Retrieval Of A Weapon

Land Of Tasine ~ Forgotten Warzone

"You think it's still here?"

Lamin crossed his arms, standing in the dusty wasteland of rusting weapons and decomposing bodies. Blades, guns and bones were left about this warzone, drenched in a foul, rotting stench. Beside Lamin was Tsuki, to whom held Mugen's blade within his palm. "Has to be. Who'd come here of all places?"

They strolled amongst the bodies, reminiscing on their fallen allies as they took each step. "So you left the boy in your village's ditch huh? Isn't that... Dangerous? You really think the kid can handle that?" Lamin asked, searching for a good reason for his words. "It's about time, don't you think friend?" Tsuki turned his face to the shorter man, and he looked back.

"Hehe... I understand." He looked away, wiping a small tear that formed in his eye. "So your confident in him, are you? That's why we have to get everyone together?" Their stroll came to a stop.

Before them was a massive crack in the earth. Not just some crack, but a massive fissure, deeply slit into the earth's crust. "That's the best bet." Tsuki sighed, admiring the length of the fissure. "Let's just get your sword and get out of here." Tsuki climbed into the slit in the earth, his partner following him quickly after.

After touching the stone floor, they both felt a cold chill run down their spines. "Jesus. I hate it down here." Lamin hugged himself and hunched over. They continued walking... "Haha! Your soft! This is nothing!" Tsuki drew his blade, admiring the blue hilt and silver lining. "You know... For some reason this cold reminds me of sex."

"The hell?" Lamin questioned, "Why would... You know what, that's your problem. Your kinks are none of my business." He made himself clear, and yet Tsuki just went on. "Ya know! You ever have your girl on her back. Then-"

"Shut it!" Lamin states once more, becoming more and more irritated with his friends' antics. "Hey! Just saying!" Tsuki smirked, finding pleasure in messing teasing his pal.

"Well, regardless, we have company. So don't think your silence'll last." They stopped, providing excited smirks of their own. "Finally!" Lamin cracked his neck and drew his sword from his side. "Hoho! Think you'll use your right hand?"

"Please! No need." He stepped forwards, "Just cover me." He states, watching hesitantly. His smirk was deadly, each tooth extremely sharp. If this man were to bite you, he'd skin you with ease.


The stones surrounding them started to glow as they stacked atop each other. Little nuzzling could be heard amongst the walls, metre long rats revealing their presence.

"Let's see... Two stone golems, plus three demon rats. Wonderful!" Tsuki raced towards one of the golems and sliced straight through it's punch, sawing the arm off. He swiftly turned and offed the golem's head before crushing it before his feet.

One of the rats launched itself at Lamin but he was prepared. "Bye-Bye!" With a horizontal slice, his wooden sword split the beast in half, it's guts parading the environment.

The other golem charged at Lamin. Lamin took a breath and brought his head back. When the stone creature was close enough he smashed his skull into it, shattering the upper body into bits and pieces. "Weak~" He muttered with a smirk, "I've got a pretty thick skull bastard."

The last two remaining beasts launched themselves at Tsuki before becoming swissed in a single action. They were filled with holes, massive holes the size of canon bolts. Their bodies fell to the floor after the lightning speed jabs returned. "That was easy." Tsuki brought a smile before brushing his long hair to the side. "Graaugh! Way too easy!" Lamin sighed, in a fit of rage, he struck the wall, piercing through the stone for metres on end.


"Oi! I'd rather NOT die without sex in years. Thank you very much!"

"Not my damn problem asshole!"

Tsuki sheathed the blade and approached the shorter man. "Not your problem? You'd die here with me ya know!" He had an angered glare in his eye. "Yeah-Yeah! Just go screw some hoe when you get back... Horny bastard."

Tsuki sighed, just before turning away. "You know I only sex up women I love." Lamin moved onwards, ignoring his partner's rant.

They continued their journey, only now it was corroded with Tsuki's complaints. "Imagine... The one person you love being killed." - "Yeah, been there... You ever realize you tell me the same thing again and again?" Lamin raised an eyebrow, turning back to Tsuki. "Well, you do understand don't you? That's why I'm telling you..." Lamin simply sighed once more and continued. This stress was getting to him.

They took a stop at a fork in the path. "Left or right?" Lamin crossed his arms. "Ask the fox." Before them was a small fox, laying on the floor, just in the middle of both paths.

"Yo! Which path is my sword again? I forgot." Lamin stooped down to reach the same level of the fox. It walked forwards, making its way to the right path, beckoning for the two to follow.

They looked at each other then smirked. "Alright thanks, see ya!" They took the left path instead...

"What?! Why'd you ask?!?"

The fox roared?! "Because we still don't trust you, ya damn sly asshole." Lamin explains, Tsuki chuckling to back up his claim. "Come on! I may be a demon, but I'm good. I've been guarding your blade for how many years?" The fox continued. "Yeah? So what's that?"

Lamin came to a stop, and so did Tsuki. It was the end of the fissure. There was a large, muscular, green beast infront of them. It had bulging biceps, very puffy muscles and large arms and legs. It also had eight heads, extendable like the ones from a snake. It held a large buster sword in its clutches, watching it's surroundings for any living.

"Alright fox, explain yourself. Not only did you try leading me in a different direction, but you failed your one job." Lamin was visibly furious. The murderous intent seeped out from his emotionless eyes. His arm took to his wooden sword. "H-H-H-Hold on! What c-c-could I possibly do against that?!" The red fox sunk down, whimpering in a slow tune as the man was just so close to popping his head clean off.

"Hey-Hey... Let's not go overboard. If you have anger to release, why don't you prove that you deserve your blade?" Tsuki tapped his shoulder, gesturing for the beast that stood.... Motionless. "Looks like a damn troll if it fucked Medusa..."

"That's one way to put it." (Tsuki)

After taking a final glare at the fox, Lamin stepped forwards, approaching another demon in his way. "Say, what does the fox say?" Tsuki looked down at the small creature. "D-Do I have to say it?"

Tsuki chuckled. "If you want me to protect you from Lamin, yes." ~ "Yip! Yip, Yip!"

"Good boy!" Tsuki petted the fox, showing a grin that both infuriated the creature, but also made him afraid.

"Yo!" Lamin drew his wooden sword, pulling his middle finger. "Your in my way, so move before I sla-" Lamin was launched into the wall, causing the whole underground tunnel to rumble as a result.

"Damnit..." Where Lamin lied was a web of cracks, accompanied by the crater and smashed rocks.


It roared before slamming the blade onto the male. "Your strong!" Lamin smiled, blocking the blade. He launched forwards and punched the demon back, bringing the ogre metres back.

The distance quickly closed as they clashed weapons. *crack*

Both the buster sword and the wooden sword were sustaining damage. Again and again and again! The blows kept going on and on until!



Both weapons met their fate. "Die!" It screamed, smashing it's arms into the floor. Lamin jumped into the air, but was taken aback by the eight heads that extended to follow him. They lunged at him with their hissing, blotting out any other sound. None of them touched him. With a single punch, without even touching his foes, the force launched the heads away from him. "Still got it." He praised his monstrous right arm.

The green ogre went limp. Its body collapsed onto the floor as the eight heads writhed about, wiggling around the inside of the body before completely exiting it. Surrounding him now was eight snakes. Large cobras that took possession over the body of the ogre. "Well that's odd." Lamin stood up straight, adjusting his red attire before slipping out of his sleeves.

"Haha! He's in quite the pickle." Tsuki was amused, and the fox simply prayed for the man's demise. All at once, the snakes pounced on him! Lamin smashed his foot into the ground, causing dis-balance.

He used this moment to shed away two stones from the floor and held them in his palms. The snakes launched at him as he quickly slit one of their throats, avoiding the rest. One wrapped around him as the other six assaulted him from all sides. "How about this!" Using his monstrous strength, he ripped through the snake's tail with his bare hands and escaped.

"Now your dead!" With them all grouped up, he lunged at them, slashing through the remaining seven of the bodies. There was a slight delay for a single second, just before each and every one of their heads slid off from their upright bodies. "Done and done." He glanced at the snakes before passing them by. He threw the stones to the floor.

"Nice job! You go!" Tsuki cheered on, watching the man approach his weapon, plunged in the floor. Lamin gripped the red handle and pulled it through the rubble, revealing a blade, wrapped in many black bandages. One could see it's very shape. It was a katana, and yet it had teeth. Large, saw-like teeth that decimated all it came in contact with.

"Say Lamin! Why didn't you use one of your dragon techniques? Should've been enough to kill those beasts." Tsuki approached him. "Yeah... Your right..." Lamin gripped the handle, just before brushing his bloodied hair back. "What can I say? I forgot about them."

"Step back! I'm gonna shake the world." He was serious. Instead of gripping the blade with one hand, left or right.

He did it with two.

"That is the plan after all." Tsuki backed up as the fox continued to ponder as to how this man had beaten such creatures without his actual sword. "Ready?" He flexed the blade back and aimed for the wall of the fissure.

"Just don't split the island." Tsuki reinforced.

In an instant, Lamin swung his blade, the teeth sawed through the stone like butter, his strength pressing the force that would truly shake Japan.

"Dragon Art: Eviscerate"