Day three old pawnshop

In the morning I remebered an old pawnshop that i used to buy used guitars and patches from I wondered if the old man made it through all the chaos thats been happening. He once showed me his collection of cold weapons and told me how he collected most of them from idiots who didnt know their worth. I clearly remember a awesome combat cleaver he used to have it had brass knuckles on the handle for better grip and an awesome blue blade with a serrated edge looked very useful for tearing flesh. After breakfast I let the others know I was heading out i took my usual gear and a extra duffle bag when i went to the old pawnshop i noticed the windows were smashed but the bars were intact. I went in through the back entrance as i used to work there before all this started. When i went in i saw a note left at the back stating that he left and if i was reading this he stashed the combat cleaver and some tactical gloves in the lock box. The combination was 191819 but i knew the old man would want me to input it backwards just incase some idiot got in before me when i went to the back i noticed most if not all the cold weapons were missing. There was still a spear some old gauntlets and a one handed sword i went and opened the lock box and took the cleaver and put the gloves on then put the gauntlets over them for extra protection I then strapped the cleaver to my waist while putting the combat knife under my left gauntlet i strapped the spear to the side of the duffle bag while putting the short sword inside i decided to see whats left inside the storage area of the Liqour store acrossed the street when i went inside i noticed more of the symbols from yesterday i guess the fanatics were here before me when i went into the storage a hunter greeted me with a lunging attack I punched it in the face knocking it back then I drew my combat cleaver and readied my stance as i knew this was gonna be a tough fight It recovered faster than expected and let out an ear peircing roar then crawled on the ceiling the room was dark and i couldnt see much so i quickly retreated to the doorway it tried to pounce on me but i managed to duck under it then i split its head in half with the cleaver after that i went and found some flashlights by the front register I took some tape off of the rack next to it and taped the flash lights to the sides of my helmet then went back into the storage area i found two more sentinels in the back I quickly dispatched them and began grabing all the water and food i could carry when i left both duffle bags were full so i went home to unload but on my way there i noticed a plane fly by with a channel and date aparently the president hasnt died and is broadcasting a message to everyone its set to broadcast in a hour so i quickly started going home when i got there i turned on the tv and set it to the channel I got there just in time to watch it. President: Citizens Im gonna be honest with you guys i dont know whats going on or where the disease came from but we must fight I have set up multiple camps around the city also anyone with information can contact us as any information is crucial for the survival of others there will be no napalm bombings in the city but we must take back the city as fast as we can because from what we have noticed is that there are different variations of infected in different regions the only ones we have seen are chargers they have deformend limbs one arm is extremly large while the legs are deformed one leg is larger than the other be extremly careful when engaging these infecteds as they can charge extremely fast and like to slam their prey to death. Try to kite them into smashing into a wall then cut off or shoot its legs. This is all we know at this moment we will do another broadcast tomorrow at the same time contact this number if you have information 213 576 8790. I then called them apparently i called them the fastest i then told them about the hunters and sentinels and their habits i also warned them to tell people not to scavenge at night because of the packs the hunters form the hunt i sent the video of the pack ripping apart the poor sob from last night. The president himself thanked us for our contribution. After we handled the rest i gave carlos the spear and jack the short sword when they asked were i got it i told them a friend left them behind for me. I then went to the fridge and grabbed all the beer i had and a pro club shirt then i started making molotoves when carlos asked what i was doing i told him about the hunters that like to hide in the dark and how there may be a hoard of sprinters near by. I went back out to scout the area and lo and behold theres a fucking hoard of sprinters a couple blocks away so i threw five molotoves down on them and set them ablaze there was about fifty of them clumped up on main street just a couple blocks away from where i was looting after they all burned to death i noticed a gun shop near the end of main street i jumped from roof to roof to scout the area i saw two chargers and a lone infected the chargers notice me and charged at the building i was on only to smash into a downed power line and get shocked to death. when i got near the gunshop i saw a sos flag hanging from the roof. Also there was a door leading to the lower levels I knocked on the door and waited a bearded man and who im assuming is his wife look at me strangely I asked how much ammunition they had but they tensed up and got ready to fight I decided to bite the bullet and let them know about my base then they invited me in learned the womens name was morgan while the other guy was called Vic. Vic: so if what you say is true then how will you get all the weapons back and what about us we obviously not going to just let you take everything. Siegfried: How about this we can join forces you guys can come join us but in return i want absolute loyalty because now as things are there seems to be hoards running rampant and all it takes is one charger to smash down the door to the first floor for the rest to just swarm in. Morgan: Whats it like at your base what are rules also what is a charger i know about the rest of the infecteds that are normal is there variations or something. Siegfried: It seems you guys havent gone out much which is understandable due to the hoards and shit so there are four you have to watch out for first and most common is the regular infected the less common one you may incounter at night or in a dark building is a hunter they have sharp fangs and sharpened bone claws then theres the chargers that i recently heard about there pretty deformed but pack a hell of a punch they like to slam their prey to death then there's sentinels they dont really do anything but if it lays eyes on you and there's other infecteds near it will alert them somehow and you will get swarmed. Vic: so how safe is your base with all this going on and how much food do you have because we are running pretty low. Siegfried: We have a good amount of food but we have to ration it as there's already about six of us there currently but if you guys join then ill have more helping hands when i got out looting also do not go out at night hunters run rampant at night. Vic and Morgan decided to go and talk in the other room so i just waited after 20 minutes they came back and agreed to join us so i told them the rules of the base. No stealing no letting anyone in without my permission and the most important absolutly do not tell others our location because some idiots might get ideas. After that I told them to pack up everything important because im gonna bring a truck back to pick them up. An hour later I came back with the truck i was playing Neptunes Spear by testiment on the radio it was funny because during one of the riffs i ran down an obese zombie and saw all its organs splatter on the ground. We quickly loaded everything into the back and left just in time too because a hoard swarmed the place 3 minutes later. When i got back jack was welding the supports to the iron fence i quickly introduced Vic and morgan to everyone else after that I went back out to loot and carlos followed me to the food 4 less and theres was still alot of food and people were arguing about owns it we just walked in and started taking things when one of em attacked me i quickly beat his ass then continued to take whatever i wanted i grabbed some icecream for the kids and some more water and frozen meat because i knew that the powers not gonna last forever to keep everything fresh me and carlos grabbed three large bags of rice some canned beans cereal and sugar then we took all the granola bars then we took some canned soup and pasta lastly we grabbed tomato sauce and tapatio. When we got home i noticed some people making a ruckus outside they were tring to get in jack had a shotgun while Morgan and Vic had AR 15's the survivors thought we were one of the camps the president set up i told them all to leave that the camp was down the street to the left on grape street they were still disgruntled and eyed our duffle bags so i drew my combat cleaver and riot shield while carlos took out his spear we were getting ready to kill all of them when we heard a humvee they all ran while i went inside the humvee had a soldier with a megaphone calling out for the survivors to head down to grape street to get in the camp. I asked jack what was going on while i was gone. Jack: at first they tried to break in so i came out the the shotgun but the wouldnt leave saying that we have to take them in or some bullsh*t they were about to start ramming the gate when morgan and vic came out with the AR's then you and carlos showed up. Siegfried: We need to beef up our defenses maybe we should add barbed wire to the fence and we should start clearing out blocks close to use and set up fences to keep others out maybe we could retake some buildings and start making a larger base. Vic: I know how to drive a semi truck so we could transport more gates and supports and barbed wire maybe we can try to make a watch tower and some large lights to light up the street at night.Thats when I heard screechings and loud roars outside all of us ran outside to see whats going then we saw a large group of sprinters with a couple of chargers in the mix and a strange infected with a flower shaped head its face was segmented into different pettle like apendages with sharp fangs I quickly began throwing the last three molotoves at them while vic and morgan climbed on the roof and let loose a hail of bullets I told carlos to go and bring the rest of the molotoves we only had 20 left. then i loaded my dragons breath shotgun shells and set most of the sprinters in the front on fire i told vic to focus on the chargers while i blasted the sprinters then out of nowhere the new infected shot its barbed tongue at me i quickly dodged it and blasted its head off Carlos then began throwing molotoves at them there were only thirty more which were quicky ended by two more molotoves. in the end we only had 6 more molotoves. Our gate was dented a bit because a charger slammed into luckily jack had reinforced the gate Me,jack,carlos and vic moved all the bodies that werent already burned into a pile and set the ablaze with some gas we siphoned out of a car. I started pushing cars towards the gate and jack helped me line them up the he welded sharpened poles to the cars as extra defense basically it would impale them. then we went and cleared the ups warehouse acrossed the street lucky for us there was still a truck inside with a container attached to it we scoured the building and only found three hunters and one of those weird flower headed infected. After we cleared the rest of the room we locked down the warehouse and went home his mom had made more soup it had meatballs carrots cellary and cillantro on the side she made a pot of rice after we finished eating. I took night shift again and added the new infected to the list i decided to call it a impaler because of how it tried to impale me with its barbed tongue. I drew a small scetch of it on the page with its info then i looked out the window and saw the pack of hunters with two missing i guess they hide in the building close to us then i saw them kill a normal infected and eat it. then I noticed a larger then normal bat swoop down and grab one of the hunters. Then i wrote down in the journel that i think the animals are evolving and might start trying to attack the camps and other survivor camps. A couple of hours later it was someone elses turn to take watch so i traded places with them and went to sleep for the night.