Unexpected Encounter

"What is happening here? How can it be him? I thought that he was staying in the USA. Aishh, it's so embarrassing! Should I pretend not to know him? That's a little unrealistic, and it will be even more humiliating to act like that."

"Yeah, that's right! I should ignore him. He is nobody important anyway."

"Ahh, hi! It's been a while," Sooyun says after clearing her throat and adjusting her posture from the previous shock.

In honesty, Sooyun never expected to hear a reply from Minjoon so, after saying hi, she directly ignores him and squats down to grab her fallen luggage from the ground.

However, Sooyun suddenly hears him say, "Yeah, it's been a while. Three years to be exact."

"What!? Did I mishear?" thought Sooyun getting up from the floor while clutching her luggage.

"Mhmm, yeah, it's been three years," Sooyun replies looking sideways, avoiding eye contact.

Meanwhile, Minjoon looks at her, who is avoiding his eye contact, with a complicated expression in his eyes. His gaze seems to hold countless emotions, including longing, guilt, and happiness.

However, he quickly masks that expression and resumes his neutral face.

Not caring about her attitude, Minjoon stretches his hand out and grabs Sooyun's luggage from her hand and says, "Let me help you to put it in its place. I don't want you to repeat the same mistake that you did just a while ago."

Sooyun couldn't tell whether he was being genuine or being sarcastic. Inside her mind, "What's wrong with him today? He never bothered talking to me much less offering any help before." "He must have woken up on his wrong feet today."

To cheer herself up, Sooyun in her mind goes, "You are doing good, Sooyun. Just keep ignoring him!" while trying to control her fast-beating heart.

After seeing Minjoon put her luggage in the overboard bin, Sooyun quietly says, "Thanks," and goes back to her seat without looking back.

Sooyun refuses to look back because she knows that once she finds where he is sitting, she would keep searching for him with her eyes. After all, no matter how hard she denies the truth, her heart always seems to know the answer to her dilemma.

But today, luck wasn't on her side. Just as she sat down, she felt somebody sitting next to her. She hoped that it wasn't Kim Minjoon, but the reality was much crueler than she thought. For the next 14 hours and 35 minutes, she will have to sit next to her ex-fiance with only a tiny space separating them.

Even though her seat was in business class, to her liking, the seats were still too close to each other. There was only an arm seat around 15cm separating the airplane seats, and the fact that she had to walk in front of Minjoon to go the bathroom irritated her.

Anyhow, since things can't be changed, Sooyun quickly accepts reality. She slowly fixes her frustrated expression and pretends to be unbothered by him.

However, while she was fixing her thoughts, she misses the slight smile that Minjoon flashes towards her.

To Minjoon, that irritated expression on Sooyun's face looked extremely cute, just like the ones she used to make during the lectures. He can still remember her sticking to him like glue and following him from a distance all the time. Unbeknown to many people, he started noticing that sticky little girl from a long time ago.

Inside his mind, he says, "Sooyun-ah, I finally found you again."


The atmosphere in the airplane is rather chill and calm.

A total of six hours has passed since the takeoff, and you can see Sooyun soundly sleeping with her head leaned against the window, while Minjoon is reading a psychology book in English.

Sooyun is a natural-born sleeper and she can sleep whenever and wherever she wishes to without disturbance. This time, she fell asleep within 20 minutes into the flight. Obviously, she didn't have to worry about the awkward situation if she was sleeping, right? Nevertheless, there is still a limit to someone's sleep. After a persistent 6 hours of sleep, Sooyun feels the need to wake up and go to the bathroom to answer nature's call.

"Aish, my bladder feels so bloated. Should I open my eyes? Wait for a little more? But I can't wait anymore! Anyways, I don't think he will even talk to me again." thought Sooyun while pretending to wake up even though she woke up 15 minutes ago.

Sooyun squints her eyes a little to adjust to the light and makes sure the seatbelt sign is off before taking off her seatbelt. Once she takes the belt off, Sooyun sits up straight and looks in Minjoon's direction.

There is Minjoon elegantly sitting with his round glasses on reading a book. Compared to him with a stern expression, Minjoon, wearing glasses gives off a very sexy aura that's extremely lethal to women.

The calm heart of Sooyun starts to beat crazily upon this sexy view. For some reason, it makes her want to pounce on him right away.

His red lips look so delicious, like a cherry that's ready to be chewed and sucked. His hair looks so soft that Sooyun wants to tug it with her fingers.

Sooyun, who was having these thoughts, suddenly slaps herself and gets herself back to reality. She thinks, "Omo, Sooyun-ah, what are you thinking? Are you going crazy? How can you think of Minjoon as sexy? I must be going insane because of stress. Luckily, nobody heard my thoughts on his lips. It must be because I just woke up! Yeah, that's right!"

Right at that moment, she clutches her stomach and feels the need to pee badly. Before she gets into an accident, Sooyun quickly stands up and heads to the bathroom. However, when she tries to cross over Minjoon's side, she discovers his tall legs blocking the whole space. To pass by, she has to ask Minjoon to stand up, and because she was in a hurry, she asks, "Can you let me pass? I need to go to the bathroom."

Minjoon calmly closes his book and looks at her to reply, "What if I don't want to move?"

Sooyun, who was getting anxious, tries to calmly ask him again, "Please. Can you move your legs a little to the side?

However, Minjoon refuses to oblige and smirks a little before replying, "Then cross over yourself."

Sooyun, who started to feel a little annoyed, says, "Fine, suit yourself," before climbing over him.

She brings her right leg over his legs and puts them on the floor, but just as she was getting ready to lift her left foot, the airplane shakes. The unexpected turbulence causes Sooyun to lose her balance, which leads her to sit on Minjoon's lap with her right hand on his shoulder and left one on his crotch.

Due to shock, she ends up squeezing both her hands, which made Minjoon's face turn slightly red and show a little pained yet frustrated expression on his face. That's understandable with Sooyun grabbing his family jewel that tightly in her hands.

The panicked Sooyun loosens her hands in a hurry and brings them up in the air to show the motion that I'm innocent.

Sooyun doesn't know what to say at this moment until she hears Minjoon mutter, "You...