Wait for what?

The battle on the deck of the ship raged on as fierce as before, but the mercenaries were just getting started.

"Golden lightning Palm!"

"Drunken Pugilist magic- Eight Drunken Immortals!"

Following the yells of Feng and Shangren Zhifang, disasters happened one by one to the sea creature army as the damage this two had caused could not be described with words, but here I am trying to explain it to you.

Feng's palm was covered in lightning mana which in turn got converted into golden strands of lightning that coiled around his fingers like snakes. With each push of his palm, numerous sea creatures would die swiftly, and as they were under a massive thunderstorm, the easiest place for lightning mana to foster, Feng constantly absorbed more lightning mana from the surroundings, one could say that he was the person with the most advantage in this place.

But let us not forget Shangren Zhifang, surprisingly his large and fat body was surprisingly agile, he performed weird movements that left opponents in a daze and pulverized them all at the same time. His names were also surprisingly "original".

"Lu Dongbin!"

"Li Tieguai!"

"Han Zhongli!"

"Lan Caihe!"

"Zhang Guolao!"

"Cao Guojiu!"

"Han Xiangzi!"

"He Xiangu!"

Feng was speechless, so much so that he had to stop what he was doing to look at Shangren Zhifang, he began to wonder whether this fellow was sane.

He now understood the meaning of Eight Drunken Immortals, it was another name for the Covert Eight Immortals. One had to say that Shangren Zhifang was very... creative in his technique naming sense.

"Guns Magic- Hidden Bullet!"

The black-cloaked figure mutters in a hoarse voice as he pointed two guns towards a bunch of sea creatures.

Boom, Splat!

As he pulled the trigger, the dozens of sea creatures exploded into mush. It was incredible and unprecedented, how could one bullet do that to dozens of beasts!

'Hehe, not rusty at all,' Feng thought in his mind as he looked at the beasts exploding, how could he ever forget that move?

Feng coated his hands in rough mana and wielded the divine blades once more. The blades hummed and resonated with each other; the humming sounds created sparks in the sky, forming an amazing sight.


The vague image of a large god of lightning and storms and a phoenix made of thunder appeared in the air. The images rushed towards Feng's body and enveloped it in their lights.

Once the lights dispersed, Feng's body could be seen fully. An armour made of crackling thunder and rumbling lightning formed around his original demonic clothes, it was a piece set, not a full amour. An intricately engraved breastplate, a helmet that covered his face except for his eyes, mouth and nose.

Heavy boots made of lightning covered his leg, his white cloth gloves were covered by a golden lightning glove that reached his elbow.

"Fucking hell, when did he practice that move?"

"Wahh, master is so cool!"

Numerous voices rang out on the loud battlefield all in awe at Feng's transformation, but some other people were in doubt unsure of what happened.

[What kind of Armour had the ability to envelop the Celestial Demon Deity's set, could Feng have suppressed the Set using the body built with me? Or is the armour just that amazing?]

Damon was questioning himself, and as for the body built with Feng, it was the result of rebuilding Feng's body over and over for preparation for the skill that Damon made using knowledge on Qi and Feng's ancestral techniques.

But the truth was that Damon's assumptions were wrong, Feng had in no way suppressed the Celestial Demon Deity's set, it was the pure ability of the Golden Armour.

Lin Feng slowly ascended into the turbulent skies of the Desolate Sea, he looked like someone ascending to Godhood. A domineering suppression force erupted from his body and dashed towards the Sea Creatures.


The force depended on the one by one and the sea creatures slowly exploded into bits, little by little the massive army they had amassed decimated into nothing, all this was done by one youth.

"Kekeke, I'm that amazing right!"

Feng beamed his smile unbelievably resplendent in the dreary skies of the Desolate Sea.

"Feng don't get too cocky, just wait for it!" Shangren Zhifang alerted as he saw Feng becoming a bit too cocky.

"Huh, wait for what?"


A huge splash erupted from the direction where the ship was moving to. A huge serpentine head popped out of the water. No, not a huge serpentine head, six more appeared!

A Hydra!

"Holy shit!"

A large string of curses came out of Feng's mouth, cursing his bad luck.

'I know that there's always a boss at the end of the mob trashes, but I didn't expect it to be a Hydra!'

As if sensing his thoughts, the Hydra pointed its head towards Feng and rotated its six serpentine heads, each of the giant jaws were opened at the same time.


A giant blast of energy was generated from the circular rotation of the Hydra's head, this was what happened when the Hydra used its head in unison, devastating power beyond imagination!

'Gah, fuck it!'

With these words in mind, all mercenaries charged forward, employing various methods to stand or water or hover in the air, but of course, there were some exceptions like Shangren Zhifang and the black-cloaked man from earlier.

Zhifang stood on the ship, not because he had no methods to fly but because he was formulating a plan, and as for the black-cloaked man, he brought out a briefcase and opened it. From the briefcase, he brought out several mechanical components.

He carefully assembled the components and formed a grey rifle! The rifle looked very complex and dangerous.

"Kakaka, Tennyson brother how's it going!"

After what Tennyson did, he finally revealed his identity.

"Kaka, you're still as strong as ever Madman!" (Don't forget that Feng's Feng means crazy)

"This is just like old times, but if only he was here, this would be an unforgettable moment!"

"Kakaka, stop reminiscing you fool, let's make some grilled snake with this fellow!"