day four second wave of infection and mutation

It was late afternoon when i woke up I was very confused to why i was on the floor then it hit me i had passed just as i was going to leave and start looking for barbed wire i felt something was different about myself as if i had a weird energy flowing inside me then i heard bella yell I ran to go check on her and saw her hand was producing flames everyone else was just waking up i told bella to calm down or else she wont be able to control it my instincts were telling me that if she didn't calm down she would lose control Jack was able to calm her down just a little bit the only ones who didnt seem to have an ability were both of carlos's little brothers but they didnt seem to care. Jack told me he gained super strenth while i noticed morgans eyes changed she told me she could see farther and could slow down time for a couple of seconds while Vic became more agile carlos gained a stonger body and earth manipulation carlos's mom gained a healing power she only found out because she cut her finger on accident. I seemed to have all the info of my abilities i had two for some reason one was plunder and the other was blink i could only use blink 4 times with the amount of energy and can only go 16 ft. plunder on the other hand i could use all i want is that i have to kill my target before using plunder on them. Thats when i saw it a huge mutated dog about to chomp down on bella while she was playing in the drive way i quickly used blink grabbed her then blinked away again I warned the others about the danger and took my cleaver and baretta I shot it in the sholder then dodged its pounce it was roaring extremely loud my ears started to bleed and i stumbled as i was gonna get bit jack punched its snout causing it to slide back then vic started to kite it then i recovered and slashed at its eyes succefully cutting one out I knew at that moment we couldnt stay where we were because of the dangerous beasts Morgan shot it with the deer hunting rifle in the thigh it tried to attack her but jack quickly punched its leg causing a sickening crunch it screeched and tried to run but i cut its back left tendon then jack smashed its head in the we quickly slit its artery causing it to bleed out as if we could smell the energy inside its flesh we quickly cut it up and began eating it I felt my used up energy returning I noticed its core and pulled it out then ate it due to my abillity plunder my body got stronger and my energy reserves grew larger i could blink ten times now jacks bones became denser while Vic became faster then i noticed carlos eating a large snake he told me that it came from under ground I noticed a large hole in its head he said he pierced its head with an earth spike. when he ate the core his eyes gained a serphentine shape he told me his second ability is night vision. Then we decided to leave me carlos and jack went to the school quickly killing any infected in the way when we got inside the school there was dried blood everywhere and normal infected then i noticed large rats feasting on a corplse carlos quickly killed them with earth spikes then we took their cores. As we made our way to the office we encountered a new mutated infected its body was thin and had an extremely long arm shaped like a whip when it noticed us it swiped at us i blinked behind it and cleaved its head in half then we got the keys to the school bus we then drove it home running down any infected in the way when we got back jack welded some bars on the windows we took most of the seats out too because it was taking up space then we drilled some nets into the inside of the bus to hold diesel cans after that we loaded up the food ammunition and weapons then we started to weld a machine gun nest on top of the emergency exit and the back door of the bus then me and jack went to the warehouse to get some iron sheets then he welded four of them together after that we used some of the metal support beams to help distribute the weight evenly throught the bus now it looked like it had a ribcage and spine the battering ram was welded onto the front and had more spikes welded to the front then we loaded all the power tools and water into the storage area the radio picked up a transmission stating that there was a safe area on an island where they had built walls abillity users would have special privleges on the island. They also broadcasted the cordinants to the safe haven alteast thats what they called it but i know human nature is to be selfish. Me and everyone else decided to get more materials to refit the truck we drove to another super market near the school when we went inside everything was in disarray the shelves were knocked over and food was strewn about thats when i noticed some survivors up in the ceiling they qietly pointed towards the back then i snuck back there and saw a burly infected munching on a freshly killed survivor when it noticed us it charged and tried to smash me i blinked behind it and cut its leg then jack uppercutt it as it fell carlos made stone spikes come up impaling it then i stabbed it in the eye with my combat knife. Then i activated plunder which caused my body to bulk up a bit as this was happening i felt extreme pain for a couple seconds then had cold sweat on my back. They asked if i was alright i said i was fine my body is just taking a bit of time to adjust. after that we took all the water and nonperishables and were about to leave two women aproached us i asked what they wanted they asked if we were going to safe haven I asked why they then told us about their groub being killed by the infected earlier in which i decided to call tyrant I asked if they had abillities and to my surprise on had acid manipulation while the other had powerful detection abilities which were perfect for hunting the evolved animals she also had a second ability which she named beast of the hunt her speed strength and and stamina is greatly increased for 30 min max she said it has a cool down of about an hour i asked a couple questions about what they would do in certain situations their answers satisfied me so i decided to let them join the girl with the red hair was called sasha she was the acid manipulater while the other was call freya she was the one with the detection ability. Freya warned me about the other group here and how they like to prey on the weak and may attack later. we loaded everything into the truck and left when the duo saw the refitted bus there mouths went agape in surprise we told them that was our ride to safe haven it was pretty dark out so welocked the gate and went inside his mom had made us porkchops with rice for dinner tonight after we finished eating i went to shower then sleep carlos and jack were put on night watch.