The Goddess and Reincarnation

Most people say "Your Life Isn't A Film, Don't End It," Although I didn't end mine, I indirectly end it.

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People say I'm quite mature for my age. But, I know that it's quite the opposite.

I looked very different inside and outside. I looked aloof in outside, but full of emotions in inside.

If I have another chance, I would do what I've always wanted to do.

I've always said 'keep quiet and play low'.

But how to become a low-key?

Being in low-key have pros and cons. (1)

I had hundreds of identities. I showed people that I liked it, liked it to be unrecognizable.

I did it so I'll be low-key, but that is exactly the cons of being low-key.

No one knows who you are, you're not remarkable, you're not gaining fame nor reputation.

I've forgotten my intentions for joining California's World guild. 

I intend to gain fame and reputation that everyone respects or marvelled. 

You are who you are, there's nobody like you, and to try to be like someone else is just a lie.

I want to be unique, not the main character but a side character of my own life. 

I have always been a nonstop working bee because I've liked to have always something to do. 

I don't want to be a lazy person.

But I have enough, enough of being slave or being used to gain something.

Growth is painful.

Change is painful.

But nothing is as painful as staying stuck somewhere you don't belong. (2)

He never thought his dozen years of effort would just go to waste. 

He sacrificed so much just for the game and yet, all he somewhat did was pave the way for others to the very end.

For this past 12 years, playing, researching, and roaming the game. It finally ends.

He fell into unconsciousness and gradually die.

After a few seconds of nothingness, Lydro could feel himself being pulled out of the void.

But suddenly, it felt like he had been thrown into the water.

His awareness came alive and had returned to him.

Then, he found himself in a dark room.

Standing in front of him, he could see a figure.

The figure is a woman in a white dress and has a veil to cover her face.

She looks simply perfect.

"Hello, young lucky miserable soul," she said.

"I am you're so-called a Goddess, you're lucky, you've met me." The Goddess exclaimed. "Your soul didn't disappear, even though you have a life review and gained integrity."

"Most of the time, people are not honest to themselves." The Goddess blurted, and she added, "You are the luckiest, and the most unhonest human I've ever seen."

"You said that you've always wanted to die." She smirked, " You've even gained integrity but, it's incomplete!"

"Now your soul has come here, in the void, in my void!"

"I've already analyzed all of your memories, you're too careful, it's sometimes beneficial to be cautious, but you're too mindful to everything!"

"It's okay to be perfect, but it depends of how you do it. Pave your road, your future, and your soul." The Goddess finally said her final words and flicked her hands, "You poor soul, goodbye and good luck." 

Then, she disappeared.

Lydro's soul is in a trance. He doesn't know what to say.

Suddenly, Lydro's soul gave a blinding light and also disappeared.

- - January 1, 2050 - - 

Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding!

Lydro wakes up rancorously by an intercom.

Then, he opens his eyes in confusion.

'What is happening?' Lydro asked himself and become dazed.

"Hey! Lydro! Wake up!" 

Lydro wakes up from his lost and looked around his room.

He realizes that this is his old room in his former house.

The room is so familiar to him and he has a nostalgic feeling coming to him.

"LYDROO, Wake up!" Someone is calling for him outside his house.

Lydro finally gets up. He then sees himself in the mirror in the corner of his room.

'This is weird, this is exactly the way I looked when I was 18‽'

'And this, this twenty square meters room and this bed is also like 12 years ago‽'

'Wait, what day is it?'

He looks at the vintage digital clock hanging in his room. 

[6:40 A.M. - Saturday, 1st of January]

'Holy cow!'

'I have always thought that to be a lifestyle player is just my first step'

'It looks like my end is only the beginning.'

Reincarnation is meant starting over from scratch. 

Reincarnation doesn't simply mean that at the end of this life you will move on to another life, it means that the spirit of life is continually renewing itself and moving to a higher level. (3)

'From what I know, this day is the first day of the open beta of Era of Virtual Terra!'

'And my P.E. teacher and my only real-life friend, the 30 years-old Leo, is coming today and going to give me a parting gift!'

'But unfortunately, he's still going to move out today to Milan.'

He went down and opened the door.

"Hey! Good morning! I have a surprise for you!" Leo said excitingly.

"Hey," lydro murmured timidly, raising his hand a little bit. When he saw Leo, what happened 'yesterday' came to him.

"Hey, what's that face, we're still going to comunicate though, you know what, I'll think you'll like this!" Leo smirked.

He's quite disappointed by the expression of Lydro, but he knows that Lydro is quite sad of him moving out. 

But he has a solution for it, he has a gift to Lydro, a virtual helmet gear.

So they can play together in the game and make Lydro to not feel lonely.

Then, he shows a large box.

In the side of the box, there's written 'EoVT'. (4)

Lydro is not surprised, he already expected this, but he's still touched of Leo giving him a gift.

From what he know, Leo's brother is a pro gamer. He was a core member of the number one guild in Italy, and very famous in Iris kingdom. This is also why they're moving to Milan and can aquire easily a virtual helmet gear.

"Thank you, Leo!" Lydro finally replied with a bit of tears.

"You're welcome, you know what, when you choose your starting kingdom and city, you should choose Iris Kingdom and the City of Arizonia, I'll help you level up!" Leo said contentedly.

But Lydro sadly responds "Actually, I was planning to buy a virtual helmet gear to play EoVT, I was planning to go to Wodah's Kingdom, City of Umbra, I'm sorry though."

"But when we leveled up, I can go to Iris kingom or you can go to Wodah's kingdom."

Lydro added.

"What, but from what I know, Wodah's kingdom is the smallest kingdom and it's in the very corner of the continent, why do you want to go there?" Leo questioned why Lydro is going there.

"Oh, I had read a post of a player in a closed beta testing site, that kingdom is one of the strongest kingdoms, it's real name is Shadow kingdom!" Lydro excused.

(Wodah's -> reverse the letters -> s'hadow)

Wodah's kingdom is actually one of the strongest kingdoms in the game and it is only known after a year in the game.

There's actually a site that has different kinds of explanations of different beta testers. 

This site is only known to prominent persons or guilds, it needed a code to open the site.

"Oh, I've heard about a site of closed beta testers, few people know about that, but how do you know about that?" Leo asked Lydro suspiciously.

"Oh, I happen to saw a post about it somewhere." Lydro unconcernedly stated.

"Okay, so I need to go, you have my number, call me when you want and don't forget to add me in the game, my game ID is always 'iamleo', bye!" (I am Leo)

Even though, Leo is still quite suspicious. He bid his farewell to Lydro and left.

Lydro becomes gloomy again and thinks back of his what happened. 

He died because of a truck collision but, he's thinking if it was not an accident. 

'The truck was suspicious after I died, the driver has obviously noticed me, but he just stopped a bit and proceeded to continue.'

'The day it happens is also the day after the post posted.'

'It seems like a vicious plot of someone, but I don't have enough evidence, the possibility is only about 30-40%.'

"By the way, I should focus on EoVT first."


End of the chapter. 

(1) Arguments or considerations for and against something, as in We'd best weigh all the pros and cons before we decide to add a new wing to the library. This idiom is taken from the Latin pro for "for" and con for "against."

(2) "Growth is painful. Change is painful. But nothing is as painful as staying stuck somewhere you don't belong." It's quoted from N.R. Narayana Murthy.

(3) it's quoted from Frederick Lenz

(4) EoVT - Era of Virtual Terra