Mephistopheles, Proud Monkey

At the break of dawn, they departed from the Blood Queen's castle with, Nosferatu. Although she was unwilling to depart with her disciple just yet, for the sake of his growth, she had to let him go. Furthermore, upon learning that Nosferatu was Damon's descendant from the House of Bloodsucker, Mephistopheles insisted that he followed Feng on adventures.

It was also then that Feng received a proper breakdown of the Celestial Demon Hierarchy from Damon. The order was like so; Damon was at the top of the proverbial pyramid, Next was the Celestial Demon Royal Family, the Mo clan.

It was then followed by the Council Of Celestial Demonic Deities (I changed the name; I didn't remember the previous name, heh). There were ten of them in total, the next was the twelve houses; The House Of Demon Flame (Mo Yan) came first, followed by the House Of Demon Forge, The House Of Demon Sloth, House Of Hundun, House Of Bloodsucker, House Of Taotie, House Of Taowu, House Of Qiongqi, House Of Carnal Pleasures (lust.) House Of Life-Death, House Of Cupiditas, and the House Of Xurong.

Following the twelve houses were the lesser Celestial Demons who welcomed the bloodline into their original bloodlines, it was like this, any single race in the world could become celestial demons, using an initiation ceremony, a drop of Celestial Demon blood was infused into them, making them lesser Celestial Demons. These beings were lesser and possessed lesser abilities, only the geniuses of the lesser beings were able to wield demon marks, the other's were not qualified.

Feng processed the knowledge in an instant, faster than anyone else could have. The furry monkey leapt onto Feng's right shoulder. The relics on its body dangled softly.

"So, Little forest (1), are you done?"

"Uhh, yes, Mr...?"

"My name is Mephistopheles, call me Mephisto if you like."

"Mephisto, who are you?"

The question was short and blunt. These were the kind of questions that Mephisto liked, no long narratives, asking of what one needed to know within a few words.

"Heh, since you know Damon, I figure Kami must have given you a gift some time ago, I can sense The Knowledge on you. And Although you haven't met Chaotic, he still bestowed you with an affinity towards Primordial Chaos, heh, so this means only I and Gaia have not provided you with a gift. First, I shall answer your question, and next, I shall bestow you with something."


"Hmm, let me answer this very shortly, I, Damon, Kami, Gaia, and Chaotic are siblings, we are born from the Above, as we call it, a being that has quite a bit of power. I am the firstborn. Mephistopheles, Ancient Primordial of Treasures and most prideful being to walk the lands.

Damon was born second, utterly Demonic, brutish, but still has some admirable qualities. He possesses the widest array of skills amongst us siblings; he is known as the Celestial Demon Ancient Primordial.

Kami, is well... benevolent, he shines down like a light, and created the majority of the races, he is the one that inherited the Above's primary skills. He is easily the strongest amongst all of us, that is, in terms of power, but in terms of other tactics, he could never beat the unpredictability of Damon or my resourcefulness.

Then there's Gaia, she is a titan (literally), knowledgeable, second only to The Above and Kami, Gaia doesn't possess a lot of skills except her ingenuity and creativity. It was with her help that Kami and Damon created all the races you know of and the others that you don't.

And there's the youngest of all, Chaotic, he was only born a short time, about a few thousand eons ago, since he's young he doesn't have the myriad skills that Damon and I possess or the ingenuity and creativity of Gaia, or the raw power of Kami. But he still is quite capable. In fact, without Chaotic's help, there would be no space for you to keep the myriad multiverses. All the multiverses reside within Chaotic. Besides that, somehow, Chaotic splits himself into primordials with distinct personalities and powers, this is also one of the reasons he is so strong, and an army of primordials at his beck and call, who could top him easily?!"

Its voice was becoming hoarse, and after some hesitation, Feng finally spoke again.

"Thanks for the rundown, but that wasn't really my question. Just who are you?"

Mephistopheles closed his eyes for a second and opened them again, a wild light could be seen within them. He opened his mouth wide again and let out his loud chatter.

"Kakakakaka, I am Mephistopheles, Proud Monkey!"

Feng let out a loud laugh, so much so that he almost tripped as he walked. His questions grew even wilder from then on.

"Mephisto, are you also Sun Wukong?"

Long Hu ". . ."

Everyone else "???"

Mephisto "Are you joking with me?"

"No, why would I joke about something so serious?"

"No, I'm not!"

"Heh, then prove it, I bet you got Ruyi Jingu Bang(2) hidden around here somewhere,"

". . ."

"Heh, maybe you also have Jindou Yun in that gourd of yours, heh, I'm guessing that gourd must have been stolen from the Silver Horn Demon, wooow, I met Sun Wukong, I can't wait to tell master and Torch..."

His joy was extinguished the moment he thought about Torch. He looked up into the heavens and wondered whether Torch was doing well.

As Feng's replacement best friend *cough* *cough* friend, he naturally understood while Feng was suddenly silent, and as for Mephistopheles, he a primordial could read Feng like a book.

"*Sigh* That bastard better be treating Torch well, I don't mind giving WI some new animes to watch in exchange for killing that weird Flame Sovereign guy."

Feng spoke dramatically, intentionally voicing his thoughts. A series of weird looks answered him, the strangest look that he received was Long Hu's, as he knew of both WI and The Flame Sovereign.

"Don't worry, I'm sure he's fine."

After some thought, Long Hu finally spoke, carefully consoling Feng. Silence overcame the group as they trudged forward. What was in store for them next? Find out next time on Dragon Ball *cough* *cough* I mean Modern Day Asuras.


1. A pun on Lin Feng's name, with the Lin meaning Forest.

2. The mythical weapon used by Chinese character Sun Wukong