Undercover Mission

Walking through the halls of Asura palace he received a multitude of smiles and greetings, replying them with nods, he walked towards the direction of his room, entering the familiar environment, he sat in a lotus position and starts to rhythmically breathe, as he exhaled, white mist came out of his mouth and nostrils, golden swirls gathered around his chest, this was the Origin Energy, after an hour of breathing exercises he walked out of his room to find some food.

Ever since he was a child in the Lin clan, Feng had always been the thinnest and weakest, his father was the clan master, it then furthered his pitiful status, labelling him as the Extraordinary Trash.

Asura saved him and treated him as though they were father and son, he thought him most of what he knew, like a usual novel, it turned out he had extraordinary talent, from then on he met Torch, age: 17, orphan extraordinary control of Origin Energy and Origin Fire, Tennyson Hawk, age: 19, raised by the Heavenly Blood Hawk King of the beast kings, amazing physical prowess, weapon type: sniper and spear. Torch was a hothead who had little to no tolerance for lateness, he had more than enough excuses to kill latecomers, most of the time as long as he's not pissed off he's fun to be around, but too bad that will never happen as long as madman Feng was alive and present.

Tennyson was more of a coolheaded silent killer, both to girls and enemies.

Sylvia Cornelius Age: 17, raised in a military family. Excellent affinity with explosions and explosive energy, weapon preference: gauntlet and cannon. Occasionally she's very flirty and most of the time she's shy and very murderous to most others except Lin Feng.

Kirin, Age: 18, raised in the slums, every civilian in her stronghold likes her. Extreme affinity with Origin Energy and lightning, loves booze and fighting strong people. weapon preference: Gauntlet.

Krystal, Age: 16, parents: unknown, the youngest member of the Asuras, battle maniacs like Feng and very cute girl but ruthless to enemies, loves sweet things, extreme affinity with gems and ore, weapon preference: shears

Red, Age: 18 orphan, has a younger sister in the Asura Palace, loves food and anything meaty, most of the time bland but when faced with excellent food she becomes your good friend. Extreme affinity with blood and genetic energy, genius assassin.

All of them had quirky personalities, but they were still his friends, entering the hall he saw Tennyson and Torch sitting on wide benches and chowing on beef, on the opposite side a girl with black hair and red eyes quietly sat down eating a huge cow leg, she was Red, if one spoke to her while she ate the cow leg, a murderous intention came flowing like gushing water, by her side a girl with almost transparent crystal-white hair and light blue eyes that shamed ponds, and had bossoms that shamed the moon, she was Krystal.

There was a light-skinned girl with black hair and dark eyes that would have an occasional streak of lightning running across it, in her hand was a big bottle of booze. The last girl was the quiet Sylvia, light-skinned, dark-haired teenager with a beanie on her head and an orange jacket covering her.

"Eh, Feng!, come drink with me."

"No, He's showing me how to make the beef sauce."

"Feng is helping me scrub my back in the bath," says a flirty Sylvia shamelessly.

"but he's my sparring partner" Krystal complains whiningly

Pretending to give much thought about it, he then says "Fine, if I have no choice, I guess I'll help Sylvia"


"Fucking bastard!"

"Ok Feng, we can go now?"

"But beef sauce!"

"More booze for me!"

"Why is he always getting the girls, he isn't even interested most of the time!"

"The robot will have to suffer for now!"

After eating he ran to the hot springs with Sylvia and an uncomfortable to tell story unfolded that night.


The next day, Asura called them to the meeting room. The seven elite and the most astounding members were all gathered around an enormous conference table, around it sat several astounding members who had peculiar specialities and abilities.

At the end of the table on a wall, a gigantic screen with the logo of Asura Palace started flickering and eventually switched the camera to an asian man with black hair and dark eyes.

"Good morning all, as you all know I'm Asura, I called you all for a specific reason, the evil organization Night eye, which is known for how organized it is, has made a move and have implanted an elite group into Royal university of Royal city, so long story short, you're going on an undercover mission to stop them, you still have to pass through the special entrance exam, we do not know what they are up to, that's what you're there for, based on their recent movements it should be like a large scale rebellion or an all-out war against those organizations that interfered with their plans, rewards are secret for now, pre-mission rewards include stances, techniques and visualization diagrams."

Allowing him to speak, then started asking questions. A girl from the Origin mech department asked a question.

"Sir, with all due respect where do we keep the untransportable weapons and equipment."

"Don't worry about that, our alien research team has cracked spatial study, so there will be an equipment called a spatial crystal that allows you to store anything but living things, now any more questions?"

He then got someone to distribute the spatial crystals which had the rewards in it. They all packed all suitable equipment and got a jet to take them to Royal City, the number 9 stronghold for humans on earth.


As soon as they arrived at the city, they were greeted with an abundance of people and Origin beasts, some population even included aliens, after heading to the special examination area, all contenders were tested to their limits, Brain testing, Combat ability, Physique testing, etc. Out of the 15 people Asura palace sent, all passed.

Using the DNA lens scanner, Lin Feng was overloaded with history from his soon to be classmates, the top agent for Night eye Caladium Barkum used a backdoor, his uncle was on the school board of Royal University, which explained how Night eye infiltrated.

The orientation gave them the most basic layout of the campus, clubs like the martial art club, Anime club, literature club, etc, and teams like the blitz ball team, soccer team, basket blitz, and so on.

Ever since the discovery of Origin Energy, looking for alternative ways to use it they started watching old shows and anime that used energy to look for ways. Before they mocked Nirvana Rebirth Era people who watched anime as nerds and geeks. But now those who watched and create anime were hailed as geniuses.

Blitz ball was almost exactly like soccer, but with the usage of genetic and origin energy.

They all settled into their rooms nicely, the room he stayed in had enough space to hold eight, which included four of caladium's cronies, the other members were Tennyson, member of Asura palace called Yami Hoshikage and Lei Tian, ignoring his comrades and adversaries, he went to the training room and viewed the present master gave him, a blitz ball technique called Golden Buddha Palm Technique, a martial technique called tactics of the Ancient beast and a visualization technique called Yin-Yang Harmony once it was practised they would gain Yin-Yang Force, he started practising Golden buddha palm with a moderate-sized blitz ball.

Concentrating on the technique, he visualized a golden buddha with multiple astral towering overall with a righteous aura, as if to show its powers the buddha and its astral palms destroyed all in its way. With the visualization completed he contracted and hardened his muscles, kept his left foot in the same position, and drew his right foot back, following that he kicked the blitz ball into the air. With an illusion like movement he had appeared above the ball and kicked it down with a mysterious force "Golden buddha Palms", countless of palms manifested propelling the ball towards a wall, with a loud bang he had damaged the wall to smithereens.

Settling gently on the floor in a meditative posture, he started practising Tactics of the Ancient Beast. Visualizing, in his consciousness, he saw a golden beast that looked like both a wolf and a lion roaring. the surrounding air kept crackling and twisting, chaotic aura spew from him like a broken damn, suddenly he performed a series of strange movements with jaw-breaking speed, if a person were here to see this they would have no longer seen a human, but a ferocious Demon Beast.

He then practised the Yin-Yang Harmony, the hardest technique he had gained, He concentrated on the diagram but to no avail, he couldn't crack the technique, he then browsed his Ancestral memories. An Ancient voice boomed in his mind "Yin-Yang represents every opposing force in the world, it is known as the law of the taiji, what makes it what it is, is the appearance of the other force in each other, it is known as tai-yin and tai-yang"

Coming back to his senses, his mind had already unconsciously visualized the Ancient character for Taiji, like flowing water, he stood in a weird stance and started moving his palms around, if any martial artist with any knowledge on taiji were here to see this, his hands would have been a massive taiji, shooting his hands forward the air seemed to twist and contract and eventually exploded with a loud bang.

Lin Feng stopped practising and looked around him, but all that was seen was fallen debris and in another room, Yami was practising martial techniques and started performing hand signs and stopped by banging his hand on the floor. A massive Origin Energy constructs which were a massive nine-tailed fox opening its mouth a small bomb that contained devastating power shot out "bijuu-dama", looking at this, Feng who was usually indifferent to attacks widened his eyes, looking at this fiery bomb he quickly shouted "Golden buddha palm-constrict" the ball was then suppressed and held down by the astral palms they were suppressed into nothing-ness by the astral palms.

Looking at Yami he said "Are you insane?!, if you were to destroy the campus what would master do though he's the strongest man on earth even he would find it difficult to re-build this place from scratch!"

"I'm sorry senior Feng, I lost track and forgot we were students"

"Bah never mind just go to bed, War-god is our instructor we can't leave a poor impression, someone like him would be as strong as Asura"

"So byeeee!"

Walking toward his room he was in a good mood, due to the fact that he had grasped part of the concept on his techniques, entering his room he sat down in a meditative lotus stance and entered a subconscious state and started practising his breathing

What will happen to the Asuras the next day, will they discover the aim of the Night eye organization, will Wargod like the Asuras, what lies in the secret of Feng's mind and what does Night eye hope to accomplish, Find out later on Drag, uh I mean Modern Day Asuras.