Asura Palace

As he raced across the rooftops, the wind brushed his body. It was just like the caress of a lover. As he leapt off the roof of a building, his whole body tense, not in fear, but in excitement. His body relaxed mid-air, and he never felt so good in his life. It was better than the best drug or the best sex, Lin Feng's obsession went past those things.

He let the adrenaline take over and ran ten times- no a hundred times faster than he was doing before.


The sounds of bullets piercing the air were heard and Feng tilted his head mid-jump to see what was it. Oh, just two bastards. Feng adjusted his centre of gravity and jerked mid-air, facing the location where he jumped from, with the first two bullets only grazing his clothes slightly. The people who shot the bullets were shocked at this development but tried to suppress their shocks.



Feng harrumphed disdainfully and grabbed the two bullets with his glove covered hands.


Feng threw the bullets onto the ground, and they fell with loud clinking sounds. The two assailants were shocked, never had they thought that this young man was so strong. Without them realizing it, Feng suddenly landed on the roof that they were situated on.


Another whooshing sound was heard, but this time it was not the sound of a bullet flying out of a gun. It was Feng! He was swaying very slowly, in a weird stance, two of his hands were raised up to his chin in the form of a palm and his less dominant leg (left) was kept in front, while the other leg was at the back. Coupled with his swaying and the invisible green aura emanating from his body at the moment.

One could very well say that Feng was just a human-sized Praying Mantis.

[Ten Great Beast Stance- Mantis Stance!]

He erupted in an instant, and his palms shot forward at the same time. He shaped his palms into blades and slashed downwards. Seemingly cleaving the two humans in half.

"Eh, so easy? But I didn't use that much strength."

"Fengzi watch out!" A foreign voice yelled out loud.



The sounds of seemingly strong bullets rang out at that instant, as they hit the one called Feng, smoke appeared on the rooftop. One of those assailants didn't get killed by the Mantis stance.

The smoke gradually cleared, and it seemed like the one called Feng was killed. The one responsible for it heaved out a sigh of relief and hid to the ground in case the one who yelled before came to check for his comrade's corpse.

"Whew! Damn, that was so close!"

The assailant heard that annoying voice and cursed under his breath. He was so dead now.

Feng wiped the little bit of sweat off his forehead and cursed at whoever shot that bullet, not like it would matter anyway.

'Dammit, we've come this close only to be obstructed by some kid. No, I have to kill him!'

Unknowingly, the assailant did was considered suicide by jumping out to Feng.


In his hand was a black bladed dagger that gleamed with a white light and screeched like an evil wraith. The dagger lusted for blood, and would not stop until it received, but sadly, Feng wasn't a blood donor.


Feng's arms moved so swiftly. He pulled two blades out of a tattoo from his hand and swiped down, still in the Mantis stance.


The attacker clad in black collapsed abruptly, blood spurting out his chest.

"Kek, weaklings!"

Feng would not mince words with a dead person, not to mention someone that was attacking him before he died.

"Whew, you're ok!"

The foreign voice from earlier finally reached Feng's location. It was a red-haired youth with blue eyes. The youth was dressed in a black leather jacket and his hair was let down and long.

"Oh, wassup Torch?"

"W-wassup! Goddammit, you took too long, Tennyson and I are already done with our tasks, we were waiting for you to come to the meetup location."

"Oh, I was preoccupied," Feng said this with a bored expression while searching the body of a dead man.

"What do you mean you were preoccupied? I'll burn your ass!"

As he said this, his hand had a bright red flame hovering over it. This was the result of what happened all those years ago.

. . .

The healing arts taught by the ancient sects and clans to the public were amazing, they not only heal the human body but also strengthened internally and externally, minimizing the rate of disease carriage. The arts also birthed two energies known as Origin and Genetic Energy.

As more people used the arts, the earth was gradually filled with these energies, and even the environment was affected by the energies. Plants, animals, everything was affected by the emergence of these energies. They not only evolved but also developed their own energies.

With Genetic energy, the beings of the planet were able to trace their bloodlines to their ancestors, who were the ancient gods described in the mythos. When one traced back their bloodline, they gained the powers of their ancestors.

As for Origin Energy. It was a form of mental energy. It strengthened the mind which in turn enabled it to perform amazing feats such as making ice and fire out of thin air. Most humans can practice the two but rarely can they ever master the two energies ever.

In the peak of their emergence, multiple explorations of the world took place. The so-called final frontiers; the sea and space were explored completely and more things happened.

After a few more human achievements, it came the animals turn when the first animal ever was recorded to be able to speak. It was an old turtle who had become senile...

From there on, animals with sufficient cultivation could speak and even gain a human form. It was all so surreal for humans but this dreaminess that came with these events vanished when the last proof of a new age had come.

Aliens, the aliens finally came to earth, but not to take over or to battle. For fuck's sake, it was friendship. Even young people could not believe this, where was the justice? They really wanted to battle. Though, it was not like they could. The aliens were just too strong and high-tech.

The normal earth that people had once lived in was overturned by these amazing events. And as if reaching the climax of sex, two more events happened. The first was the discovery of ores that have the ability to transmit and store Origin Energy. They were known as Profound Ores, this discovery pushed humanity's exploration to a whole new level. Weapons known as Heavenly Origin Weapons were created by such ores. One example of such weapons are Feng's blades

And as for the second. It was the creation of two ultimate organizations; Asura Palace and Wargod Hall. Our main character was a member of Asura Palace.

. . .

"Oh, Torch, were you saying something?" Feng asked awakening from his imagination.

"Eh? Bastard are you listening to me, I said I'll burn your ass?"

"You can't do that, Torch, Feng is a part of our team even if he drifts away sometimes (inner voice: most times)..."

The one who spoke was a hawk-eyed youth with black hair and sword-like eyebrows. The youth's nose also exuded a certain sharpness. Everything about him actually radiated sharpness. He was Tennyson Hawk, the unofficial leader of their sub-group.



Both Feng and Torch yelled, but for an entirely different reason. Torch yelled in spite and Feng yelled because he just found his first large haul in months.

"Hehe, Heavenly Origin Weapon: Infinite Ouroboros Dagger!"

The weapon Feng talked about was the dagger that the assailant used before. The dagger had a white hilt, and a black curved, jagged blade. On the edge of this dagger was the emblem of a white dragon eating its tail.

"Kek, lucky dog!"

Both Torch and Tennyson cursed under their breaths. Feng laughed and threw the dagger towards his arm. This would be dangerous if not for Feng's special ability. He called it Weapon Space, he could store all kinds of weapons inside this space on his arms in the form of tattoos of those objects.

"Heavenly Origin Weapon: God Board!"

Torch yelled and threw out a small sword that gradually expanded with each second in the air. The sword finally reached a large size and just floated in the air.

"Get on, ungratefuls!"

"Che, you're so mean!"

"Man, you might never get a girlfriend,"

Torch was so angry that fire literally burst out of his nostrils. But what could he do, the two fuckers were already on the God Board laughing their asses off at his expense.

Che, if not for the fact that he still had something to do he would already be up there whooping their asses.

"Fuckers, burn in Hell! Synchronicity: Underworld's Flame!" He

He yelled loudly; the fuckers referred to Feng and Tennyson, but he was actually aiming his hands at a building in the distance. Green fire erupted from his hands and wailed like a wraith's fury. The building that was aimed to erupted in green flames just like his hand.

"Haha, Torch get up here!"

"Che I'm coming."

Feng smiled as he watched the green lotus bloom in the distance, it was always beautiful each time. This day was fun. But now, another day was about to begin, time to head to Asura Palace!