Encounter With the Speed Puppet General

It was the day after the battle with the Strength puppet General, Feng and Eshu pressed on and reached the border of the inner sector of the forest.

He was taking a break with Eshu by a small pond in a clearing. Beforehand he was trying to teach Eshu the Mist breathing art.

He paired the skill with Eshu due to the nature of the latter's mana. If the little boy could learn this skill, as long as he was in a group fight, his side would never lose. And with Eshu's talent, it looked like he would be able to comprehend it faster than he did.

They both sat cross-legged and close-eyed by the pond in the clearing and tried to recover their energy. After the food they ate the previous night, they actually didn't sleep, instead, advancing towards the innermost core of the forest, so it was expected they would be drained a little.

The two tried their best to recover energy, then suddenly a shadow whizzed past them, and a gust wind was generated. Green leaves from the surroundings swayed gently onto the clearing and onto the meditating master-student duo.


The sound of the wind was heard again as the shadow whizzed around the surroundings, Feng seemed to have sensed a disturbance, and his closed eyes fluttered open, his normally expressionless face showed a hint of displeasure.

"Who is that little rat scurrying near me while I meditate!"

"Kekeke, calling your senior a rat is a little bold,"

A burst of eerie laughter and a hoarse voice that resonated with the surroundings was heard. The shadow whizzed by the clearing again, and the seemingly evil voice spoke again.

"Why did madam Blood Queen take a liking to you, there is nothing amiss about you, it matters not, as long as you make this fight enjoyable for the madam to take control,"

The voice was filled with confusion and lingering anger, which was later turned into battle intent.

Eshu, who had been at Feng's side, opened his eye when he sensed the intent. It seemed extreme, and he was unnerved by it.

"Hmph, you wish to make this battle enjoyable, but that would have to mean that you must possess a bit of strength. But I don't sense anything special; so in conclusion, if you want this fight to be enjoyable, you would need to increase your rank,"

Eshu was stunned since when was his master so thick-skinned that he would attempt to avoid a fight by using his words.

Suddenly, a huge amount of energy erupted from the side of a few trees. It was the energy of a mid-level Jade rank warrior.

Feng's eyes constricted. Was his luck in opponents that bad, 'Why did I have to tell him that he had to increase his level?'

He felt pity for himself for trying to be so slick-mouthed, had he shut his mouth, would any of this ever happen.

"I believe you should be the one to increase your level this time."

The hoarse voice spoke out one more time and seemed to carry the hint of a threat hidden between the words.

Feng sighed and released his lightning mana and conjured his blades. He then adopted a blade stance while warily searched the perimeter for the opponent.

From behind a few trees, the figure of a gold hinted silver armoured dude was seen. If Feng were a fool, he really would have thought that they were doppelgangers, but they were merely afterimages. One could only imagine how fast the opponent was if he could form after images in such a large range.

Feng was stunned, then opted for a simple and straightforward method.

"Only a fool would bother looking for the real you, if I can't find you, then I Lin Feng will tear the area around your after images!"

His words were said lightly but coupled with the silence of the forest. His sentence had a lot more weight.

He held up the blades at both sides and with a thundering sound, golden runes formed at the tip, and a bolt of equally golden Lightning flew out of the runes and towards the direction of the afterimages.

Lightning crackles and thunder rumbles could be heard from the tip of the blade, Feng bathed in the sound of this and stopped discharging Lightning from the blade. The trees were charred, the after images were gone and the pond was well, electrified.

But most of all, the hoarse voice was heard again, Feng wasn't surprised, he knew that this being was either on the level or even surpassed the level of the being he met the other day.

"Little boy, you have some skills. Lightning Magic is rare, but you should not have been able to woo the madam with it, you must have something else you are not showing me,"

Feng snorted and spoke, "Che, why don't you stop hiding so I can show you,"

Unexpectedly, the silver-golden clad general appeared in front of him, unlike the previous general, this one had blood-coloured runes on his leg.

"I have come out now, you better keep to your word and make this fight enjoyable,"

"I don't swing that way men,"

"Your daddy swings that way! Your brother swings that way!"

Thinking Feng would be enraged. He was met with an unexpected response.

"So what if they swing that way, it has nothing to do with me, considering they hate me, in fact, you can curse them all you want!"

Eshu by the side was speechless, where did this new thick skin of his master come from.


Similarly, the Speed Puppet General was speechless as well.

"Che, enough speaking with you, I still have to find more brethren, and nosferatu will be the second!"

Saying this, he raised his fist and shouted; his voice was resonating with the world.

"Grand Nihility Fist"

A giant fist formed in the air but was crackling with Lightning.

This time around, Feng covered his fist in Lightning to speed it up due to the nature of the opponent.

The giant fist landed on the spot where the opponent stood, and the force of air from the impact destroyed all the surroundings.

Feng thought he inflicted some form of damage to the opponent, but was met with a surprise. The silver-golden clad figure appeared in the air, completely unharmed. The metallic section he called his mouth, curled up to a side, and with a smirk, he lightly said, "Too slow!"

At this moment, Feng realized that things wouldn't be so easy for him as he thought.