11: Fighting against the scorpion tail wolf.

Although the forest is vast, the location of the scorpion-tailed wolves was not far from where Wang Qiang is. However, he did not lower his guard, the number of powerful beasts was not small and with his low-level cultivation, he was in danger of finding an opponent from whom he could be seriously injured.

With this in mind, Qiang carefully advanced. It was quite late and the night was not long in taking its position, soon only the moonlight and the stars shone in the dense forest.

If one concentrated on the surroundings one could see how a blurred shadow shifts its position from one side to another taking the darkest places to stop for a moment and then move quickly but quietly.

This was the pattern that Wang Qiang followed to camouflage himself. "[My luck is not very bad. Thanks to my caution I have not been discovered by any dangerous beast.} Qiang thought and stopped in the dark of a tree. "{I have learned a lot these days. It is true what they say, only in dangerous situations will I be able to advance faster, my instincts have sharpened and I feel that prompt penetration is not very far, perhaps in a week I will be able to advance to the next level with the help of the spiritual stone.} "

Qiang climbed with the agility of a monkey to the top of a huge tree where the moonlight was not seen by the dense branches and took out the map to know its position. " I'm close." He whispers after a few seconds.

Wang Qiang knew that spirit beast had intelligence compared to humans depending on what level they are at. According to calculations, a low-level 1 beast possessed the intelligence of a 3-4-year-old boy, which was no small feat.

So Qiang had to be very careful and carefully plan how he will progress. It was not a secret that at night only the strongest beasts went hunting.

But Qiang was not afraid since the limit of the scorpion tail wolves was the advanced rank of level 1. Their genes would not allow them to advance to level 2 naturally, only with the help of a rank 4 pills or an energy spirit plant baptized from heaven and earth could evolve. However, neither was easy to obtain. One because no alchemist would waste such a valuable pill on such a low bloodline beast, and two-spirit plants of that rank were nearly impossible to find, and when they appear they create a great battle between the different beasts who as well want to evolve or increase their level.

Qiang had a plan, a very simple one that would help him a lot when it came to fighting. He knew his limits very well and had never before come face to face with such a ferocious beast in either of their two lives.

In his mind, he had calculated various scenarios. "{I can't leave everything to luck. I must take action in case things don't go as planned.} "Qiang climbed down from the tree and continued on his way.


From where he stood, one could already hear the powerful and chilling howls of the scorpion-tailed wolves. For a moment Qiang stopped hesitantly, thinking about what he was about to do. He was going to put his life at risk! Although in the past few days he had killed several low-ranking animal and spirit beasts all of them were kill using traps and shooting arrows from far away, far from danger!

Qiang took a deep breath to calm down. "I have to do this! This is just the beginning, in the future opens bigger dangers. You have this Qiang, you need these to grow. " He encouraged himself and his eyes sparkled with determination.

He kept jumping from shadow to shadow taking care, his senses sharpened to the maximum attentive to any movement; he felt that he was not far away. Taking this into account, he took several knives out of his space bag and stuck them in the trees he passed through; this was part of his plan. Qiang was a cautious person and took things seriously.

He knew he had to choose his fighting place; all he was doing was with various scenarios in mind. In a fight, anything could happen and he wanted to be as prepared as possible.

His father had taught him that in a fight the fighter with the best knowledge of his environment had a better chance of winning and that if he entered enemy territory without preparation had a bigger chance of losing.

Qiang climbed another tree, one that was in the middle of the trees where he had stuck the knives. In this tree Wang Qiang put down his bow and his sack of arrows, he secures them very well so that they do not move and then he jumps towards the ground.

Now only his space bag was in his body and in each of his hands he held a pair of very sharp knives.

He walked away from the tree about 250 meters and took out a piece of meat wrapped in special leaves that would make the meat more appetizing for the spiritual beasts.

Qiang quickly dropped a piece of the meat and quickly ran to the tree, occasionally dropping pieces.

While running he hears the sounds of wolves approaching his location. He quickly jumps to the tree taking his bow and take up position among the branches hiding as much as possible. He charged an arrow on the bow and look around carefully.

A few seconds later he hears the growl of the wolves running excitedly. Soon, three scorpion tailed wolves emerge from the bushes, each with a ferocious aura. Wolves were large; easily the size of the biggest lions on earth, their bodies had metallic fur, and their eyes black as the abyss. Behind them, curved in the air, stood long scorpion tails dripping powerful venom from the tip.

The wolves sniffed the air carefully and their faces were excited, they quickly threw themselves to pieces and began to fight each other for meat, licking their mouths with their long tongues showing the sharp teeth.

The largest of them growled fiercely looking at the other two menacingly and walked towards the other pieces taking a big bite.

The other two wolves made a helpless face.

Qiang from his hiding-place watched as the beasts fought over the pieces of meat, there were three spirit beasts, from the size of the scorpion's tail he could distinguish that the strongest was only medium rank level 1 beast and the other two were under level one.

He took a deep breath and chares his bow with an arrow. He aimed at one of the weaker wolves and released it, and quickly launched another one aimed at the other wolf.

The arrows quickly reached their destination, penetrating the heads of the two wolves.

None of the wolves had the time to dodge the arrows. The corpses fell to the ground; they never imagined that this would happen to them.

Shit! So sad! First, the leader ate all the meat alone and now they were killed by an opponent that they couldn't see.

He did not give them time to feel outraged.

The third scorpion-tailed wolf, on the other hand, stiffened and felt fear, bent down ready to run from that place.

This was a trap!

Just when he was about to flee from there, he heard something fall from one of the trees, he quickly became alert and looked where he heard the sound.

He looked scared but relaxed when he saw a young human. He looks around looking for more humans but growled dangerously when he noticed that the little one was there. Without thinking twice, he launched himself at Qiang.

Qiang for his part was very alert; he felt how his heart was racing fast. He was scared but determined to come out on top in his first life and death fight.

He bent down and took a position, squeezing the knives tightly in his hands. He waits for the wolf to come closer, the beast released its front claw to destroy the little Qiang.

Wang Qiang dodged the claw by throwing himself to the side and didn't give the wolf time to recover; he quickly cut the wolf's tail and took his distance, waiting more calmly for the wolf's attacks. With this, he had cut off the most dangerous piece of the wolf. Not only was the tail very dangerous, but it was also capable of killing a cultivator of the first realm and weakening a cultivator of the second realm.

"GRAAAA!" The beast exclaimed painfully and went berserk; he started attacking Qiang fiercely without caring about the injuries that Wang Qiang was doing to him.

Qiang on his side was dodging the wolf attacks; his knives caught every opportunity in the wolf's defense and cut ruthlessly. He had entered a special trance, something he had only read about in novels. His body moved by itself but at the same time, he was in control.

Qiang's eyes lit up and he took a deep breath, taking the position of the 7 soft fists, this time he used his Qi, channeling it towards his fists but something surprising happened, the Qi continued towards the knives illuminating them with murderous instinct. Qiang exerted the seventh step of the soft fists and quickly moved towards the wolf.


With a movement of his Qiang knife, he cut the wolf's head. The body fell to the ground dead.

Dead!! Qiang in just seconds had killed the wolf.