day 2 mutations

When i woke up carlos's mom made us some eggs for breakfast after i ate i went to shower then got ready to head out and scout the area I told carlos to stay behind incase someone try's anything while im gone when i went out i noticed a lot of servivors were also looting and everyone avoided each other there were also thugs trying to exploit people I chose to just avoid them I went to the pharmacy that was down the street because i knew that i would need bandages ointment and antibiotics. what i encountered in the store surprised me greatly i noticed an infected that was hunched over with no lips sharp fangs both its fore arms had no flesh and ended in menacing claws i knew that if i didnt kill it quick there would be problems so I snuck up behind it and stabbed it in the head with a large combat knife i wasnt able to stab it deep enough for it to die instantly it tore away from my grasp causing its head to rip open then it twisted in an unatural angle and lunged at me i quickly blocked its claws with my riot shield and smashed it to the ground then i kicked it in the head with my steel toe boots caving its head in then i quickly stabbed it a second time to make sure it was dead. I noticed a lot of junkies had tried to get in the back to the drugs only to get torn apart by the mutated infected which i had decided to call a hunter due to the way it killed them when i looked i noticed alot of them had their heads torn clean off as if they got ambushed. After looking around for a while i found the worker who had the keys to the back he killed himself in the workers bathroom. I quickly took the keys and unlocked the door then i took everthing that would be of use such as cough medicine water purification tablets antibiotics bandages vapor rub and peroxide. When I was getting ready to leave I got attacked by some fanatics they all had machetes so I drew my combat knife and already had my riot shield ready one of them charged so I parried the blow with the riot shield and stabbed him in the throat then i kicked him at the one coming from my left and smashed my shield into the one on the right then i stomped his head in when he stumbled and fell causing blood and gore to splatter all over the floor the other fanatic tried to escape so i threw a bottle of vodka at his head that was sitting on the counter when he fell i stabbed him in the ear and killed him instantly then i heard a growl and the one i had stabbed in the throat got back up note to self always stab em in the head then I did a sweeping kick and knocked it off its feet that i stomped its head in after i was finished i decided to keep a journal of all the possible mutations that i may encounter when i looked over I was being stared at by a lone surviver who hid in the storage area of the store i chose to ignore her and left then i heard a child scream and saw her and her father being attacked by multiple zombies he yelled to me in an almost begging tone to take his daughter and leave him all he had on him was a sledge hammer I felt bad and it would weigh on my mind if I left them there to die so I smashed an infected away from the child and told her to hide in the store I cleared out earlier then I put my shield on my back and pulled out my fire axe which i had sharpend i cut off an infected's head then kicked another in its rotten leg causing its knee to snap then as he was about to be bitten i cleaved the infected's head clean in half at this point in the fathers desperate fight he had killed 20 on his own while i killed the last five even though he was exhausted he chose to help me kill the rest off then i asked why he was out on streets by himself he told me how him and his daughter were attacked by the fanatics and how they chased him out of the apartment complex he had just evaded them when he got attacked by the infected. I asked him his name he said his name was jack and his daughter was called bella. Since he didnt run from the fight and chose to save his daughter I decided to invite him to my group as it would be better to have experienced fighters who wont freeze up mid fight. Later when we got to the house he overheard me and carlos talking about reinforcing the gate doors and windows. Jack: Yo are you planning on adding some support beams because that gate looks pretty old man also I know how to weld so if you get a strong vehicle i could weld some bars on the windows and possibly add a battering ram since you took me and my daughter in just ask me ill be happy to help. Siegfried: actually i got some bars and old support beams in the garage what do you suggest we do with the gate because if a hoard comes i dont want it to collapse easily also can we reinforce the door. Jack: hmm we could but we need stronger hinges and a better door theres a home renovation store near here also we could stop by the home depot and grab some power tools and some welding tools and some more materials. I decided to go and look for a pickup truck with jack so we could transport the door and other stuff easier we go down to the car dealership and i warn him not to split up because of the mutated infected I encountered earlier and i told him to keep his eyes on corners when we went inside it was a slaughter there were infecteds roaming around there were about ten and one hunter at the very back i told him to be very carefull about the car alarms going off we took them out one at a time when we killed the last one the hunter had finally noticed us and jumped at jack so when it jumped i cleaved down with my axe and managed to cut one of its arms off it screeched extremely loud but jack quickly shut it up with a blow to the mouth then i cleaved it head in half as a double tap. We looked around and noticed a brand new contruction truck must've been a special order we quickly make our way to the office and find an infected just staring at us we were confused as it just stood there then I noticed another infected that was outside sprint in our direction i quickly cleave its head in half then jack smashed the other infecteds head in we opened the lock box that contained the keys and quickly found the key labeled construction. We then head to the home depot to collect the power tools I quickly grab a nail gun and put it on my belt because it would be quieter then my guns we then collected many nails bolts and other things we also grab the water and energy bars that are laying around we started to notice many symbols spray painted on the walls and street we quickly grab the heavy duty door and load it onto the cart cuz screw carrying that when we got to the house it was dark and his mom made us some chicken soup. After we ate we played another game of rock paper scissors i lost this time and had to be on night watch during the night as I was adding the new mutated infected into the book which I named the sentinel i noticed multiple hunters scouring the streets i saw an unfortunate survivor get caught and torn to shreds I wrote it down under the hunter profile about hunting at night in packs and the possible dangers of them invading. Couple hours later it was carlos's turn to keep watch i then knocked out.