That riddle!

As I went to sleep...

I saw the Clown... and this time I was more scared I honestly don't know why I got so scared even after I have seen him so many times...

I know it's weird but this time I was not even able to move...

I was paralyzed as I saw the Clown come to me I wanted to shout but I couldn't it felt like I didn't have a mouth...

As he came closer I started to feel dizzy, like I can collapse anytime now...

As he came I felt a cold breeze touch me, it was so cold that it felt like I was going to freeze right at the moment...

I was trembling so hard...

He came to me and whispered "Now do you, believe me, ~, Told you that women, she is not your mother"

"Wanna know more~"

I started to cry...

"Aww, DON'T YOU DARE CRY, I hate people who cry"

"I know you wanna know more but I can't because it will make you easier to find out everything, HAHAHAHA"

He then disappeared but then I saw Mr.Henderson he came to me and whispered...

"The forest where every kind's of words are there, it's not one but there are millions in it, but no one even looks at it, go there and find that thing to find out about yourself"

and then he also disappeared...

Then I woke up...

I was sweating so much like I just ran a marathon but my body was so cold that my fingers were almost blue...

I then went and freshened up and went to eat breakfast...

"Lara you are up, good I just made breakfast"

"Thank you jess, this looks delicious"

While eating I thought that I should ask jess about that weird riddle...

"Jess do you know the answer to this riddle? The forest where every kind's of words are there, it's not one but there are millions in it, but no one even looks at it, go there and find that thing to find out about yourself"

and she replied with...

To Be Continued...