Minjoon's TWIN??

As soon as Minjoon mutters, "you...," Sooyun quickly stands up and sprints to the bathroom. Unfortunately, luck was not on her side. "How come both toilets are occupied when I need them the most?" thought Sooyun as she hid behind the curtain. Once she fully covered her face with the curtain, Sooyun couldn't help but blush from the sensation she felt earlier, especially in her left hand. She slowly raises her left palm and brings it up to her face. To be honest, she couldn't tell whether to feel disgusted or lucky. Even though she had no prior experience of being close to males, from the spicy book descriptions she had read before, Minjoon's thingy seemed to be pretty big???

"Omo omo, what am I thinking! Sooyun-aa, what happened to you? You are usually not this perverted. I knew that I shouldn't have read the book and mangas that Mia recommended. Well, it's not her fault. It was I who enjoyed them. Tell me who doesn't appreciate badass mafia, billionaire boss, price, vampire, and werewolf.

While Sooyun was deep in her internal debate, somebody finally emptied the toilet. Suddenly remembering her urgent need to pee, she quickly occupies the toilet. A few minutes later, she was ready to go out, but there was an important question. "How am I going to face Minjoon!! Aish, I am so embarrassed. Maybe I should have let him finish his sentence. Anyway, I will give myself just five minutes to act like that nothing was wrong. Yes, just five minutes, and I will be out."

On Minjoon's side.

After Sooyun dashes to the bathroom, Minjoon is left a little flustered by her actions, but he couldn't help but find her actions cute. "Park Sooyun, you still haven't changed at all. I wonder why you always try to run whenever you get embarrassed. Moreover, you aren't that good at hiding yourself properly," thought Minjoon while looking at her wiggling legs behind the curtain. Once Minjoon is done looking at Sooyun, he shifts his attention to the pain between his legs. Even though nothing got injured, he could still feel the squeeze of her hand. Remembering the feeling, he couldn't help but blush and fix his throat, which is one of his habits when he gets flustered and shy. "Luckily, you didn't kill your future kids Sooyun-aa," thought Minjoon while waiting for Sooyun to return. He also couldn't help but smile, imagining Sooyun's future reactions during the next seven days.

Back to Sooyun.

As soon as her five minutes are up, Sooyun goes back to her seat. Along the way, she tries to look confident and lifts her head up. Upon reaching her seat Minjoon looks at her and stands up to let in. Sooyun successfully settles in her seat and thinks, "Hmm, I wonder if he is angry. Should I apologize? Technically, it was an accident, but I feel like I violated his body, so I might as well apologize."

Sooyun looks at Minjoon, who is looking at his phone and speaks up. "Excuse me. I apologize for the earlier accident. I didn't mean to touch your body inappropriately. Because the turbulence was a little sudden, in a panic, I grabbed your jewel (she points her finger between his legs). I hope you are not hurt." Minjoon, who was listening to her speech, slowly leans towards her and hooks his finger back and forth signaling her to get closer, which she does. As soon as Sooyun was close enough, Minjoon brings his lips to her ears and whispered, "You don't have to apologize ... because... this body belongs to you. Also, your future babies are safe down there."

Sooyun couldn't believe what she just heard. What could have happened to Minjoon over the past three years to change him so much. Where is the cold straight-faced Minjoon? What she saw today was an entirely different person. "Perhaps Minjoon has a twin," thought Sooyun for a second. Also, what does he mean by his body belongs to ME?? My future babies?? I wonder if he has gone crazy. No way I can survive another seven hours next to him. I wonder if the stewardess was able to find another seat away from here. I am glad that I requested that upon waiting for the restroom.

Just as Sooyun was wondering that the stewardess comes up to her and lets her know that there is another open seat on the other side of the airplane. Upon hearing the good news, Sooyun couldn't help but feel happy and relieved, so without saying anything to Minjoon, she moved over to her new seat. During the whole process, Minjoon stays quiet, but Sooyun could feel a pair of eyes following her. That gaze moves away only after she finishes settling in her new place.