Control and Perception

As the sun rose and illuminated the fog-stricken surroundings, the lively bustle of Luna city could be heard even in the Stone family manor. Not that the situation was particularly different even within the manor. The reason being the discussions, gossip and chatter about the incident that took place early in the morning.

As the clock had struck nine, maids had begun working their chores, cooks had begun preparing food and officials had begun performing their civil duties. All in all a very ordinary morning. Or at least it was supposed to be. The manor head, the 9 year old boy who was considered very mature and intelligent in the minds of everybody including the general public, had gathered every person present in the manor in his office. He sat there behind his desk inspecting at documents spread over it as he did every day. But what caught their eye was the unknown blonde haired girl with sparkling emerald eyes whose beauty could be compared to princesses and probably around the same age as their master. She stood beside their master having a surprised look but calmly waiting to hear what their master said.

"Everyone please listen carefully." He said with a cold dominating voice, not something a 9 year old should possess. As he spoke those words silence enveloped the room once more, showing no sign of conversations that were happening earlier. Every person present waited calmly to listen to what he was going to speak next.

"Let me introduce someone to you all first. This girl beside me is Emilia Rosenberg."

The girl named Emilia stepped forward and gently bowed displaying an etiquette of nobility. As she stepped back, everyone turned their eyes the boy once more.

"Please treat her kindly and with respect as from now onward she will be my personal secretary."


Huh...Eeeehhhh. S-s-secretary? Whaaat? I thought Maximus sama would just introduce me as a friend or future colleague, but not as a secretary. Wait, I can't be the one to show surprise on my face. Calm down. Calm down. Okay.

I looked at the faces of the people gathered, who displayed the same shock and disbelief. I mean, its understandable. An unknown person shows up randomly and takes up a position beside the Lord of the family. Especially when its just a 9 year old like me.

"My lord, can you explain your basis for this decision. This might sound rude, but not everyone is as capable at such a young age as you are." One of the subordinates said.

"You don't have to worry about that. I guarentee her ability. Besides, I say she is my secretary, but it does not mean she will take up responsibility immediately. For now Sebastian-san will continue doing his duties as my aid, while Emilia slowly picks up later on. I just ask that you give her a chance and put trust in my decision."

"Even if my lord says so...right...should'nt we test her abilities to be sure..." The room descended into the chaotic discussions as it had been earlier.

"Everybody calm down, you are in front of Lord Maximus." An gentle looking old man with black eyes, cleanly cropped white hair, who was dressed like a butler with a deep voice spoke up.

"Sebastian what is your take on this matter. This decision influences you the most after all."

"I do not mind at all. I know after long years of service and can clearly see now as well that you have put a lot of thought into this decision. I will try my best to hand down the reigns to this young lady."

Wow. I can see that this person, Sebastian, is very close to Maximus sama. His devotion to him is immense.

"I appreciate it if you see it that way, Sebastian. Now, everyone, please get back to work. I believe I have eaten up enough of your time for this announcement. Sebastian, please stay back for a while."

Saying that everyone quickly dispersed. Most of the workers and butlers seemed fine with the decision. The civil officials seemed concerned but shook off their concern. The trust these people seem to have in my lord as well as Sebastian san seems to be very high. Other than that, the maids started to gossip and smile while looking at me-"hey, isn't lady Emilia a fine match for Maximus're right", which made me blush while diverting my gaze from the rest of them. Maximus sama didn't seem to take notice of their conversations or my reaction.

"First, Emilia I must apologize. Earlier I told you that you were the only one who knew about 'me' and the order. Sebastian knows as well. I couldn't tell you this without confirming your character and resolve, since Sebas is more to me than just a butler or aid. Rather I can say he is a father figure to me."

"Please no need to apologize. That is completely understandable." I softly replied. Its nice to know that he does have someone to look up to at the very least.

"Thank you for your understanding. Although he knows, I have no intention of involving him any further."

"I understand."

"Now, Sebas. As I explained everything to you earlier this morning, Emilia will be helping me in fighting the order."

"I understand. I shall cover her work as secretary." He said calmly.

"Wait a minute. I can do that work. Sebastian sama you don't need to trouble yourself. I don't like the idea of depending on someone while deceiving every person in the mansion." I replied.

"I think you have got something wrong, Emilia. I do intend to give you work as secretary in due time just like I announce earlier. But if you are to join me in my fight, there is a more pressing matter right now."

"What do you mean?"

"You need to train. You might have a stronger mana core now, but you lack the training required to use it. Also, that core is stable just in name currently. Unless you practice and make that power your own, you will revert to how you were under demonic synergy. If my plan is to start by the age of 14, we have no time to loose right now. A month is enough to get you necessarily on track under my training, after that you can slowly take up secretary activities."

That sound hard. But I was resolved for this. I nodded in understanding as Sebastian sama left.

"I can't say this in front of him, but...once you take up the responsibility he has been shouldering, he can finally relax and be free from this work. Then he won't be involved with the order as well and be safe." He muttered kindly in a low voice.

"I understand. I shall not disappoint you, Maximus sama. I will make sure Sebastian sama will be free from his burden as well."

He smiled hearing that reply. The demeanour of a highly intellectual adult from a few moments earlier disappeared replaced with that of child. I myself might also behave in a way that older people might call mature, but I have still retained some of my childlike playfulness. So it was good to see this side of Maximus sama. Though I wonder, if I keep fighting in the shadows like he does, will I become the same. That does not matter anymore though. I have gathered my resolve enough and I will relieve some of Maximus sama's burden.

"Didn't I tell you its ok to call me Max. At the very least you can if we are not in public."

"B..but that...I can't do that. Then I will call you Max sama" I replied flustered.

"I really don't understand why you are so perplexed. Well whatever. Let's start training then."

I nodded in approval as we left the office.


As we left through the back entrance, clad in a magical field cast by Max sama without any of the guards noticing, another forest came into view. Except, the forest was not wild. It was well kept, like a garden.

"This forest is under the care of the Stone family. Though I say forest and it looks big, its actually smaller than the manor garden you saw earlier. It has high natural mana density and is thus a good place to train. There is also an illusionary barrier place making it look like a forest, and acts as an alert against tresspassers. The only people allowed to enter are me, Sebastian and other select few people worthy of my trust."

"I understand. Indeed I am feeling under more pressure here. Is it due to the natural mana."

"Yes. Now let me explain what we will do. But before that, a question for you. What two factors do you think is most important while practicing magic or in combat?"

I thought hard for the answer to the question.

"Uhmmm...isn't it your mana core capacity? It directly affects its usage after all. Also, maybe physical factors like endurance or regenerating. I was told that you are supposed to choose how to attack or defend based on considering your stats" I answered.

" That is true. Your mana core capacity is indeed linked to strength but is not equivalent to it. Put simply think of your mana core capacity as your potential and aptitude for magic. And also physical factors are indeed important to consider. But what decides a fight between two high powered individuals is not necessarily those two factors. Do you want to guess again?"

"I really don't know. I don't have any experience in combat and offensive magic. After all children normally learn those in academies at the age of 14." I replied slightly dejected.

"I understand that. Its to prevent any dangerous incidents from happening. After all children are supposed to weak control. And that is the first answer to the question. The two factors to ultimately influence a battle between individuals other than their mana core capacity and physical prowess, is control and perception."

"Control and perception?" I tried to process their importance, but I again hit a roadblock.

"This is not taught in academies. They normally teach you applications of magic or use of weapons for fights. While that is important, it is not everything. Let me explain further. The crimson knight 'Scarlet' has the highest recorded mana core capacity, but in public she is indeed strong, she is not the strongest. There are people with lower mana who are stronger than her. The more mana you have the harder it is to control. If learned to control mana properly, I can say with confidence that a person with a mana of 20 or 25 can defeat the crimson knight."

"That is somewhat unbelievable, but I do understand the point. What about perception?"

"In this case it is simple. Simple in the sense that the better you perceive the battle, the more advantageous it is. In other words, the sharper our senses are, the better actions you can take and react to enemies quicker. That said, as you know magic can be used for sensing dangers. People in the mana range of 20 to 40 normally practice this magic. I dare say, in a way they are the luckiest people in the world. This is because in order to become stronger and compete with naturally stronger individuals they have to polish their only cards to the highest extents. If done properly even they can be invincible in public society."

"I see. So before actually starting to learn magic and combat, I need to hone my control and perception?" I asked in a confirming tone.

"Yes, indeed. For that I have decided on the most basic training required that is the most advantageous in the long run. Did you know that while only internal mana can be used to fuel magic, natural external mana can be controlled?"

"Yes I did. Is that what we are going to practice?"

"Yes. In the worst case scenario you can use the mana in nature to pressure enemies. If done properly, the pressure can kill people. If you properly learn to control mana, your inner mana will become denser, and denser the mana stronger it is. For this training, I want you to gather as much of this abundant natural mana as possible and condense it. I will not lie it is hard and dangerous, but this is just the first stage of training if you choose to fight against the order. While this mana is dense and thus stronger it is abundant, so it is actually easier to gather than in places where very weak traces of mana are present. If, say, you are able to gather at least 1/10th of the mana present here, you will pass this stage and just with this you will be stronger than the people on the level of the crimson knight. That is speaking in terms of mana control ability. As for perception, it is dependent on control. Once you finish this stage you can finish it easily."

I nodded and decided to complete this stage at the earliest so I can become stronger faster and help Max sama.