day 1 part two

After we explained the entire situation to his family about the infection and how everthing turned to chaos outside. We decided to wrap thick magazines around our arms and legs and carlos made a spear out of a broom shaft tape and two sharpened kitchen knifes. We decided to raid the police armory due to it being overrun with infected. when we got there we used a phone to lure them out and away from the building. when we went inside all that was on the top floor was blood and mangled limbs strewn about we killed an infected officer and took the key card to access the armory. there was not much left there were only five berretas two combat shotguns 64 buckshot shells and 25 dragons breath shells also there were two sets of riot armor and two riot shields lastly there were two m4,s and 6 magazines filled with bullets also there were three boxes of ammunition for the m4,s we grabbed two duffle bags split the ammunition we took off our makeshift armor and donned the riot gear when we packed everything up and were ready to leave we heard growls in the corridor and saw 10 zombies trying to be quick and quiet while we leave I used the riot shield to block them while carlos stabs them with his spear we quickly killed all of them then put the duffle bags in the trunk I replaced the small pistole with a berreta then i strapped the combat shotgun on my back. then we grabbed two more duffle bags and went to food 4 less and killed the zombies inside there were about twenty i quickly killed 5 with my axe while carlos killed 6 others with his spear we killed the rest in the back and found two survivors in the back but we ignored them and got as much water and nonparishables as we could carry in the duffle bags and went back home. When we got back everything seemed fine we brought the stuff up and started sorting through everything when we heard a loud scream in the hallway bellow us we saw people fanatically praying then leading in a infected with no arms then they let it eat the poor screaming women we dont recognize the men doings as we had lived here for years so we think someone must have started a cult worshiping the infected. they saw us looking down from the floor above and began to excitedly scream and looked at us with crazed expression we ran back to the house and told carlos`s parent and little brothers to pack all the food up quickly then I grabbed my riot shield while he grabbed his spear when i grabbed my axe we heard banging on the door and saw them there were about four fanatics trying to get in i proceded to shove the door open and knocked one over the rails then i cleaved the other one`s head off causing a rain of blood while carlos stabbed the other fanatics then we heard the rest running up the stairs yelling obscenities at us i ran twards the stairs with my riot shield while carlos grabbed the combat shotgun strapped to my back i kicked one of them down the stairs carlos shot the rest with a buck shot then he ran in and got boiling hot water from the stove his mom was using to cook and tossed it at them causing the rest who were trying to get up to hesitate then we ran back inside to grab the duffle bags and ran down the seperate stairs to the car we used the gate opener to open the electronic gate. Then relocated to my house as it had a gate and bars on my windows when we got to my house there were people trying to break in so we shot them and burned them in the backyard as we reconized these guy because they tried to rob us multiple times at knife point when we were younger. His mom got scared because of how we emotionlessly killed them but we explained that they were criminals and wouldve brought more people if we let them go. We put the stuff inside then i started to think about everything that went down today then i went to talk to carlos about our plans for the future and how were gonna handle all the infected roaming around. Siegfried: yo carlos what you think we should do about all those fuckers outside theres a bunch of em coming up the street. Carlos: maybe they,ll pass but if not we should make some molotoves to burn em to death shit we could shoot them too but we dont got much ammunition and it might atrract more. Siegfried: yeah man did you notice any military presence in the city because maybe if we find some soldiers we could ask whats going on and if their gonna bomb the city. Carlos: what if they start shooting everyone they see because of how fast the infection spreads maybe we should wait till tomorrow to check things out because its getting pretty late right now and you never know what could happen man theres a bunch of crackheads always doing stupid things. Siegfried: yeah man i agree a bunch of stuff happened today that would scar regular people for life man i think we should reinforce the gate and door because like you said man theres a bunch of em down the street and if some idiot comes banging on our gate they might attract them then we will have to deal with an entire hoard. Also who`s gonna take night shift never know what could happen. then we proceded to play a round of rock paper scissors I ended up winning so he took the first couple hours of keeping watch. then i went to sleep fora couple hours before trading places with him.