I Am Lara?

I saw a woman who looked like Jess's grandmother but her younger version like she was in her 40's...

I was shocked...

She was sitting in one of the tables, it looked like she was waiting for someone I didn't mind till,

She looked at me and came to me and said "Lillith, where were you, I was searching everywhere for you"

I froze suddenly staring at her,

my co-worker shook me and said,

"Lara, why are you staring into empty space?"

"Huh? oh, what happened?"

"You were staring into empty space"

"What do you mean there is a wome- huh? where is she?"

"Lara stop daydreaming and get to work"

"Oh right"

then I worked but there was a thought that was still in my mind why did she call me Lillith I was so confused because I knew that I am Lara and I was not adopted, My mum Olivia Stevenson and dad Liam Stevenson they are my parents...

Unless I am adopted...

but then I thought that " Why would I be adopted" but then I remembered that there were no pictures of me when I was born only when I was 5 or 6...

"You are thinking too much Lara," I said to my self...

Then my phone rang it was my mum,

"Sweetie I am coming back today and I am bringing someone with me"

"Oh okay mom, when are you coming? what time?"

"Oh 10 pm I will meet you at our house okay"

"Okay mum take care, love you, bye-bye"

"Hmm, take care you too honey, love you too, bye-bye"

Then I took an early leave of 6 pm because my work ends at 11 pm, I went back to Jess's house to take my things and then I went to my house...

I reached my house safely and unpacked everything and then went to the kitchen to check what food there is and to my luck, there was no food so I went to take my phone to tell my mum to bring food but then suddenly I heard something...

To Be Continued...