he became one of the great generals of the great King of the Mountain.

Yes, this tiger had big dreams and goals to fulfill.

The tiger looked around and liked what he saw. Yes, this place was perfect to start his great goal, soon he would start to recruit beasts for his pack and train them to be soldiers of his future army.

Confident, he started walking towards the water to start cleaning his fur. After all, a general must be clean and prepared for any occasion.

Shua ...

A sound was heard in the air. A dark shadow traveled through the air at impressive speeds toward the absent-minded tiger.

The beast did not even feel the impact of an arrow pierce its head from side to side and fell to the ground never to move again.


The flower of dreams has not even bloomed and is already withered.

Total silence reigned in the river; the birds did not make any noise. Only the continuous sound of the water falling from the waterfall was heard but it did not last long. Soon the birds start singing again at the top of their lungs happily as if nothing had happened.

Only a red bird dared to fly over the dead beast with a smug expression. The red bird spun in the air and paused for a moment to drop its poop into the tiger's lifeless body.

He flew into a tree just a few yards away from the river with a face full of satisfaction and started singing again. It didn't take a genius to see that the bird was happy for his act, he was so proud of his brave act that he only felt the slight movement of the bush behind him. Alarmed, he turned his head to see what it was and his body froze when he saw large green eyes that gleamed with murderous instinct.

This was too much for the little heart of the bird and with "Ju!" A gasp fell to the ground.


Green eyes blinked once and the tree branch began to move. Soon a figure came to light that began to descend from the huge tree with impressive agility and speed. The figure crouched at the base of the tree and shook its body to drop leaves that were stuck to its body.

Immediately the features of the figure became clear to show the body of a young boy dressed in dark green with a bow and a sack of arrows on his back. The boy's face was dirty with dirt and only showed very green eyes, like emeralds. His hair was hidden in dark green cloth with leaves attached to it.

This boy was Wang Qiang.

Qiang cautiously approached the tiger carcass, always looking around for any other presence of another beast. From his hip, he took a knife and embedded it in the chest of the slain tiger. Precisely he pulls down, opening the chest in two. Without hesitation, he reached into its chest and moved sideways for something but sighed disappointedly at not finding what he was looking for.

Qiang made a disgusted face and whispered. "So big but you are only a first rank beast level 1. Who tells you to be so proud? I thought you were a great thing. "

Quickly but disappointed, he washed his hands in the river and cleaned his knife with the water. From his space bag, he took out some blue leaves and took them to his mouth to chew them, then he spat the result into his hand and began to smear them on the arrow that he extracted from the corpse and on the knife that he used to open the beast chest, for the last, he uses the crushed leaves and spread them in both hands.

This blue leaf was the key ingredient in making the potion to remove odors that he used before. Although it was not as effective as the potion it still helps Qiang a lot in eliminating undesirable odors, making his presence even more difficult to find.

This was Qiang's ninth day in the forest and he had already gotten used to being a hunter. Many would-be amazed at how quickly Qiang has advanced in the past nine days, and one more if they realized how many low-level beasts he had killed.

But it was natural, Qiang was not just any child. 70% of his being is from an older 21st-century person on earth. The amount of documentaries and videos that he has seen has been incalculable. Not only that but also his father's training too.

Of course, not only with this one could be a hunter. Everything he knew was theoretical and had never been done to such a degree. But Qiang had a much stronger body than any other human being on earth, his level of thinking was immense and his reflexes very sharp. He was a superman in every sense of the word and thanks to the past Qiang memories and manners none of this affected him as he had originally believed.

However, Qiang had something that many cultivators did not. Something very valuable that is lost the more you cultivate no matter who it is.

Common sense.

It sounds absurd but anyone who read novels would come to this conclusion. He did not blame them, he knew, now that he lives in this world, that when you increase your Realm your instincts become more acute and you feel more inclined to follow them.

For example, there are two paths and your instinct tells you that on the right side there is something fascinating and that it is convenient for you, your instinct warns you that there may be a danger. You follow your instinct and you meet a powerful beast that you have to fight to get where your instinct tells you. You fight and if you win you get to the right place.

Instead, someone with common sense does not choose that path and if he does and sees the powerful beast, he retires and looks for an alternative other than putting his life in danger.

However, you cannot always avoid danger; sometimes there are some situations that you have to fight no matter what the meaning tells you.

Thanks to his intelligence, audacity, and cunning he has killed a large number of beasts. Too bad they were all low-level and didn't have a core within them, they were so weak.

Qiang once again disappeared among the forest trees quickly before any predator arrived due to the smell of blood.

"I feel different, without a doubt in these nine days my aura has changed. The change is tiny but I feel it firmer. Although these days I have hunted different prey, all have been at distances. I need melee battles. " Without noticing, Qiang's thinking has changed. He was braver, more reliable. Just what he was trying to control but his emotion was greater.

He kept running cautiously, dodging the branches and roots on his way. Standing in key places to rest, his active eyes looking, everywhere observing every movement with detail. Many would think that he was very paranoid but if there was one thing that Wang Qiang didn't play with, it was with his life.

"As crazy as it is, I feel my cultivation range getting stronger every day. It is a reality that to increase my level I have to be in life and death situations to release my potential. " Qiang thought as he caught his breath under a large tree. From his chest, he took a map.

Qiang looked at the map seriously. "According to the map I am between the low ring and the middle ring of the mountain. I have to be careful, in this area there might be level 1 advanced rank beast, and there might be some level 2 beasts. A level 2 beast is as strong as a cultivator of the Qi condensation realm. With my level 4 Body Transformation realm, I won't even be able to scratch him. " He thought carefully, he knew that he was still very weak but it was essential to gain experience but he knew his limits.

"With my level, the most I can fight is with level 1 medium-range beasts." He thought. "I must go to this area." He looked directly at an area on the map where it said 'Scorpion Tail Wolf Zone'.

Qiang nodded his head firmly and put the map away, then leaped and disappeared into the bushes like a shadow.