chapter 10

(Part One: The Ambush)

As John and Tokyo drive up to a five story building, they already had a feeling that they were being expected "This doesn't feel right?" John said as if he knows somethings up, he then gets out the car with his guard up "What are you saying?" Tokyo questions while she stayed in the car and looked at him "I'm saying we gotta fight our way in" John says, but he didn't sound like himself. As he observed the building he got into a running position "W-what are you planning to do mister stupid?" Tokyo looked at him curiously, abit confused "I'm gonna...RaM iT" John says but for a second, his voice changed. He slowly pushed down on the ground then took off faster then he thought he would, bursting through the door and walls as many soldiers come out of hiding."Let's get this party started" He said seriously while he stretched and then he took of in the blink of an eye taking soldiers out one by one. He never would go straight for the kill but this time he plans to end it right away. "WHAT THE FUCK IS HE!?!?!??!? HQ WE NEED MORE FIRE POW-" A soldier screamed in fear until his neck was snapped "Hmph, active the trap" A voice said to someone hesitantly "Yessir!!!!!" Someone voice replied sounding ready to die. As this was going on, John was on a pile on bodies under and surrounding him "Good job, but I'm hungry" Tokyo says while she came walking in clapping her hands "what took you so long?" John says as he chuckled as he lay down, Tokyo went up and sat next to him as she eats a hand "Not that good.." she says disappointed while she sulks eating it "Is it suppose to be good?" John question her as he pats her head. "yes it really not good- hmmm" Tokyo says as she cut her sentence off looking at his hand, while she grabbed his hand and bite into it. "Eh-" John says suprised and shocked because he didn't expect that. "Mmm, you taste good" Tokyo says as her eyes widened while she smiled happily biting into his hand again "Ummm okay. Thx?" John says abit suprised while he laughed "Stop laughing at me" Tokyo said biting his hand harder "Ow- why tho" he says with a smile. "Because I said so mister stupid!!!" Tokyo said demanding it, as she keeps chewing his hand "Its not funn-" she said until she smelt something, but before she could warn John there was an explosion and the whole building started coming down, taking John and Tokyo with it

(Passing Point: The Fox)

Allen had gotten back to the city as was taking Lana, Kira, and Kylie to a safe place "Hey Yuri" Allen said as he walking into Yuri's house "So how much should I expect for taking on this family" Yuri question "Don't worry I'll pay you back big right now I need to still handle some business" Allen said as hurry out the house "Hey get back here" Yuri yelled but Allen was already gone

(Part Two: The plan)

Jack was punching the fuck out of a punching bag fiercely, as smoke slowly start coming from his body "Shouldn't you calm down dad" a sound of a smugged teenage boy comes from behind him "Huh Zane????" Jack turn around as his eyes widen while he hugs him. "What took you so long? and hows the family" he asked excitedly "There good, but you know that's why I'm here" Zane said seriously "I know follow me" Jack orders as if Zane was a soldier, but some reason Zane saluted him. They walked into a back room with a bunch of weapons and vehicles, Zane was looking around abit amazed "We have two guys we need to take out first" Jack says pulling up two photos of Ethan and Rex "I saw I'm suprised y'all didn't kill everyone" Zane said abit suprised and with abit of mocking in his voice "Hey I told you, I'm only here to get revenge for my master" Jack said abit pissed "I know I know, so what's the plan" Zane said while he put on a new outfit "They'll come to us no worries" Jack said with a grin across his face

(Passing Point: The Trap)

Zane had gotten a way for Jack to Trap the man he wanted "So there coming back to this helicopter?" Jack question "yes, what I heard this is their main helicopter, so you'll definitely find them" Zane says "I'm sorry I got help you know I have a family" Zane explained as he head off "I understand, take care" Jack said as Zane left

(Part Three: The Backstab)

"Where the fuck am I at" Dan says getting up groaning in pain, as he holds his ribs. "I feel like I took on a missile or something" He says sarcastically, but then he realized he was in a military base that seem it was destroyed by a gaint. "....The Fuck" He said while he tries holding the pain back, and heads back somehow. When he arrived back an hour later at the company's building, he was told to talk to his boss "You bastard where were you twerp!!" The boss yells at Dan "No reason for you to know" Dan said with a smugged smiled "you fucken-" The boss was cut off from having a arm stabbed through his chest. "Shhh no use for you any more" Dan says but he didn't sound like him. The boss falls flat on the floor as Dan sits in the chair, and presses a button "I want you to call someone to clean this up, NOW!!" he demanded as he looks down at the city from his chair "This is my playground now" He says with a demonic grin, while he laughs like a devil

(Passing Point: The Boss Is Dead?)

As Ethan and Rex were still chatting they get a call from Headquarters "What do you mean the boss is dead?" Ethan question until his eyes widen from what he had heard "Rex we need to hurry back now" Ethan said as Rex nodded and got ready

(Part Four: A blood pack?)

As John slowly gets up groaing in pain, he remembered what happen, so his eyes widened. "Huh fuck my ribs, where Tokyo at TOKYO???-" he shouted out until he realized there was a body covering him as if it was protecting him. "Tokyo...." He said lifting her head. "Hey stupid- let me sleep..." Tokyo said quietly as if she couldn't talk, while she slowly closes her eyes. "Hey no stay awake come on" John said hella worrying as he was trying to keep her awake until time itself froze "huh..." He said with tears rolling down his face. "Do you want to save her?" a shadow figure with red eyes asked him curiously. "Who are you?..." John says abit depressed and upset. "I'm you and your me, you call me Alvah or hmmm your darkness, pretty much" The figure said creepily. "I shouldn't trust you" John says as it was obvious not to. "So you don't want to save her? if you do you might want to grab my hand before time continues" The figure said with a untrusting grin. "Fuck you....." John says as he made a deal he will regret later, while he shakes the figure's hand as his eyes slowly change to red too. "Hmmm I got it" John looked at Tokyo and bit his hand sinking his teeth in deeply sucking some blood out. "I hope she doesn't kill me for this..." He said sounding abit sad cause it might not work as he slowly lifted Tokyo head. He then slowly placed his lips on her lips, as he helps her drink the blood. As his blood slowly goes through her whole body, flames came from her body. The flames slowly went away as a sign appeared on her neck. "What is that?" John said abit confused. "Oh it's a blood pack no worries" a voice says "Now I'll leave y'all be" The voice says as it slowly goes away. John sighs then layed on the ground and pulled Tokyo onto him. Laying her on him, so she doesn't lay on the hard ground. "I'm gonna have to find us a way out later but until then, let's rest" He says with a smile as he close his eyes slowly while he holds her and rubbing the back of her head.


(Hmmm what's going on I'm sure this chapter might be abit confusing, but if you knew what would happen. it wouldn't be interesting :3 I'll see Y'all in the next book. check out my last chapters I'll be editing them)