Boy Vs Bat


"I'm back!" Mugen roared at top of his lungs, providing a confident smirk at the demons that rested above. In a flashy pattern, their eyes shot open, taking aim on the boy. Yet, he felt little to no fear. He was afraid of dying, the possibility was still in grasp, but he wasn't worried. He was brave, confident that he'd tear through these winged creatures with ease.

The colony flew towards him without halting their assault. The boy took grasp of an arrow then loaded it into the bow.

He heard the patters of his heart, his eyes taking aim of his target as he adjusted his footwork. 'Like this...' He mumbled, aiming for the joint between a bat's body and wing.

"I missed?!"

There must've been hundreds of bats, and yet his lightning fast arrow missed completely and pierced into the roof of the cave instead. "Screw it!" He threw the bow to the floor and readied his fists.

The young samurai watched as the beasts surrounded him. He was nervous to a degree, but kept his sanity in tact. "Kyaaaaah!" A group attacked at once, but the male ducked under them.

One tried biting his arm but he smashed his fist into it's face. The bat's skull must've shattered upon impact, just before being sent flying into the wall.


It lied dead in a bloodied mess as the rest of the colony stood immobile, taking sight of the human's raw power. "Damn..." Mugen gripped his wrist. 'It snapped...' He realized that this power didn't affect his bones in general. His muscles were providing too much force. His body couldn't handle the impact.

'No time to think.' He brought his eyes up to fangs. He swiftly ducked and grabbed the beast's neck before crushing it and throwing the body into an incoming enemy. "I'mma slaughter all of you!" He jumped and smashed his head into one of the flying bats, however just at that moment, two others took hold of him mid-air.

Their talons passed through the skin and gripped onto his body. They flew swiftly to the ceiling in an instant "Wooooah!"


In one swift attack, they smashed his head into the roofing of the cave, smashing his face into the stone.




'What happened?'

He thought to himself, just now realizing that he blanked out. 'Its happening again!!!' The bats dropped to the ground then took off once more in an attempt to cave his skull in. "Rauuuuuuugh!!!" The male released a war cry before sinking his teeth into the leg of one of the bats before ripping it clean off.

Both demons released him and watched him smash into the floor. The area was filled with dust. The many bats watched as the dust cleared, making out but one silhouette. Mugen walked out of the dust cloud that arose. "I win..." Mugen was dizzy, his face was covered in his own blood, his hair dyed by that exact color. He had hundreds of aching scrapes on his back and sides.

His red robes were nearly completely torn, leaving his upper body exposed, flaunting each and every wound he's sustained.

"Finally... A weapon I can use." Looking into his rough and torn arm, he held the bat's leg. It was severed, the whole bone was torn from the joints. At the other end of the leg were talens. Sharp claws, claws he'd have to use as the blade of a katana.

"Come!" He shouted, allowing the colony to attack once more.

"Passing Cloud..." - He whispered to himself before vanishing to the side of a bat. In a single swipe, he beheaded the beast, then blocked another attack from behind. "Bad move!" He slashed the bat head-on, slicing straight through it's belly so he could bathe in it's contents.

"Sorin Art: Splatter!" - The boy swiped his blade against an incoming demon. The bat's blood splattered against another bat, killing it instantly. The blood splattered like bullets.

Yet, even now the colony kept coming

"Bring it!"

Hours must've gone by...

Perhaps, even a whole day?

And only then, had the fighting come to a stop.

Standing in the midst of bodies, Mugen stood tall, his arms crossed in the darkness. His eyes were locked, body bathed in blood and guts. Teeth marks ran across his abdomen, all the way down to his legs. Large bat claws were deeply implanted into his skin.

Mugen's body was a pincushion for teeth and claws. Yet, there was not a single demon in the opening that had been alive.

"Oho?" The man had finally come out to see. "Y-You actually did it?" His voice shook. Watching his step, he made his way to the boy. Yet, Mugen had yet to move. His eyes were still closed, infact, it didn't even seem as though he was breathing.

"Is he... Dead?" He wondered, rubbing his beard. "And he seemed promising too."