Consolidating Basics


Damn it. Failed again. Its been 2 days since I have started training control now and I can finally control a few wisps of natural mana. Gathering mana and at the same time condensing it is far more difficult than I had imagined. The second I start condensing mana after gathering it it dissipates after a minor explosion.

"It will be harder if you separate 1 process into 2. Try to gather and condense the mana at the same time. That is the only way you can actually condense and control nature's mana. As for how you do that is dependent on the person in question. You need to develop your own method for this."

I looked around hearing the voice. Max sama had returned to the 'forest'. He had to take care of work as the head of the family and always left after giving some instruction to improve my progress.

"Then may I ask, how is it that you control it?"

"For me I did not have to worry much about it. I used to imagine a hand made of my mana and used it to grab the natural mana. But after enough practice I don't need to think much for me to do this. While this may not work for you, the hint for completing this stage still remains in what I said just now."

"I see. I'll think about it. But for some reason I am starting to have a headache." I replied touching my forehead.

"That is normal. Nothing to worry about. It is just because you are not used to having this much mana in your body and also the fact that you have not undergone such training to control mana. Its better if you take a break for 30-40 minutes and then restart."

I nodded and soon as I heard that, I felt strength leaving my legs as I fell onto the plush grass leaning against a finely chiseled rock.

"While you are resting, can I ask for a favour. I happen to have an important meeting now regarding governance of Luna city, but I had promised to look after my younger sister, Nicole, today. Can you just spend your time of rest with her otherwise I will have to listen to her nagging while working." Max said while joining his hands.

"Its fine with me but this is a surprise. Max sama you seem to have a soft spot for your sister huh?This is a new side of you."

"Its not like that. I just can't handle her nor can I deny her anything. Since she is the youngest, she tries to stick to me whenever she sees me. I am worried she might have a brother complex in the future." Max replied as if to retort the previous statement.

"Haha...Be that as it may, it does not change the fact that you do have a soft spot for her."

"Well maybe you're right. After all she is my only family. Anyway I have to go now. Nicole will be here in a while. For some reason she has been dying to meet you since I mentioned you to her. I will check up on your progress at night again."

"I want to meet her as well. Anyway, by the time you return next I will have completed this stage of training."

"All the best to you then. I wait to see the results, since you are so confident of completing it in 3 day. When I did this, it took me around 7 days to completely understand the process of how to control mana properly. So if you do indeed finish it this quickly, I can only say hats off to you."

Saying that he left the forest. I began to think again. 3 days, huh. If I do indeed complete it, the only reason would be because Max sama gave me the tips that he thought of after experimenting for 7 days. The actual brilliant one would be Max sama. That aside, Max sama said that he already told me the hint for completing this stage. I tried to think what it might be again.

As I was immersed in thinking about the hint, a girl with shoulder length platinum hair and amber eyes, slowly walked towards me. She was wearing a pink dress.

"Good evening. My name is Nicole and I am 7 years old. You must be Emilia. I have been wanting to meet you since big brother mentioned you." She spoke in calming voice while gently lifting up her dress. As expected, she has the mannerisms of nobility.

"Yes, my name is Emilia. Its nice to meet you too. I am 9 years old." I replied similarly

She looked at me for a while and then slowly sat down next to me.

"So, I have been meaning to ask. Are you big brothers girlfriend. I didn't think my big brother would get such a pretty girlfriend."

Hearing that my face got red and I got flustered.

"Wha....n-no. I am j-just working for him as his secretary."

"Hmmm...that's kinda sad. I thought you match him well. The would you mind if I called you big sister?"

"Th-that. I don't really mind miss Nicole."

"You can also just call me Nicole. By the way I heard you were training magic here. Is it the same as what big brother was doing one year ago?" she asked in conformation.

"Were you here when Max sama was training?"

"Yes, I came here everyday for an hour at least. At first, I couldn't understand what he was doing at all. But after a few days whatever he did looked really amazing."

"What do you mean?"

"Even though I don't know much about magic, my mana core reading is 51. So my brother kept that mana in control using some magic. Whenever he did that, he used to emit some of his mana into my mana core and control it. It looked similar to that. He looked like he emitted his mana into the air and when he did that, all the trees began shaking and I almost flew away. But when I looked at big brother after a few minutes when everything calmed down, there was a very pretty orb of mana floating in his hand."

"Heh, I wonder if I will be able to do that....No wait. That's it. Thank you, Nicole. Because of you I finally know how to do this."

"No problem, but I didn't really do anything. I won't trouble you then. Now, I'll go see big brother and won't let him leave me this time." She puffed up her cheeks. I don't think its a problem if Nicole sticks to Max sama so much.

"Goodbye, Nicole san." I said as she waved her hand and left.

Now let's get to it. I'll show Max sama the fruits of my training today.


"Aaaah, I'am drained. Today was so busy that I didn't even notice it was already this late. I also didn't spend time with Nicole today, so she is going to badger me the whole of tomorrow probably. I should just close my eyes for a while and take a short nap."

"You can't do that just yet Max sama. Didn't you have to check miss Emilia's training progress tonight?"

My eyes snapped open quickly.

"Thank you for reminding me, Sebastian. I had almost forgotten about that. Can you get the dinner ready. Nicole as well as Emilia will probably join me today. You should too, probably in an hour. Speaking of Nicole, going out will help me get mentally prepared for the noise I will have to face." I put my hand on my forehead.

"Hohoh, I shall look forward to it. Due to work its been a long time since everyone actually gets to have dinner together."

"Indeed. Then I'll see you again at dinner." I said as I put on my coat and left the room.

As I went through the rear gate and the guards bowed down, I thought of the results of todays investigation. Which was...absolutely nothing. The person who was supposed to pick up Emilia two days ago, most presumably a member of the order, had vanished without tracks. He might have been a high ranking individual and probably left as soon as he heard of the news of the bandits being dead and their target escaping.

Another reason why I introduced Emilia to everyone publicly was draw out the person responsible for giving the order to capture Emilia. In the eyes of public, I may be an intelligent and talented governor, but in their hearts I am just a 9 year old. Kidnappings are common no would have suspected reasons Emilia being kidnapped and assumed it as a common-place kidnapping if it was done so right after she was introduced. The bandit said that the person who gave them their mission was a nobility of Luna city. The nobles of Luna city all work in the Stone family mansion, but none has made a move despite their target being in the protection of a 9 year old. I had counted on this fact to draw out whoever it might be without success.

"sigh...This is frustrating."

Just as I was about to lift my head up and tried to snap out of my thought process, I felt an intense surge of mana moving towards the centre of the 'forest'. As I looked ahead, I saw Emilia, her emerald eyes shining in the dead of night and her blonde hair floating in the wind, but most importantly an orb of green light spinning around violently yet contained in her hand. She turned around and smiled as she looked at me.

"You...actually did do it in mere 3 days. I was thinking, no I was sure that you would not be able to do it."

"I might not have if it was not for Nicole san. Thanks to her I figured out the hint. Max sama said that he imagined a hand to grab mana. That itself was the hint wasn't it? I tried the same visualisation but it did not work. But in the end it was just a visualisation. The process was what mattered more. From what Nicole sama described about how you completed this training, I understood what had to be done. You have to emit you mana into the surroundings and actually capture the natures mana, but how you visualize this 'capture' depends on the person."- She replied proud of displaying her efforts.

"So what did you visualise?"

"It can be understood that the amount of mana you emit is proportional to the amount you can capture. So I emitted nearly all the mana that I currently have, leaving just enough not to get fatigued, I imagined a simple barrier or net to surround as much natural mana as I could and then simply pulled it back in. Removing the unnecessary work I was doing earlier of gathering and condensing. As Max sama had said, it was truly inefficient."

"That's amazing. Well done. You even analysed the difficulties you faced and methods to improve them. In the future having a refined and unclouded thought process will indeed be an asset to you, in whatever you end up doing."-I said calmly yet amazed.

"Not at all. This was all thanks to Max sama's guidance. I will ask that you teach me about the training menu to master perception as well so I may help you as quickly as possible."

She said that and I could see the determination in her eyes. I couldn't say no to that.

"I'll say this again, this was impressive and was completely the product of your own effort. As for perception, I'll tell you how to train but I can't allow you to start today. You do need to at least rest for a day or two."

"But I can start right away..."

"I already told that you should not. Any more training would be dangerous as of now. Adequate rest is a part of training"

I felt bad seeing her resolve, but this is important. She nodded after a few moments.

"The way to master perception is simple if you know proper control. All you have to do is emit a thin indistinguishable layer of mana into your surroundings, and try to check if there are any disturbances in the field. This will tell you the immediate location of the disturbance.

But instead of just doing this right away, I will have you blindfolded and try to perceive your surroundings based on your senses alone instead of using mana. If you can do this, then if you were to use mana and do the, the results will be twice as effective. Mainly because your brain will be able to process larger amounts of information and thus sharpen your natural instincts. We will start the day after tomorrow."

"I understand." She replied quietly. I could feel her disappointment in not being able to start immediately. I did not know her resolve was so high. Seeing this made me smile earnestly. Though only for a second.

"Max sama, did something good happen to make you smile honestly."

"Hoh, how did you know it was an honest smile? More importantly what do you mean honest smile? And does something good have to happen to make me smile?"

"I have been trying to study Max sama's behaviour since we met. You do behave differently at different times. For example when you are alone or with me, you have a very dominating presence, like a predator eyeing its prey and are always deep in thought, but in front of your sister you seem powerless. There are many other examples. Even though I don't understand your true personality, I know that was an honest smile."

She got me. I didn't think she was paying attention to such stuff. Anyway, I have to maintain my image of an undefeatable leader, well future leader.

"You must be day dreaming. Don't waste time here now, let's go have dinner. Sebastian and Nicole will be joining us. That aside....please save me from Nicole for today?"

"Hahaha. I don't mind. I do love Nicole san a lot even though we have talked for less than an hour."-She answered happily.

We walked back to the mansion under the dim moonlight, as I prepared myself for one of the greatest ordeals I have to face in all three of my lives. That's right, I am indeed powerless in front of my adorable sister.