Kakakaka, Because I have Returned!

The monkey floated up, similar to Damon without the use of any energy, and looked down below on the humans. It stopped looking at the humans below and turned to Damon.

"Kakakaka. Little Damy, who are these humans?"

Damon was so shocked that he broke the illusion technique which the Blood Queen and everyone else was under.

"Eh, big bro Mephisto, these are some mercenaries that a little descendant of mine befriended,"

He spoke carefully towards the little furry monkey, even calling him big bro, what exactly was their relationship?

"Hmm, since they're your descendant's friends then why are they so weak?" the monkey called Mephisto muttered to itself, shouldn't the friends of Damon's descendants be supreme talents, why are they so weak? Why do their talents also seem so mundane?

"Hmm, there is one who seems different?"

His eyes landed on Long Hu, under the gaze of this weird monkey the normally shameless young dragon seemed uncomfortable.

"Kakakaka Little Dragon what is your name?" The monkey let out a chatter and spoke towards Long Hu with a questioning look, the bloodline of this young dragon felt familiar.

"This Junior is called Long Hu."

Long Hu answers respectfully lowering his head in respect. The monkey muttered the name several times in contemplation, "Long Hu, Long Hu, Long Hu. That name is familiar."

As he said this, Long Hu grew incredibly scared, how was his name familiar, this senior ought to have been from several eons ago, so how did he find the name of a twenty-something-year-old dragon familiar?

"I remember now! A descendant of that shameless Xiang Long Hu, that little dragon had proficiency in shamelessness, he was their number one deity, after all these eons I wonder whether he is in heaven by now? Heh, most probably not, he offended so many people, although they couldn't cause him harm, the curses they gave him is enough for him to enter hell."

He spoke firmly as if receiving some grand revelation that he was sure of. Long Hu's face twitched involuntarily, he had not expected this Ancestor Monkey(1) to know his predecessor.

"Yes senior, according to my ancestral memories Ancestor Xiang Long Hu was the greatest Xiang Dragon Deity of the race." Long Hu spoke, answering a non-existent question.

"Hmm, yes, I remember now, that fellow was quite the issue to some others back then."

The monkey turned away from Long Hu and stopped contemplating on the other's existence. It turned towards Damon and looked towards the Blood Queen who was shocked as she looked at the floating monkey standing in the air.

"Damy, why are you bullying a loli even in your death, have you become a loli-con while I was in hibernation?"

"Big bro, it's definitely not like that! This little girl turned behemoth into a puppet, I want justice!" Damon spoke as though he had suffered great injustice, looking like a puppy which was kicked for no reason at all.

"Heh, give the girl a little slack, besides if the little Giant wanted to kill the loli, do you think she'd still be alive by now?"

"Oh, I didn't think it through."

Damon spoke, his eyes showing a bit of realization.

"Of course you didn't, you're the only one of us five siblings who doesn't think even with omniscience at your disposal, you turn off yours and make irrational decisions, if you had left it on, you would have known about your death before it came."

"Sorry big bro, it was my fault," Damon spoke, his expression downcast and his head low.

"And now, keep your body back and give your descendant his other half back, no more excuses okay!" It spoke sternly, like a father talking to his son.

"Yes big bro," Damon muttered, the last request felt annoying for him to fulfil, after all, he was just getting used to being with the other half of Feng's body.

He sighed reluctantly for the last time and switched his half-body with Feng's other half, Damon's weird features were gone and now Feng's face had replaced it.

As for Feng, he naturally knew everything that was happening in the outside world and came to various conclusions. When he saw Damon hand his body and soul back to him, he was beyond surprised.

Mephisto the monkey stopped talking to Damon and turned towards the Blood Queen.

"Now, now Loli girl, you see this ancestor monkey is here and didn't prepare a feast?"

"Why should I have prepared a feast senior?"

The Blood Queen sounded somehow rude, but she still had her voice laced with respect, luckily for her Mephisto paid it no heed and let out its chatter.

"Kakakaka, Because I have returned!"

Its voice echoed loudly, seeming to encompass the pride of the whole heavens. It let out a strange laugh that twisted the void.

. . .

Very soon, with the help of the remaining Blood Generals, the Blood Queen had swiftly prepared a feast fit for a king. Everyone had already gathered on a table filled with all sorts of delicacies.

The moment Mephisto sunk his fangs into the food was also when everyone else began to eat. It was only proper since It was a senior, and the whole banquet was organized bacause of It in the first place.

The night was a jolly one but was still a little tense due to the presence of two seniors, the Blood Queen and Mephisto. The former was okay, but the latter was refined to the extent it made other refined eaters look like pigs.

Under Mephisto's influence, the Blood Queen prepared a room for Feng and the Shameless Dragon Mercenaries. After the banquet, without conversing with anyone, Feng quickly found the room prepared for him and lay down on the bed, thinking of all that had transpired during this stay in a class eight danger zone.

He thought of all the techniques he had witnessed, his thoughts went on for an entire hour before he finally slipped into a slumber.

As he slept, a small furry figure appeared on the window ledge. It observed Feng for a while before sighing softly.
