Swimming in the Ocean, Causing a Commotion

With my focus on the System Quest over the past several months, I've pretty much neglected anything and everything pertaining to getting stronger. I haven't killed anything since that Bladed Eel Shark for a while back and I have been eating rocks ever since I gained the ability to do so. Of course, simply trying to find something to kill while in the abyss is pretty difficult due to the scarcity of life. Well... I apparently levelled up when I was drunk but I don't have any memory as to why I did but that's fine, we take those.

With a bit of swimming around, I find some prey. A group of whales, more specifically, its a group of oversized narwhals swimming in the ocean, causing a commotion over something. As always, an Analysis to start things off.

Race: Adult Telekinetic Green Narwhal

Tier: 5

Level: 7

HP: 1,491/1,791 MP: 2,089/2,389 SP: 1,293/1,493

STR: 537

VIT: 895

DEX: 597

INT: 925

WIS: 656

MND: 1,493

Details: They are the awesome unicorns of the sea. They have telekinetic powers that allow the to forcefully push or pull both living creatures and inanimate objects. They can use magic to enhance their tusk, allowing it to cut through solid objects with ease. Just don't let them touch your balls. Mortal enemies of the telekinetic Red Narwhal.

The group of narwhals total at four. At levels 7, 6, 4, and 3 respectively. And for some reason, they are missing HP. As I draw in closer to the blessing of narwhals, I find that the cause of the commotion and the missing health is a fight between the four I originally saw and another narwhal with a red tusk. A quick check tells me that it's pretty close to death. Considering it's only a single level up over the strongest in the group of four, it's normal for it to be losing in this scenario. But this is a chance, time for some more kill stealing.

While the four narwhals don't seem to notice my approach with their focus on their opponent, the red horned narwhal does notice me and dart right past the four and directly at me. It couldn't be? Is this guy so petty that it won't allow itself to get killed by the other narwhals and would rather serve itself up to me? We take those.

The red horned narwhal stops right before me with a sliver of health as it had to take free hits to reach me. Of course, I waste no time lest it bleeds out and the other narwhals get the credit. But not before giving the four narwhals a smug glare. I open my jaw and swallow the narwhal whole, killing it instantly as at reaches my stomach.

"You have slain a Level 8 Adult Telekinetic Red Narwhal. You have gained 752 EXP. Because you have slain a monster of a higher evolutionary state, your total EXP has doubled. You have gained a total of 1,504 EXP. You have gained 350kg of biomatter. You have levelled up."

Checking in on the four narwhals who had their kill stolen, I find that their status has changed to enraged... when am I not fighting someone who is enraged? The next thing I know there are four beams of ice being shot at me. I don't even try to dodge them, not because of the difficulty in doing so but because I'm immune to it. As the ice makes contact with my scales, it dissipates without leaving a scratch. Cold Immunity by the way.

Soon I begin to feel as if something was trying to pull me towards them, but my resistance isn't capable of stopping the force pulling me. Instead of continuing futile resistance I lung forward aiming my body at the weakest link first, the level 4 narwhal.

Between the force of my lunge and the telekinetic pull, I ram right into the level 4 narwhal, with my horns piercing its side. Pulling out and preparing my attack the other three don't remain idle and charge at me with their tusks glowing. To my surprise, the tusks actually end up doing much more than I expected, given their low strength stat. While they don't manage to pierce my scales each of their attacks do around a hundred damage, dropping me down to 1,046 HP. But I don't take any free damage as I send an Acid Beam directly into the mouth of the narwhal I stabbed on top of constricting it, rendering it immobile and in constant pain.

As the narwhal continues to struggle in my grasp, the others keep on stabbing me. Eventually, as the level 4 narwhal is near dead, I have been taken down to 582 HP, but I finish the narwhal off and eat it right in front of its brethren, both to intimidate the narwhals and restore my health. With my health restored back to 1,240, I swing my entire body around to turn and face the remaining three narwhals, whipping their faces with my tail and grabbing hold of one of them in the process. The System pops up with a notification, but I ignore it and coil the rest of my body around my next victim.

Unlike the late level 4 narwhal, this one, the level 6 narwhal, doesn't open its mouth so as to not let me destroy its innards with my acid. This being the case I use a Venomous Bite right into its eye, allowing for more damage than normal for hitting a weak spot. Instantly taking its health down to 823 with a single strike. The other two narwhals try to stab me with their tusks again, but this time I use my Acid Beam on the water surrounding me, giving temporary pause to their attacks as I proceed to finish off the narwhal in my grasp.

But just before I can land another strike on to its eye, the narwhal's tusk glows again and I see electric currents running all around it, sending shocks through with water. Due to the shocks, I involuntary release the narwhal as it joins its compatriates. Realise my weakness to lightning, all three of them now have their electric currents running through their tusks. This could pose a bit of a problem, thankfully between my strangulation and toxicity, the level 6 narwhal only has a couple hundred HP remaining.

To my surprise, the half-dead narwhal runs away as the other two starts charging at me with their electrified tusks. A back and forth go on between us for almost an hour as I do everything I possibly can to avoid getting hit by a lightning attack, severely limiting the amount of damage I can do. PTSD is a real issue, I am way too worried over getting hit with something as dangerous to me as lightning is. With the apparent stalemate, I see the previously injured level 6 narwhal return and I immediately begin to worry.

Behind the narwhal I nearly killed earlier is a massive blessing of narwhals, probably close to 150 of them. They range from young to elder and levels one to fifteen. But as I turn around to run for it-- I mean go for a tactical retreat, I see another large blessing of around 150 narwhals. But these are Red Narwhals, like the one that offered itself up to me earlier was.

With their mortal enemies right before them, the Green Narwhals turn their focus away from me and towards the Red Narwhals. The vanguard of each blessing begins to ram into each other as I try to create some distance from the centre of the battle. Before long, three wrinkly old Red Narwhals come over in my direction and stop before me. puzzled over their intentions they perform a quick bow before turning back and heading into the battle with the Green Narwhals. Did I just get thanked? For what? This is fine though, taking full advantage of the chaotic battle I try and snipe some of the weakened Green Narwhals with my Ice Breath and grabbing hold of any of the Green Narwhals that get too close to me.

After almost eight hours of continuous fighting, the Green Narwhals all lay dead and the Red Narwhals stand victorious. In the end, I managed to kill off two level 7 and one level 5 adults, 3 level 4 young, and a single level 2 elder. I made a killing off this war, netting me a total of 3,478 experience. I only managed to eat a couple of the narwhals I killed but I still managed to obtain 725kg of biomatter. On top of reaching level 5, a few of my skills levelled up as well. My Venomous Bite is now level 8, and both my Ice Breath and Constrict have reached level 3.

As the Red Narwhals finishes eating up the remains of their foes, the whole blessing turns to face me. Much like the elders did at the start of this battle-- no, it's more apt to call it a war, they perform a small bow. As they rise from their positions they turn to leave back the way they came, but with a trail of blood behind them. Narwhals truly do cause a commotion just from swimming in the ocean.

I wonder if I should try and start more battles like this, warmongering seems to be rather profitable.