The Same Feeling...

The kitchen cupboards/cabinets there glass were broken I was terrified and not terrified at the same time because I knew that the Clown was here...

I shouted, "Come out I know you are here"...

"HAHAHA, you are getting good at finding me, dear lillit- Lara, Oops my mistake~"

I was angry but I couldn't move I was frozen again...

I wanted to punch him but then he said,

"Oh so now you want to punch me, Woah I am impressed"... then he looked at me no not look more like stare ya he stared at me I was scared It felt like I am about to collapse at any movement now...

"You, you are then one who will break"

"Break what?"

"Shush did I SAY you could TALK AND INTERRUPT ME?"

I didn't say anything...

"No? that's what I thought, well you interrupted me so I should punish you right"

"No, you can't do that"

"Shush~ I was NOT asking dear Lara"

Then he held me by the neck and started to choke me, it was the same feeling as before, but at the same time I felt someone was stabbing me in my stomach, and my hands were so cold that they were almost turning into purple, my legs it felt like my legs were getting burnt...

I shouted "S-STOP IT, p-please I b-beg you"

Then I heard my doorbell and then...

everything vanished in thin air, he was gone the broken glass was fixed but the thing which stayed was the feeling...

I somehow managed to go and open the door there my mum was standing smiling and next to her was my father...

"Lara sweety we are back"

"Mum and Dad I am s-so h-happy"

My vision went blurry and I fainted...

I heard my mum shouting to my dad to start the car and take me to the hospital


The next thing I knew was I was in the hospital...

To Be Continued...