What am I?

Chapter 11

[What am I?]

As Stella was hugging me I started to get a very strong headache. "I'm changing, aren't I?". This happening after me levelling up can't just be a coincidence. Stella lessened her grip to me. After finally letting go of me. She then punched me softly on my shoulder. She said.


As she went back to her classroom our class started to train except for me. While I sat on the bench just about 5 meters from the stage, I was in deep thought.

Am I turning into a demon? That is both very likely and unlikely. But either way I'm no longer human. Well Elites are already considered beyond human. But like humans they also had limitations. Now that I have this system who knows how stronger I can get. Being no longer human nor elite can also explain the headache I had earlier. Being able to surpass both human and elite limitations isn't supposed to happen. 

Hina came towards me with a worried expression on her face. She said. I shake my head. .

She looked a bit more worried.i pat her head. . She smiled and went back to the others. My headache disappeared. Leon then came towards me. he asked me. I shrugged. I said. He had a disappointed look on his face as he walked away. "I really don't know why people are so interested in my overdrive gear. Sure it's new but it isn't as cool as a sword or bow. If anything I would have preferred a sword. But I really like my overdrive gear. I stood up and joined the others.


It was now class dismissal. Hina went walking to my seat. She asked me. I nodded. Riding a car was faster than walking. 

We got outside the gates and went inside the same car we rode before. We went inside. As soon as I sat down Hina laid her head on my lap. < I wish you cared for me the same way that you cared for Stella. Even before Kyle said his plan you already knew it. And when he said it the vibe you were emitting when you dashed to him was the same vibe I get whenever my father protects me from guys back then.> She said. All I could just do at the moment was smile. I didn't even realize that I was furious when Kyle said those words earlier.


I got out of the car as soon as we got to my apartment. As the door was closing I saw a sad look on Hina's face. "I hope she doesn't worry about it too much." I thought. I got into my apartment and quickly went to my bed to rest.

As usual I was surrounded by darkness. But something was different, now I was the purple light. I said.

An hour had passed and I finally woke up. I went to the kitchen to get some food. I just made myself some sandwiches and got some hot cocoa. 

I sat on the floor and started eating. "Should I go back to hell to get my dimensional beasts?" I thought. I really wasn't sure if the dimensional beast I will get will be worth risking my life for. Even so I decided to go in later. 

I finished eating my food. I was getting ready to go to the portal until I noticed something. When I summoned my gauntlets it didn't seem like the normal way it appeared on my arms. Before my arms would glow purple and then the gauntlets would appear. Now shadows would appear out of my palms and slowly wrapped around my arms to turn into my gauntlets. 

Noticing I was changing I looked at the mirror. I seemed to appear the same. But I could tell that I was no longer human.

I got into the portal. I was greeted by 3 humanoid demons. "Crap already?!?" I thought. But then my worries went away as soon as a notification popped out.

[Normal demon]


I just needed to punch them normally with my gauntlets and they would be dead. Not just that, they were also extremely slow. I dashed behind them and killed them one by one. 

[Defeated Normal demon ×3]

[Rewarded 75exp]

Each one gives 25exp if I kill five more I would be able to level up again. It was too easy. But I knew that I was still risking my life. If they all hit me at once they would have squeezed in 10 damage.

5 more normal demons appeared. It seemed like I was gonna be able to level up again. However I lost a bit of hope when a huge demon appeared behind the five.

[High rank demon]

[Health: 500/500]

I got ready. This one wasn't going to be easy. I finished the other five. I levelled up at least.

[Defeated Normal demon ×5]

[Rewarded 125exp]

[Congratulations you levelled up!]

The huge demon roared. It appeared to look like a dragon. An idea then came to my head. "Maybe I can make this one into my dimensional beast." I thought. I was excited.

I checked my status and like before I put 2 on my strength.

[Level: 3]

[Health: 120/120]

[Strength: 24]

[Agility: 22]

[Defense: 22]

[Stamina: 22]

[Intelligence: 110]

[Exp: 0/300]

And to my surprise my intelligence grew. "So just by studying I could also increase my intelligence. That would also mean by training I could also increase all my other stats". I was excited even more.