"I don't it looks hard where did you get this from tho?"
"J-Just found it on a website"
"Well if I find the answer later I will tell you, okay"
"Hmm, okay"
I finished my breakfast and went to work, As I was going I saw that old man, all the memories came to me all the things where it all started from the time where he was staring at me, the night where he wrote I should die before turning 18 everything,
I wanted to run and catch him but he disappeared I was so disappointed in myself as I was not able to catch him, I went to work...
the day went fine I worked and was going to back to home as my mum was out of town I was staying with jess...
I reached home and freshened up, "Lara wanna watch a horror movie as yesterday we didn't watch any?"
we went and watched the movie as the movie began i heard the same riddle,
"The forest where every kind's of words are there, it's not one but there are millions in it, but no one even looks at it, go there and find that thing to find out about yourself", I was shocked "Jess did you hear that riddle?"
"Which riddle there was no such riddle it just showed a library"
"Ohh, I might be tired from all that work, let's just continue and watch"
we continued the movie and to be honest, that was a scary movie, it was midnight as that movie was 2 hours long, we went to sleep but I was not able to sleep because I was too scared and I forgot to close the door properly so there was a gap left there and I was too scared to close it...
I went to bed slept but then suddenly I woke up on a sound,
as I looked at my door I saw...
To Be Continued...