Rune Study

The journey was bland as Long Hu and the others hadn't encountered any danger, but Feng was extremely happy; apart from being a battle maniac, Feng was also an extremely dedicated scholar, which is why he was able to develop many fighting attacks under such a short amount of time.

At this moment he was studying the various runes he found on the bodies of the puppet generals. Although he was good at studying all types of fighting moves, these runes put a block in his study.

Over the months that he discovered the use of runes to cast magic, and even made several runes, many of them were used in increasing his own strength, so when he looked at this kind of support runes he felt baffled and confused.

"What's wrong with this blood woman, why would anyone use this method to make runes?"

[Hehe, you've finally found a roadblock!]

'You've come out just to mock me, I feel honoured!'

[Relax, I didn't come to mock you, that isn't until 4:30,]

'Then what did you crawl out for?'

[I know the reason for your block,]

'...Well, don't keep them in suspense, tell already!'

Damon ignored the oddity in Feng's statement and begun to explain.

[Well, you see, the issue is not in your understanding of runes because that already could be considered very well above average.]

'So then what's the issue then?'

[The issue is in your cultivation, think about it and tell me if you feel something wrong with your jade rank cultivation,]

Feng thought about his statement and saw that apart from his foundations, which were yet to become stable, there was also something wrong with his cultivation. This seemingly minor mistake seemed a bit odd to him.

[Of course, it's odd, it's because you have yet to sense one of the Laws of the world, if we talk in the terms your clan and Asura taught you, it would mean to get a glimpse of the Great Dao, but in a different manner!]

At this instant, Feng realized what he was missing; raw energy, that was what he needed, if he was able to get the slightest hint of the Great Dao, he would be able to transcend the wall obstructing his way.

He took a deep breath to calm himself and spoke to Damon.

'How do I do it?'

[Hehe, glad you asked, In this dimension, they condense this special power which they call the 'Laws of the World' into special personalised spell books known as Grimoires, these books help the mages of this world by adding magic spells into the special book, as long as their understanding of the 'Laws' increase, more spells will be added into the book, as for my information on your type of Chinese clans, they all boil down to this point,

Your Chinese clans have an extreme knowledge of energy utilization, and you have a unique energy superior to the mana of this world, and the Genetic and Origin energy of the world. This energy is what you refer to as Qi, the quintessence of the Heaven and Earth, it is developed by achieving the ultimate potential of the human body, the advantage of this energy to others is its availability in a situation where external energy is blocked. Coupling with its incredible powers, this energy is a force of destruction as well as life, these are the only things I know about your 'Qi' As for the method of connecting with the grand Dao in place or instead of laws, then I don't know much. Hand me all the Qi cultivation techniques that you gained from your clan, and coupled with a few other techniques, I can make an ultimate technique that can help you expound on the great Dao, for now, just focus on your magic cultivation, once you condense a grimoire the rest should be significantly easier.]

Following that, Damon told him more useful information on the Laws, and Feng gave Damon the Qi techniques he had to Damon. He didn't need to worry, for his strength would increase in a few days.

He continued to study the structure of the runes in his hand and looked for methods of deployment apart from engraving runes. He still hadn't found other methods.

As he analyzed and walked a cold chill ran down his spine. At that moment a loud howl sounded out from deep within the forest. When he first arrived in the forest, he had only felt a bit of fear from the forest, but now he realized that there was more to this seemingly ordinary danger zone.

He asked Long Hu if he felt a similar fear, but was replied with disdain.

"Feng you act like such a caveman, and using such things like intuition, even back on earth we used the danger sensing app, which is already in this dimension. Even if the app was not here, you should know that the Blood Queen is not even an earth immortal, she doesn't even have real offensive capabilities, only if she can plant a blood seed on you, so there is little to no threat to us. This is common knowledge, how don't you know this?!"

". . ."

After Long Hu's rude consolation, Feng felt a bit of ease for the first time in the week. Although he felt ease, the gut feeling still wouldn't get itself out of his body. But he had to trust Long Hu and his almost godly perception.

. . .

The night quickly came and Feng began his daily cultivation routine and preparation for condensing a grimoire.

He brought out the egg-shaped rock and watched it cultivate for a while before he began his own cultivation.

A large amount of natural lightning mana appeared around Feng as he cultivated, the mana spread across every part of his body as he cultivated. A fragment of The Law of Lightning appeared in the sky and landed on Feng. The moment that happened, Feng used the method as spoken by Damon to begin the grimoire condensation.

A book made of golden lightning was slowly conjured by Feng's side, multiple blank pages appeared behind the covers of the golden lightning book.

At that instant a loud growl was heard, Feng's fear had come to past, there really were more existences that could threaten their progress.

The moonlight shone down on the location the growl came from. A red wolf of blood appeared under the glow of the moonlight and lunged towards Feng.