Draconic Ancestral technique and Shameless Dragon

Feng awoke in a deep cavern filled with star crystals which were known for their ability to store star energy, humans knew of this fact but did not have the knowledge or equipment to harness the power within these crystals, looking around him, aside from the gems there were several objects and miscellaneous things that looked like it belonged to humans, he even found a phone lying on a rock.

Trying to recall what happened before he went unconscious he remembered that he had just killed two sand wyverns. He collected the useful parts and their blood that was when he finally tired out and fainted from the exhaustion, circulating his mist breathing style and golden buddha palms, a golden mist poured out of his pores, looking at this mist he was shocked because nothing like this had ever happened before. Checking the records in his mind he found that this was the third stage of the mist breathing style called Merged Energy mist layer.

Feng also found that his golden buddha Qi had also reached a brand new level. Just then he heard light footsteps coming from the entrance at the front, looking at the direction where the footsteps came from he saw a youth who wore a dragon scaled robe that shined like the star, on the back of this youth the corpse of a snake which had just been recently killed. Dropping the snake Feng had a proper look at the child, he looked similar to Long Hu. Still, he had a nobler air on him, Feng immediately realized that this youth was probably a dragon type beast with a noble bloodline, seeing Feng assessing him he lightly smiled and spoke.

"Oh you are awake, I'll make a soup that'll recover you, your body overdrew itself, and you had most of your physical energy sapped, try to practice your genetic energy and with the soup. You'll be good to go," the voice of the dragon fellow was like chiming bells and was very soothing.

Listening to the voice, Feng was left in a daze and was awoken from the stupor by the smell of roasting meat, that smelt as though it had spices in it. He then heard the sound of chopping and breaking sounds looking at what he broke he saw a broken star crystal that looked drained of its energy on the floor of the cavern.

"Did you just

"Yeah, to gain the energy from star crystals you need to break it in half."

...why didn't we think of that, such a straightforward method."

"Sometimes you humans overthink a lot of things, have you heard of the saying that when reached certain points, everything let goes of extravagances and reverts back to simplicity. In conclusion, I just applied this formula, nothing much."

As he spoke he handed Feng a hot bowl that had some meat along with vegetables in it, looking at this soup he licked his lip and hurriedly gulped it down, just as he swallowed it a white aura covered his body and restored it, this was genetic energy.

"This is..."

"Genetic Energy Meal, you like it? I encountered this when I travelled to another dimension, perfect method, in comparison. The Empty Dimension (dimension where the earth is at) isn't even a low-grade dimension, so tell me your name little fellow I'm Nebeus."

"Lin Feng, but you can call me Feng senior, anyway tell me about the other dimensions."

Following this, Nebeus told Feng about tales from other dimensions, and most of the time, they always ended on how the Empty dimension was empty and below low-grade, all the while Feng was recovering and refining the blood of the beasts.

looking at what Feng was doing, Nebeus shook his head and said: "even if you try to use that to refine your body, the effect will be minimal, here have a bit of my essence blood to increase the concentration."

"No senior, I could never take something of that worth."

"take it I will die soon, anyway."

"senior, what do you mean."

"nevermind it's nothing, I demand you have this just treat it as a first meeting gift."

Saying nothing again Nebeus handed Feng a jade bottle that contained a drop of his refined essence blood, Feng used the nirvana fire to merge the essence blood and the sand wyvern blood, the final result was a salve he named Dragon tears.

Looking at Feng preparing to apply the dragon tears on his body nebeus moved to the pile of items he had gathered over the years and placed them beside. Feng's things and sighing in his mind 'Feng I have little time but in the short hour I got to know you just from the level you've reached your age I know you're destined to achieve greater things, so I leave my possessions to you.'

"Nebeus, I'm ready. Please help apply the salve on my body after that the rest will be up to me," Feng says, waking him from his thoughts.

Nebeus took the jade bottle where the Dragon Tears salve was placed and applied on his body then he gave the bottle to Feng to use on some other areas, as he finished applying on his body he dropped the rest of the salve on a nearby rock.

Just then the salve kicked in and his body heated up stimulating every single cell in his body, every part of his body to the tiniest parts broke and reconstructed themselves. Using this opportunity he practiced tactics of the Ancient Beast and Ten great Beast Stance which increased the progress of his body, refinement roars that seemed to belong to Desolate beasts came out as he moved around to perform his stances.

Looking at this phenomenon, Nebeus realized that his choice was more than right and that it was beyond excellent, Nodding his head and sighing in his mind he thought 'the new will always surpass the old.'

On a wall, he wrote 'Feng. I leave my body to you. This cavern will also be yours' with these words written on the wall, he then fell to die, as soon as he fell down his body had returned to its original state a: 100-foot star dragon whose body stretched out of the cavern.

Just as Nebeus died, Feng screamed and shouted as if being given the cruellest torture known to man. A hidden part of him had awakened.

Find out next time on Modern Day Asuras.