Lydro’s life

I am alone. I am lonely.

Some people say 'Loneliness is the deepest darkness', so I tried to find someone, or people, or animals, or something, and or somewhere I belong to.

For the past twelve years, I've been in a roller coaster. I've experienced life, death, friendship, rivalry, love, hate, pleasure, anger, courage, fear, happiness, and contempt.

Life is a roller coaster, you have your ups and downs unless you fall off.

But, I somewhat lost everything and fell off.

- - -

I am here, lying in the middle of the road, taking my last breathes.

"Wow, nice!" Lydro exclaims bitterly.

"This day was really my endgame," Lydro wails, "everything happened this day, were really, really overwhelming."

"I don't know why, why I feel nothing." He ponders and mumbles, "although I can hear and see, I feel nothing, I'm probably numb, and going to die."

Suddenly, a phenomenon came, a phenomenon having his life 'flash before his eyes' before he dies. And gaining integrity, known as 'life review'. (1)

- - - (life review) - - -

I was born to be independent, productive, lame, and genius.

I've been living in a secluded city, in a secluded house, secluded from the others, and secluded from my family.

I had a boring life: online-homeschooling (2), playing video-games with all by myself, have a to-do list every day, have a P.E. teacher (3) coming every day, and have a vigilant family.

My family business is illegal, so my parents are very careful and vigilant every time.

We're always moving around and I'm always alone in the house.

I'm staying in an old house, in Biella, Italy.

I've been in this house for about two years and it's bought by my parents anonymously.

My parents have only been here for only three times.

I have a brother and sister that are ten and eight years older than me. They have their own identities and have own families.

In 2050, the whole world and my life changed, when an MMORPG virtual world, Era of Virtual Terra came out.

My boring life has become perfect.

For the past decade, I focused on different kinds of lifestyle jobs.

I found friends, enemies, a girlfriend, brothers, love, reputation, fame, and the point of my life.

Of course, my family didn't want me to become a professional gamer at the beginning.

After three months, my family suddenly approved me to become a professional and go full-time gamer.

Their reason is that the game fame is rising non-stop and it becomes an n.1 game in the whole world in just 3 months.

They've even exclaimed 'this game is intriguing, this year is really a new era, an era of the virtual world!'.

I didn't know that my family changed their business to this game, till after 9 years, after breaking up with my fraud girlfriend, she told me everything that I needed to know like she is set up by my family so that I can stay in the guild.

My family created a gaming clan or guild. And they've made me and my sister the one who runs it, so I've become the vice-leader of this guild.

I've become their working-bee, working nonstop, grinding potions, weapons, arrays, pills, foods, poisons, reading books, learning almost everything. This is also because I became a Scholar.

Then, I also got lucky and got a treasure of the God of Disguise from my researches.

After a decade, I've become a Grand Scholar.

Because of being a Grand Scholar, I've become famous. Many guilds invited me to join their guilds.

It's also because there are only 10 people who become a Grand Scholar including me.

There's a high requirement to become a Grand Scholar. Every lifestyle players and even NPCs are craving to become a Grand Scholar.

The other 9 people who become a grand scholar are all prominent figures. Among them, 5 are NPCs.

One day, I found an old text message from my P.E. teacher before, saying that "Hey! I saw you on the news! Congrats though. You're very famous now! Don't forget me though, I'm the one who introduced this game to you! HEHEHE! ;)"

Then, adding "And you should do some physical activities too, I know you're just lying in your capsule every day..."

When I saw the last message, I've given a thought of learning to fight too!

The other Grand Scholar players have only become a Grand Scholar because of their immeasurable Combat Knowledge. On the other hand, I become a Grand Scholar because of my peerless Knowledge of different Lifestyle jobs and in disguising.

I'm invisible and unmatched at some lifestyle jobs but, everyone can defeat me in a PvP.

When I was watching a PvP between a Glacial War Cleric and a Bardic Sage last time, I was so amazed!

It was so intense and the fight ended up the Bardic Sage won, though I thought that the Glacial War Cleric will win!

I want something to be like Bardic Sage, a variant! I can attack, support, defence, and do anything! I want to create variants of fighting styles!

Even though I'm a decade of experience of playing behind the players, I'm one of the most knowledgeable players in the whole game. And I'm already bored with this repetitive life…

Being bored from my guild, taking care of the guild, and being a working bee for the guild…

I left the guild that I've been protecting, building, nurturing, and expanding.

I've been living with my own, so my family couldn't do anything about me at that time.

They've tried to persuade me but after they did to me, bruh no!

I joined California's World, the ranked 5 guilds in the whole game. It's America's strongest guild and the most famed guild in the whole world.

I've become their chief lifestyle player with the best monthly salary and in exchange, they will teach me all of their combat, movement, alchemy, forging techniques and knowledge about lifestyle jobs they have.

After a few months, it's great, I've learned how to fight like a pro, learned a lot of combat techniques and knowledge.

When I asked their secret combat techniques in exchanged my treasures of the God of Disguise.

I saw their astonishment when they saw my treasures and I thought they would say yes, but instead, they offer a new contract.

And I accepted the new contract…

And I didn't know, that contract will destroy my whole life.

I know, I feel like I'm really stupid at that time.

The contract is like the old contract, they just added that I will help them ravage other guilds, kingdoms, sects, and empires that, of course, a threat and weaker than California's World guild for 3 years. Every ravage I achieved, they will teach one of their secret techniques to me.

The contract also says that if I fail or caught, I will never say anything or do something that connects that will destroy the reputation of California's World guild.

For the whole two years, I've been ravaging, creating disputes, robing treasuries, rampaging with my different identities and also with the help of my guild and my treasures of God of Disguise.

They can't track nor recognize me, even with their Divine Eyes, Godly Sense, and different kinds of tracking methods.

When I need to show myself to people or showing everyone that I'm in the guild, or doing something, I forged a Flawless Soul Puppet that looks exactly like me.

I'll be honest, — I had fun and I had been living in the best moments of my life.

Yesterday, a post went viral in the game forum.

In just a day, it already has hundreds of millions of views. (4)

The post consists of three videos and over 50 pictures, gifs, memes, and documents.

The two videos contain a disguised me ravaging and robing guilds for 2 hours. The last video is a video of disguised me going to different stores and black markets to sell my goods. (5)

The pictures contain an analysis of my disguised habits, how he moves, plans, like everything. It feels like they know me.

Then, there are gifs of my disguises transforming to — myself.

There are also pictures of me with my goods in black market and documents of transactions with black market.

Then, there are my Infos and what have I been doing in my life.

There are also pictures of my family's old business. My family old business is illegally importing and exporting recently developed energies and drugs.

My family's past all came out.

My treasures descriptions all came out too.

My guild, California's World said that they know nothing about my ravages and robberies. They said that after finding of this, they went to find me, but what they found is a puppet, the Flawless Soul Puppet. They also said that they didn't know that a puppet has been with them all the time. They've even shown the old contract.

You can do everything in the game (ravaging, stealing,…) But if you did was extreme, the system will punish you.

The only consequences are hate from people and making enemies. What people don't like is greedy and untrustworthy people.

This morning, I finally saw the post, after reading the whole post for an hour, I felt nothing.

I felt the betrayal but I don't know why, why I didn't cry, nor didn't get furious, I was only displeased and worried about people who will be involved.

I don't feel like to go online, so I was just in dazed for the whole morning. I become hungry and went out to buy something.

I usually cook or just call for delivery, but I don't feel like cooking nor talking with someone today.

It's snowing outside and just after taking a step outside, I slipped. I went back again to my house to change clothes.

Shortly after, I just found out that my house has been robbed.

Luckily, my clothes aren't robbed. I changed and went out again.

I'm still in dazed and in autopilot, looking down at the floor while walking.

I was out of the world for minutes. And when I'm aware of my surroundings, I'm in the middle of the road, and a truck came and "BOOM!"

Here am I, in the middle of the road, dying mentally, physically, by the stab in the back, and by the truck.

After the stab in the back of my guild, blaming me and all the accusations I'm going to have, I'll still probably going to die. It's just that I died earlier.

I'm also glad that I didn't suffer that much before I died.

I've often wished to die before, but I can't do it myself.

Although I didn't protect my reputation, didn't say something to my guild, my family, or to the whole world.

I wanna die, but a part of me still wants to do something.

- - -

* (1) Life review is a progressive return to consciousness of memories and unresolved past conflicts for reevaluation and resolution. In which a person rapidly sees much or the totality of their life history.

* According to Erikson, achieving a sense of integrity means fully accepting oneself and coming to terms with the death. Accepting responsibility for your life and being able to undo the past and achieve satisfaction with self is essential. The inability to do this results in a feeling of despair. Which Lydro somewhat accept death but a part of him are missing something. So his integrity is not complete.

* (2) Online Home-Schooling: He is home-schooling, but there's no one teaching him, so he got one on one classes online.

* (3) P.E. teacher: Physical Education Teacher or Sports teacher. Lydro's P.E. teacher is the one who introduced the game to Lydro.

* Guys, the setting of the story is in 2050, the future is undetermined.

* There's a high requirement to become a scholar. The other 4 people who become a scholar are prominent figures. 2 of them are guild leaders, and 2 of them are chief lifestyle guild player in top 10 guilds.

* (4) The post already had hundreds of millions of views because of bots. 30% of those views are bots.

* (5) Some people will ask, why don't he sell his goods to his guild or just store it? First of all, I forgot to mention in the contract that whatever treasury he got, half of it will be going to the guild and the rest must be sold in the black market.

There's no space in Author's Note, so I put it in here.