chapter 3: Camping

Alright girls got your sleeping bags, sleep clothes, bug spray, swimsuits, etc.

Beep beep, their here we gotta go! Love you! Hey Amiee, hi Ashley. Hi Katie. The hour trip to the camp grounds sure seemed like a life time, we were so glad when we finally got there. It was already hitting 93° outside, so we were ready to hit the water. After we all got covered in sunscreen and bug spray that's exactly what we did. It was 9pm before we were ready to crawl into bed, so Katie and I hit the bathrooms one last time before bed. I looked up before walking back to see Ashley coming out of Katie and mines tent. What was she doing in there? She was sharing a tent with Katie's sister Sara. As we walked to our tent, I slowly peaked into the tent to see if anything was missing. It looked like it was all there. So Katie and I snuggled into our sleeping bags. Just then I felt something crawling on my legs, I screamed like bloody murder. Katie's parents came rushing over asking if we were ok as we ran from the tent. Her dad checked my sleeping bag and found a little garden snake in there and checked the rest of the tent and Katie's sleeping bag just in case to. Ohhhhh, how I hate snakes! and Ashley knew it! Katie's dad said it must of snuck in there and fell asleep. Ha! fell asleep! As I decided to agree with him, deep down I already knew Ashley put it there as she stood there with a little smirk on her face. She was back to the old pranks again.

Katie has been my best friend since kindergarten, she knew the pranks we pulled. Heck she helped me come up with some. So when I told her about Ashley coming from our tent as we were walking back, she was game to know our plan of come back. We didnt know why, after the past couple years we were getting along so good no pranks or nothing. Now we go camping and it's like they never stopped! But putting a live snake in the bedding, a live anything now that was the worst she ever did!