problems and solutions

It was early morning when i heard the news new haven wasnt excepting any new survivors without ablities unless they are with an ability user also they must be blood related or in a relationship. When i heard this i became a little angry because majority of the caravan were normal survivers without an ability. It would be useless to bring them there if their just gonna get thrown out. I went to talk with felix about this problem because i knew it was going to cause strife in the group not to mention the thugs we were gonna have to deal with on the way there. Siegfried: Yo felix were gonna have to talk somewhere privat lets go back to my bus few seconds later. Felix what was it you wanted to talk about it seemed pretty important. Siegfried: So what are we gonna do about the normal survivors because im pretty sure when they find out new haven aint accepting anyone normal unless there with a ability all hells gonna break loose. Felix i was thinking of recomending them to other survivor bases close to here me and my men were just talking to them they will only accept them if they are willing to contribute. Siegfried: Sounds like a plan but how we gonna break it to them without causing strife because there's always an idiot ready to make trouble then there's the opportunists who wait for an oppertunity to rob steal and rape as its not regular society anymore. Felix: We are going to have everone who doesnt have an ability and isnt in a group with one gather today and if they try anything we will shoot on sight. A couple of hours later i heard a couple of gunshots and screams then someone screamed run the boars coming. me and jack quickly ran towards the gunshots with my combat cleaver and and his sledge hammer when we got there it was chaos some soldiers tried to fight it causing it to start rampaging i quickly slashed at its tendon while jack hit its hip succefully knocking it off balance then felix started shooting it currently it looked lik a damn beehive with all the holes in its skin it tried to gore me but i dodged and slashed at its eye receiving a hard headbutt in return i flew a couple feet back with my wind knocked outta me before it could charge me jack hit it in the head disorenting it i quickly recovered and angrily slashed at its throat dodging its counter attacks when it was going to gore me i used blink to apear under its throat then slashed it open then i blinked back to where jack was. He asked if i was ok but i said i was fine even though my ribs hurt like hell a leader had to be strong or else others may start shit i could already see some other ability users eyeing my bus i quickly cut the boar open and swallowed the core causing my body to heal at an accelerated rate my skin became extremly durable after i plundered its skill it was called iron skin it was a passive. after that i heard freya angrily yell then i quickly ran over to see 5 abillity users ganging up on them trying to steal the bus i quickly shot one in the head then carlos showed up from whatever he was doing and raised and earth spike from under one of the faster ones causing him to get gored and bleed out when i looked over freya had already killed the other two while sasha straight up melted the last one.